U.S. consumer confidence hits 17-year high

“U.S. consumer confidence jumped to a 17-year high as optimism about employment prospects grew and Americans began seeing additional money in their paychecks from recently enacted tax cuts, data from the New York-based Conference Board showed Tuesday,” Shelly Hagan and Sho Chandra report for Bloomberg.

“The report reflects increased confidence in employment and incomes, which could support consumer spending,” Hagan and Chandra report. “The labor differential, which measures the gap between respondents saying jobs are plentiful and those who say they’re hard to get, rose to 24.7 percentage points, the highest since 2001.”

“Recent tax legislation signed in December may have also buoyed sentiment, as many Americans saw bigger after-tax paychecks in February due to the law,” Hagan and Chandra report. “Share of households who expect incomes to rise in next six months rose to 23.8 percent, highest since 2001, from 20.6 percent. Buying plans for homes, major appliances and new cars increased.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: More great news for Apple!


    1. The GOP Tax Scam works as follows:
      1- Permanent cuts to corporate taxes.
      2- Permanent cuts to taxes on high incomes.
      3- Temporary cuts on low and middle incomes that will go away to higher taxes.

      This blows a massive hole in the debt and deficit. As a result, Republicans will claim it is necessary to cut Medicare, Social Security and other programs. This despite Medicare and Social Security being funded out of special taxes and not depending upon general revenue. Typical Republican disinformation bait and switch.

      For the overwhelming portion of Americans it is a temporary small tax cut that will have devastating long term impacts as the Republicans use it as a cudgel to take away earned benefits – not “entitlements” from ordinary citizens. As usual, GOP budgets never add up. They only bitch about debt when they are not in charge.

      One day, we will all get to go to the Trump Museum complete with his orange jump suit. We can tell the next generation about how a Grifter conned working people into letting him destroy their retirement.

      1. Blah, blah, blah.

        Here’s what DavGreg and the rest of the America- and American-hating globalist Dem/Lib/Progs are really worried about (it sure isn’t the deficit that worries the Tax & Spend Democrat Party):

        The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday, February 27, 2018 shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. By comparison, Obama earned 43% approval on this date in the second year of his presidency.

        A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 10% of Likely U.S. Voters think the government spends taxpayers’ money wisely and carefully, while 81% think they do not.

        President Donald Trump’s $1.5 trillion tax overhaul has gained a great deal of public support in the last few months, according to a new poll released by the New York Times. 51 percent of Americans now approve of the tax law, compared to just 37 percent in December.

        Speaking in Dallas last week, Vice President Mike Pence lauded Trump’s tax cut, suggesting a new era of prosperity was on the horizon for America. “Growth is back. Jobs are coming back. And America is back once again.”

        #MAGA #TrumpPence2020 #RepublicanLandslide

      2. For those who like to think…

        Here is what DavGreg is describing. It’s a form or US suicide cooked up by ReTardlicans back in the Reagan era:

        Starve the beast

        It’s more modern name is:
        Kill The Poor;
        Feed The Rich.

        An no children, you don’t have to be a ‘LibTard’ to recognize this is the USA in self-destruct mode. Compare this insanity to the documents written by my country’s forefathers, such as The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. The comparison will, again if you like to think, Blow Your Mind. WTF is my country doing, tolerating and electing these nutjobs into office to represent We The People?!?! How to we remove the cancer of this bullshite and get back to the REAL America The Beautiful?

    2. Spot on Bot.

      Thank God for Trump and the end of the socialist Clinton/leftist agenda that really only served to line their own pockets. Americans have woken up and don’t give a shit about your SJW nonsense or the latest liberal nonsense de jour that only serves to distract and destroy our country and values. Take your virtue signaling drivel and shove it up your ass.

  1. Thank you President Obama for doing the long, hard, heavy lifting following the Republican induced worst recession in history and complete obstruction of your initiatives by the Republican controlled congress.

    Again, thank you, thank you, thank you President Obama!

    You’re the best!

    1. Policies enacted during the Clinton administration caused the financial crisis of 2007–2008. The precipitating factor was a high default rate in the subprime home mortgage sector.

      Unintended Consequences:

      It’s too bad that one of W’s decision points wasn’t demolishing the Clinton administration’s policy that caused the horrific housing crisis and the subsequent economic fallout that we continue to languish under to this day. Likely G.W. Bush was averse to being labeled a “racist” by knee-jerk Libs and those who make their profit by keeping their own people slaves to government subsistence living (Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, etc.)

      In 1994 the Clinton administration declared war on an enemy — the so-called “racist lender” — who officials claimed was to blame for differences in homeownership rate, and launched what would prove the costliest social crusade in U.S. history:

      Smoking-Gun Edict Shows U.S. Government Behind Housing Meltdown that precipitated the financial crisis of 2007–2008.

      1. You have a very distorted- and inaccurate- view of history.

        Clinton left a budget surplus in a growing economy with the debt being paid down. A Republican tax cut, Medicare D unpaid for and 2 wars of choice later, the Republicans destroyed the balanced budget and began racking up deficits and debt.

        Name the last Republican to balance a Federal Budget. Dwight Eisenhower. Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush 1, Bush the idiot and Trumpov have not. The Trumpov/Ryan/McConnell Tax Scam will not end well.

        And FYI- I am neither a Democrat or a Liberal.

        1. Note that the addled Dem/Lib/Prog DavGreg, who obviously suffers from TDS, completely ignored the issue:

          Liberal Social Justice Warrior policies enacted during the Clinton administration caused the financial crisis of 2007–2008.

          In 1994 the Clinton administration declared war on an enemy — the so-called “racist lender” — who officials claimed was to blame for differences in homeownership rate, and launched what would prove the costliest social crusade in U.S. history:

          Smoking-Gun Edict Shows U.S. Government Behind Housing Meltdown that precipitated the financial crisis of 2007–2008.

    2. “Thank you President Obama . . .”

      I went out to lunch for a quick fast food item and something hit me about what President Obama DID for this country: He kept productivity and growth so low that the fast food restaurants started the Dollar meal deals. Prices shrank. There is some good in economic shrinkage, if you hunt for it! But that price shrinkage will soon be over due to the doubling of minimum wages being fought for!

    1. It’s funny to see addled Dem/Lib/Progs like DavGreg get excited about David Stockman when the crux of Stockman’s complaints are that [fill in the blank] isn’t right wing enough.

      Stockman advocates dramatically cutting spending and cutting taxes, in other words, he espouses the Conservative goal of much smaller, more efficient, and less burdensome government.

      1. I guess you are a bot, because you either do not or can not read.
        I am not a Dem/Lib/Prog, whatever the f*uck that is.
        I worked on the 1980 Reagan Campaign- my first time to vote and most recently voted for the Libertarian candidate. The problem with. Conserv-a-trolls is that they see everything in a binary fashion. You are either a Gawd Fearin’, Flag Wavin’, Bible Thumpin’, Fox News Watchin’, Home Skewelled Pickup truck drivin’ NRA Life member or you hate Amurrikuh.

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