Obama picks staunch RIAA, MPAA supporter Biden as running mate

“Barack Obama has chosen one of the most rabid pro-music and film industry senators [Joe Biden] in the business to be his running mate in the forthcoming presidential elections,” Nick Farrell reports for The Inquirer.

“Biden has spent most of his career allied with the FBI and copyright holders. He ranks toward the bottom of CNET’s Technology Voters’ Guide, and has come up with some of the worst anti-privacy legislation,” Farrell reports.

“Biden has been one of Hollywood and the recording industry’s biggest fans and has been working to expand copyright laws. In 2002 he tried to make it a felony to trick certain types of devices into playing unauthorized music or executing unapproved computer programs. The law was caned by almost every technology outfit in the land and was quietly dropped,” Farrell reports.

“Later he wrote to the Justice Department demanding that it use taxpayer money to do the work of the RIAA and MPAA to drag P2P users into court. Fortunately this was ignored by the DoJ,” Farrell reports.

“Last year, Biden sponsored an RIAA-backed bill aimed at restricting Americans’ ability to record and play back individual songs from satellite and Internet radio services. This was in support of his chums at the RIAA who were suing satellite radio companies at the time,” Farrell reports.

“Biden has refused to answer questions on technology. This might have something to do with the fact he supports Internet taxes and censoring libraries and schools,” Farrell reports.

More in the full article here.

p2pnet news reports, ”Public figures commonly use anonymous speech writers,’ says Wikipedia, ‘If a speech uses plagiarized material, however, it is the public figure who may be cast in a bad light. For instance, Delaware Senator Joe Biden was forced out of the 1988 U.S. Presidential race (but remained in the U.S. Senate) when it was discovered that parts of his campaign speeches were plagiarized from speeches by British Labour party leader Neil Kinnock and Robert Kennedy.'”

p2pnet news reports, ”That’s the same Joe Biden carefully chosen by presidential hopeful Bark Obama as his Vice Presidential candidate in the current US elections.”

p2pnet news asks, “Is plagiarism akin to copyright infringement?”

Full article here.


  1. This thread sucks. Yank it already, and replace it with another fake photo of the next nano.

    BTW, if I thought this country’s problems could actually be solved by anonymous rants in cyberspace I might actually take part in this “debate.” But I’ve seen enough of them to know that all you people are doing is tearing apart the good things about the world — like Apple news/fan sites.

    GO TO A POLITICAL BLOG TO VOICE YOUR OPINIONS!!!! (or, if you can’t do that, at least stick to the subject of RIAA and try to keep words like “communist” to a minimum)

  2. This is the way democracy dies. One tiny insignificant freedom at a time. Drop by drop they fill the bucket of socialism. Mainly due to people yelling there are bigger fish to fry, like Matt and Jimbo.

    MW = Past. Check out your history. It tends to repeat. Several other great civilizations fell the same way.

  3. @ Orange Juice

    Are you serious? Obama takes the middle ground?!? Have you looked at his record? Obama is the most liberal senator and he’s only been there 4 YEARS!! He’s a marxist!

  4. Jimbo, they were ‘real’ wars. They cost a lot of money and lives that were not attributed to them.

    now, check inflation for then and now.
    then check interest rates.
    Those two will freeze an economy quicker than anything.

    Bush did not start off with a great economy, it was in trouble before Bill left, and then the bubble burst. Get real.

    Gas prices adjusted for inflation were not that different. And I have yet to wait in line for gas like I did DAILY in ’78 or ’79.

    Also, you might want to check those unemployment figgers, too. I’m seeing 7.18 for Carter’s last year in office.

  5. Recheck your facts and adjust them for current economic indicators and you’ll learn that you are in fact dead wrong. Your dedication to the “anti-president” movement would be better spent over at the Huffington Post or other left-wing blogs. Simply put you missed the point.

    If we are to take a candidate for president and use his choice for V.P. as an indicator of what kind of president he would be and if you have a concern over what online music/video sales will be like in the future then you have to look at Biden as a poor choice. This isn’t the current president it is about the choices we make for the future. You could easily take Obama’s choice for V.P. as a strong indicator that his choices in other areas of his potential presidency would be equally harmful to the U.S.A. Online music are a small point but others may not be so small.

  6. P2pnet mischaracterizes the situation in 1997-98. Biden actually did attribute the material to Kinnock in most of his speeches. It was a running narrative throughout his campaign with attribution, not something he said without ever citing Kinnock. When he failed to make attribution one time, the Dukakis campaign slammed him on it. Despite the fact that at that point Biden had attributed it many times before and Biden publicly apologised for failing to cite Kinnock that one time, the charge stuck.

    Check the record. According to the The Washington Post at the time: “John Quinlan, a reporter for the Sioux City Journal, said his notes showed Biden said he was quoting Kinnock when he used the same passage in a speech Aug. 14. Stories in The [New York] Times, The Boston Globe and other newspapers also said Biden had used the rhetoric and credited Kinnock for it.”

    So, Biden wasn’t blatantly stealing. He failed to make an attribution once out of a bunch of times he gave similar speeches.

    Don’t you think this would have been a red flag for Obama if it really happened the way P2Pnet said it did? Isn’t it a bit irresponsible of MDN to post such accusations without doing a little fact checking? This is the kind of irresponsible “journalism” that results in false narratives being echoed across the media spectrum and that sunk Biden’s 1998 campaign in the first place.

  7. I want to believe that if Biden were properly educated into what the RIAA is really about, that he would at least moderate if not reverse his default position of support for this institution.

  8. Jimbo von Winskinheimer writes, “Last I checked, we have 2 wars we’re fighting, the economy is worse than it was in the Carter Years…” Only someone too young to have lived through the Carter years could spout such nonsense.

    Ever hear of “stagflation”? Inflation and interest rates were well into double digits, unemployment was several points higher than at present as factories across the midwest shut down, and we experienced gas lines during that second oil crisis.

    And those “two wars”? We had scores of our people held hostage in Iran, and the CIA initiated support of some very nasty people against the Soviets in Afghanistan.

    Carter’s legacy is one of foolishness and incompetence. He was certainly the worst president in my lifetime.

  9. “Yeah, these are the little things that people have been convinced to worry about. Little minds have been sidetracked. Last I checked, we have 2 wars we’re fighting, the economy is worse than it was in the Carter Years, gas was near $4 per gallon, people are losing homes and jobs. Yes, I could go on. But you’d rather worry about stuff like the MPAA and RIAA, or gay marriage, because those are the things that are really hurting us, right?”

    Umm, you do realize that this is the same party who while we were starting to fight terrorism after 911, thought that an important vote was to have more ethnic sounding names for hurricanes!

    As for the economy being worse than the Carter years, you obviosly have no idea what you are talking about. Last I checked, the economy was growing, not recessing. Unemployment is at record lows and while gas is expensive, taking inflation into account, it is not more expensive than at other times in history.

    I am not wearing rosey glasses here. The economy has slowed, but is still growing. As for home forclosures, most of that has to do with bad lending practices by private corporations looking to make a quick buck, not the government.

  10. @Jimbo

    Last time I checked the interest rate wasn’t 18% for a house like it was during Carter, Carter was the start of all the trouble with islamist when he let them take our embassy and hold americans for almost a year. And to keep this on topic, the RIAA sucks.

  11. If you think the Republicans (including McCain and whatever other rich bastard he chooses as his running mate) are going to be more on the side of P2P versus telecoms/media companies, then you are totally deluded. What pathetic minds…. don’t understand at all the forces at work here beyond the talking points they parrot from Fox News/Rush.

  12. “I want to believe that if Biden were properly educated into what the RIAA is really about, that he would at least moderate if not reverse his default position of support for this institution.”

    Nonsense. His JOB is to look into things like this and decide whether or not to support it. If the scores of people on here that do not spend our days researching know the ins and outs, how can he not? And how can he be such a huge supporter of it if he hasn’t looked into it?

    The only way this would be possible is if he were a completely incompetent official. Either way, he would be a bad choice.

  13. All I have to say is ……… CRAP!!!

    Another election with two crappy candidates and a choice between bad and worse.

    Hey, maybe next time Steve Jobs will run for President. That is one ticket I could go for. ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”grin” style=”border:0;” />

    Just a thought.


  14. “If you think the Republicans (including McCain and whatever other rich bastard he chooses as his running mate) are going to be more on the side of P2P versus telecoms/media companies, then you are totally deluded. What pathetic minds…. don’t understand at all the forces at work here beyond the talking points they parrot from Fox News/Rush.”

    The difference is that McCain has not been an avid supporter of this nonsense. And just for the record, I haven’t heard Rush, Dox News or anybody else talk about this.

  15. @ Jimbo von Winskinheimer

    You are a real rube when it comes to how Capital Hill really works these days. The Vice President has lots of power, influence and access to every law maker in Washington including the President. Biden is a true Washington insider too, were whom ever has the cash as an ear and with enough you’ll get the full attention of Joe Biden

    The other fact at play is Obama is attempting to walk the JFK road (minus the political savviness or foreign policy knowledge of JFK). Will the show end the same? The fruit and nut bowls are full so, if Obama wins this fall then Biden will, by all count of history, be President of the USA.

  16. Obama picks staunch RIAA, MPAA supporter Biden as running mate


    Oh jesus, it’s looking worse and worse for the democrats this year.

    Not to mention Obama is tight with “Organized Labor” aka the Italian Mafia.

    Not to mention the “God Dam America” 20 year Obama’s mentor Rev. Wright!!

    Obama has admitted doing drugs, admits he is self-centered.

    Oh yea, he cost the Secret Service 9.5 million (of your dollars) on a educational trip around the world.

    He is definatly the “TAXMAN” a favorite song by the Beatles, but sung better by Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble.

    “One for you, nineteen for me, why?”

    “Because I’m the TAXMAN”


  17. President Biden and Vice President Obama. I think it takes a big man to yield his potential presidency to someone with more experience and who was wanted it for decades. It shows Obama has humility and admits when he does not have the experience to be President. I applaud him.

    “I think he can be ready but right now, I don’t believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.’

    “I think that I stand by the statement,” Joe Biden

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