Apple update delivers Apple Music Classical for iPad


Apple has released Apple Music Classical 1.1 on the App Store which features an iPad-specific edition of Apple Music Classical.

William Gallagher for AppleInsider:

One surprise when Apple first released Apple Music Classical after an extended delay in March 2023, was that it was solely for the iPhone. There was also that the iOS app was surprisingly clunky, but then it came to Android at the end of May 2023, yet still wasn’t on either the iPad or the Mac.

Strictly speaking, Apple Music Classical was available on the iPad, but only as an iPhone app… Now, however, Apple has launched Apple Music Classical 1.1 on the App Store. “Introducing Apple Music Classical designed specially for the iPad,” says Apple’s App Store listing.

MacDailyNews Note: Apple Music Classical requires an Apple Music subscription (Individual, Student, Family, or Apple One). The service is available worldwide where Apple Music is offered, excluding China, Japan, Korea, Russia, Taiwan and Turkey. Apple Music Classical is available for all iPhone and iPad models running iOS 15.4 or later.

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  1. “you’re”
    And, of course you wouldn’t be into sophisticated music that has enchanted some of the most intelligent humans over the past 250 years and endured to be enjoyed by those with taste today. Of course,………

  2. Great!! Now for my Classical favorites (there are many) ALL I have to do is hook my iPad directly to my M10 v2, to enjoy Music’s Classical’s HiRes fidelity….on some tracks.

    Gee, if only I could STREAM IT OUT OF MY FREAKIN’ COMPUTER, OR THROUGH ROON, or GOD FOBID directly in the Bluesound app like Tidal and Qobuz then PEOPLE COULD ACTUALLY ENJOY IT!!!

    Oh, and thanks, Apple….

    1. You sound technically challenged. You should visit a website that actually helps users with their questions.

      Hint: your first mistake was to hamstring yourself with an iPad.

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