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Just how fast is ‘faster wireless charging’ in iOS 11.2?

“iOS 11.2 is currently in beta, and will be released to all iPhone and iPad users in the coming weeks, and one of the key features for iPhone 8/8 Plus/X owners is accelerated wireless charging. Previously, all wireless charging was limited to 5W, but this update will raise that limit to 7.5W,” Matt Birchler writes for BirchTree. “That’s a 50% increase in power on paper, but I had to know what the real world difference was.”

“Over the 2 hour test, the iPhone 8 Plus went from zero to 47%. It charged at an incredibly consistent 4% per 10 minutes,” Birchler writes. “Previously I got up to 40% with this same charger after 2 hours, which is a 17% improvement in wireless charging speed.”

“Wired charging remains the fastest way to charge the iPhone in 2017, and it’s not even close,” Birchler writes. “the stock iPhone charger gets the iPhone 8 Plus to 79% in 2 hours (68% faster) and up to 21% at the 30 minute mark (91% faster)… Things get silly when we look at the true fast charging option that Apple has for the new iPhones. The 29W power brick and a USB-C to Lightning cable charges the iPhone 8 Plus to 100% in 2 hours (112% faster) and the difference is even more striking at the 30 minute point where this gets the phone to 43% (391% faster).”

More details, and an illuminating graph, in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: “Fast wireless charging” isn’t fast, it’s just a tad faster form of slow.

If you want to charge your iOS devices quickly, Apple’s 29W USB-C Power Adapter with a USB-C to Lightning cable is the answer.

Best feature of Apple’s iPhone 8/Plus is one that most people will never get to use – October 9, 2017
Comparing iPhone 8 charging speeds with fast charge, wireless and more – October 3, 2017

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