Apple simplifies business purchase process with new Wallet pass

“Apple has rolled out a new feature for those shopping on behalf of a business, speeding up the checkout process with a new pass integrated into the Wallet app on the iPhone,” Andrew O’Hara reports for AppleInsider.

“In an email to existing business shoppers, Apple’s business team informed shoppers that they can now download a specific Wallet pass for use in Apple Stores,” O’Hara reports. “When checking out, simply present the pass to the Specialist completing your purchase and it will be linked to your account and apply any discounts you are eligible for.”

“Previously, those who were purchases on behalf of a business would have to ask the Specialist to look up the name of the business to have it applied,” O’Hara reports. “Using a pass is a much quicker option and removes the problems with a misspelling or the exact name used.”

Read more, and see the screenshots, in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Good news for business customers!

Information about creating a business account with Apple and more here:

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