Steve Jobs: Intel’s inflexibility led to creation of A4, A5 processors

“In Walter Isaacson’s biography, ‘Steve Jobs,’ the former Apple CEO, who recently passed away, had significant issues with Intel as a company as well as its world-renowned processors,” Brooke Crothers reports for CNET.

“Apple switched to Intel’s X86 chip design in 2005 when it dropped IBM’s and Motorola’s PowerPC processors,” Crothers reports. “And Intel chips have been powering Apple’s MacBooks and Macs exclusively ever since.”

Crothers reports, “But Jobs implies in the biography that Intel wasn’t keeping up with the times. He explains why Apple didn’t select Intel chips for the iPhone. ‘There were two reasons we didn’t go with them. One was that they [the company] are just really slow. They’re like a steamship, not very flexible. We’re used to going pretty fast. Second is that we just didn’t want to teach them everything, which they could go and sell to our competitors,’ Jobs is quoted as saying.”

Read more in the full article here.

[Attribution: TNW. Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Fred Mertz” for the heads up.]


    1. Isn’t that funny? in 2005 moving to “the standard” helped people start to consider a Mac as a viable option (not that it actually changed much in a practical sense — I don’t know a single person who runs Windows on their Mac).

      Now? Only a few years later and no one cares what’s under the hood. The megahertz myth is dead. People know the average computer has more horsepower than they need, and it’s all about experience and usability now.

      1. My sister uses Windows XP on her 13-inch MacBook Pro. It’s a well designed 4.0 pound laptop, but the application that she runs to do her job requires Internet Explorer 6. There are a significant number of companies that still use applications that are stuck on IE6, so they are also stuck on Windows XP.

        1. Bryan

          If this is a viable application that one is still using on Windows XP, your sister should ask, should this application be updated? Would it be neat if I could use it both on an iPad and Mac OS X Lion and maybe the company’s old Windows XP? Would anyone pay for such an update?

          If the answer is yes to all those questions she should find someone creative who understands LiveCode to knock out a new version of what this old software does.

          There is a fantastic easy to use programing tool called LiveCode 5 that improves on the old Apple HyperCard concept used twenty years ago. You can knock out real user apps for iOS 5, Android, Windows, and Mac OS X Lion and several other platforms by using normal English and objects that you drag around. You can see instantly how the changes you made will look on and work on an iPad.

          Look at this post in Friday’s ComputerEdge by Wally Wang.

          You may also go directly to the LiveCode homepage at

          See how you can knock out an iOS 5 app in a few hours if you understand LiveCode

          Once you have an app working on iOS 5 it is simple to bring the same working app to Windows and/or Mac OS X Lion using their unique GUI.

          Look on YouTube for videos about LiveCode

          Look at the tutorials posted online at


          I personally think for most of us LiveCode is all we need to knock out an distribute our applications for the iPad and iPhone.

          Of course you also need an Apple developers account


          Android is heavily fragmented and you can be exposed to that pain when you try to use LiveCode to build the same app for Android which may discourage you. It is doable but a lot more time is involved even with LiveCode. You have got to make decisions early on as to which Android crap you want to support and what isn’t worth it.

          Myself, I just will not bother with Android, like most other sane people who have a life.

          I also do not want to be in Apple’s scope for destruction as an Android developer.
          You never know how far their anger may reach.

          Anyway I hope this LiveCode 5 tip helps others who may be desirous of creating their own private or public apps for the iPad.

        2. WOW! Thanks for all the info Vic, I have been wondering how to take the 1st steps into such an endeavor. You have me pumped to jump right in and do this! Thanks again 🙂

    1. I saw this book on a table near the front at Costco for $18 yesterday.

      As I was checking out it dawned on me that there were people who were buying only this book about Steve Jobs during lunch hour.

      I think the book is interesting after leafing through it but the last thing I want to do is carry a book around any more. That is what I have an iPad for, to eliminate books.

      1. I bought the hard copy book despite the fact I too now read e-books almost exclusively. I wanted the physical book as a last souvenir and remembrance of Steve which is hard to do with a book file. Steve’s death has been like a family loss where the pain of it continues to linger. Probably for some time.

        When Ballmer goes though it will be time to par-tay!

  1. By the time it’s an A7, it will be quad-core, with processing power matching whatever Intel offers for MacBook Air, at lower electrical power consumption. And that will be about the same time as whatever comes after Mac OS X Lion (when the Mac’s OS will no longer be “X”) will be released. That version of the Mac OS will be able to run on both Intel and Apple-designed processors, to support the first Macs that will use the “A-chips” instead of Intel.

    We are talking about two years…

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