Apple Watch ECG detects signs of coronary ischemia missed by hospital ECG

An Apple Watch ECG has detected signs of coronary ischemia that were missed by 12-channel hospital ECG. The ECG app is available with the latest versions of iOS and watchOS on Apple Watch Series 4 or later.

Apple Watch ECG

European Heart Journal:

An 80-year-old lady with a work history as engineer presented with typical angina symptoms Canadian Cardiovascular Society Class III in our chest pain unit (CPU)… The initial 12-channel ECG revealed no evidence for ischaemia [an inadequate blood supply to the heart]…

The patient also complained about previous frequent episodes of ectopic beats which were recorded with her Apple Watch. Further, Apple watch recordings included tracings with marked ST-segment depression. Based on this evidence of ischaemia, further diagnostic in the CPU was omitted and the patient was transferred to the catheterization laboratory, where a left main stem stenosis and a left anterior descending/diagonal bifurcation lesion [were identified].

Accordingly, the patient was treated with coronary artery stenting and left the hospital a day later.

The development of smart technologies paves the way for new diagnostic possibilities. In the case of the Apple watch, after the mobile application is installed, the records an ECG when a finger is placed on the watch’s digital crown. A 30-s tracing is stored in a PDF file that can be retrieved from the application.

Thus, the Apple watch may be used not only to detect atrial fibrillation or atrioventricular-conduction disturbances but also to detect myocardial ischaemia.

An apple a day may keep myocardial infarction away.

MacDailyNews Take: Oh, but you know, Apple Watch is just a toy. (smirk)

1 Comment

  1. The f*wits who poured extreme h8 on the Apple Watch should be banned from ever owning one, just to spite their extreme stupidity. I won’t say that I extremely h8 extreme h8ers, because I don’t – I believe in their right to broadcast to the world their true natures, so we are all warned. Anyway, just remember the journalists and media who poured out liters of extreme h8 for Apple stuff and ask yourself why you believe anything they say.

    Here’s an example of an Apple h8r who failed and failed badly. As Trump might say, this article was a tremendous failure:–-watch-tim-fail.html

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