1. I think that it ‘s fine. what’s wrong really? Apple logo should be rotten already. I am sick of their action nowadays. apple will be fallen faster. the company, which seeks for lawsuit, try to monopolize business, shall die quickly. nobody like this guy.

    1. Oh do STFU and take your ignorant trolling elsewhere. If you’re going to criticize Apple, MAKE SENSE.

      Obviously, we Apple fanatics are Apple’s harshest critics. But to pull unsupportable BS lines like ‘seeks lawsuit’ and ‘monopolize business’ and the old Apple death knell canard ‘shall die quickly’ makes you look a total twit. BZZZZZT! You FAIL!

  2. When Microsoft licensed some of the IOS functionality from Apple (rather than steal it), perhaps as part of the provision to not copy the IOS GUI, it prohibited them from using rounded corners on their squares of their logo too? Hmmm….Screenshots of their new OS show it to have lots of sharp square corners (XBOX already does square UI).

  3. The logo is totally flat-footed. No doubt the designer(s) submitted a ton of great stuff but in the end it is the company leadership – not the marketing experts who actually know what they are doing in communicating an image, but the starched collared administrators – who made the decision.

    The window colors are preexistent but when taken along with the typeface, represent what the stuffed shirts think of as fresh and free-thinking. If a psychotherapist were to appraise it, I think they would see a lack of imagination, an anal-retentive quality and more than a little self-deception. Adding air is a gesture. I would think that this is the quality of a person who is stands out from the group by wearing a cornflower blue pocket protector instead of a white one.

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