Apple’s not very good, really quite poor 2016

“As they drift off for their one- or two-day vacations shortly, will Apple’s senior executives be patting themselves on the back?” Chris Matyszczyk writes for CNET. “Or will they be slapping themselves on the forehead?”

“The iPhone 7 turned out to be as spectacular as Hillary Clinton’s campaign, but a little more waterproof,” Matyszczyk writes. “The headphone jack was gone and some very strange-looking AirPod headphones were promised and then not delivered until very late.”

“In 2016, Apple was all about the business and not so much about the customer. Odd, for a company that was built on its human instincts and whose products were always intuitively simple to enjoy,” Matyszczyk writes. “Even the battery life indicator on the new Pro seemed amateurish and was removed.”

“This year, you almost got the sense that Cupertino would have preferred to downplay some of its events, as it knew it really didn’t have that much with which to excite people,” Matyszczyk writes. “You can couch it, as fans of sports teams sometimes do, as a transition year. We’re going to lose a few games, but you should see our draft picks… At heart, though, the natives are restless and, perhaps unreasonably, expect far more. All this while Apple is involved in all sorts of political issues and is a company with far more tentacles than it used to have.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Here’s to Apple brass recognizing the issues, correcting them in order to execute properly, and having a stellar 2017!

Quality is much better than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles. — Steve Jobs

Apple’s software has been anything but ‘magical’ lately – December 19, 2016
Lazy Apple. It’s not hard to imagine Steve Jobs asking, ‘What have you been doing for the last four years?’ – December 9, 2016
Apple may have finally gotten too big for its unusual corporate structure – November 28, 2016
Apple has no idea what they’re doing in the TV space, and it’s embarrassing – November 3, 2016
Apple takes its eye off the ball: Why users are complaining about Apple’s software – February 9, 2016
Open letter to Tim Cook: Apple needs to do better – January 5, 2015


  1. May 2017 be the year when the beleaguered customers of the once great company can celebrate the arrival of a new CEO to lead us all into a new era of innovation that honors the past when its products were amazing and just worked.

    1. And may 2017 be the year you tell the truth:

      A quote from you Jay from Sept. 2014:

      “You will be pleased to know that I’m about done with saying what I say on this board – it’s clearly been therapy for me and I’m very close to not needing it any more – I’ve reached the realm of apathy.”

      About done, well it’s been over two years Jay and you are still here.

      Of course we know that you come from forked tongue land.

      1. Road … I get to change my mind. And, for goodness sake, there’s plenty of reasons to do so as a result of all the decline in the once great company that has befallen us during the past two years.

        Two years ago, I got an occasional support post for my observations of what was happening. Now, I get a majority – including more and more from the Apple booster of all boosters – MDN. Even they can see what has and is happening. Why can’t you?

        So, I withdraw my withdrawal and you may continue to blindly follow the failed CEO as you help him drive the company further and further into the ground.

        1. Jay, wholeheartedly agree with your two posts above and recognize your passion to offer a constructive review of present day Apple.

          Realize many do not see it that way and that’s fine.

          Yes, we can certainly evolve and change our opinion. Not sure where RW is coming from, but defensive posture not allowing for change does not move the needle forward.

          That said, the nucleus of your argument is spot on. Cook is clueless and adrift in a sea change of technology. He does not understand it all. I’m surprised his hubris prevents him from admitting what we all see, what we all know, about his uneven leadership.

          I certainly have lost love for Apple and dread updates and non-upgrades for years now after Steve passing.

          No longer — JUST WORKS. And now with every hardware release I am forced to evaluate what was lost and what workarounds I need to research to get me back to baseline operation with additional cost. Sux!

          It never used to be this way!!!

          I would say say shame on you Apple. But I know you cannot shame the shameless elites.

          Apple owner since my Lisa … 🎄⭐️🎄⭐️🎄

        2. I always support the TRUTH.

          Something that is totally foreign to an Apple apologist.

          Hey, I thought you packed your bags and planned on leaving MDN. Idle threat? Well, in one your responses to another on this thread, your words, “just do it!”

        3. Hey Jay, yes you are absolutely right, you do get to change your mind. As an amazing bonus you were actually able to communicate that change. Took you long enough but finally you did it. Bravo.

          I can see what’s happening quite well thank you, I believe that our standards are different though.

          My standard is for Tim Cook to keep the value of Apple stock. At the time of Steve Jobs death the stock was worth $53.97 (taking into account the 7:1 split). Today the stock is worth roughly $115.00 so by that standard Tim Cook has not only maintained the value of the stock it has gone up.

          Now compare this to your standard. Oh wait, I can’t recall you having one, you just blindly go on bemoaning Tim Cook from day one and the bias you illustrated when you called the apple watch clunky without having ever seen one. You haven’t even stepped up to the plate to offer another potential CEO, in that ad hominem style of attack that your country is famous for.

          The big news though is that you’ve changed your mind and you’ve been able to express. That’s a real quantum leap for you Jay and a real win for me, finally. Well done Jay.

    2. If we don’t have new
      Mac Pros
      by the end of May 2017, every AAPL stock holder should be clamoring for Cooks removal and replacement.

      New generations of *everything* going into those items (CPUs, GPUs, SOCs, interfaces, etc.) should be available long before then and likely shipping from competitors (except for the A10 and A10x).

  2. Jobs called a spade a spade when things weren’t executed properly or when forecasts don’t live up to expectations.

    I just can’t see that happening with the current leadership team.

  3. I get that people wanted more out of Apple in 2016, but “quite poor?” Great clickbait headline. By quite poor, you mean the fact that one of Apple’s flagship products proved to be a safety concern/fire hazard, was banned from airplanes, and pulled from the marketplace? Oh wait, that WASN’T Apple. That was the company that supposedly stole the innovation crown from Apple three years ago, simply by making phones with larger screens. What’s the name of that company again?

    1. Exactly. The false narrative is getting exhausting… if an apple product even has a perceived issue, where none exists (or it’s something trivial), it’s blown completely out of proportion while a rival is literally selling an EXPLODING device, yet barely a peep out of anyone about it… complete nonsense.

    2. Agreed the headline is clickbait, but it is also true that the tipping point occurs before anyone feels the pain.

      2016 has seen some very bad trends begin or accelerate. It is the year that Apple:

      1) saw the 3rd year of iPad sales decline
      2) saw the 1st year of Mac sales decline. MacBook Pro offers so many compromises, Apple couldn’t share any good news about initial sales, despite the huge pent up demand.
      3) saw the first ever annual iPhone revenue decline
      4) still hasn’t released profit or sales notes for “Other” Cook era products and services, which is never good news — hence the flurry of ads trying to sell them
      5) is on the 4th year of trashcan Mac Pro sales without an update or price cut. Strangely, no feel good ads.
      6) started removing key functionality from its most profitable product, the iPhone. Sales boosted only be major competitor missteps.
      7) practically missed xmas season again with its latest accessories, good luck with your Bluetooth gadgets. absolutely no new stocking stuffers, not even a refresh on iPods.
      8) is presiding over a stock price that underperforms its peers after spending billions on ineffective buybacks
      9) has seen a decline in total quarterly revenue (2016 Q4 to 2015 Q4).
      10) Has a record number of stale products on MacRumors, many of which are rumored to have been discontinued altogether (Apple Displays, Airport, etc).

      Apple apologists will point to high app store revenue and say Apple is going just great. It should be pointed out that 3rd party app developers are the ones who keep revenues rolling in there. Cook hasn’t done anything new there. He’s just collecting fees.

      2017 can’t be much worse from a product and user standpoint.

  4. 2016 gave us a lot of talk about a full pipeline and just wait we’ve got …. turns out to be just a lot of smoke and vapor ware… issues and hardware issues were the only really new things we’ve seen….what a drag…

  5. +1
    Apple has become follower
    Apple Watch
    Apple TV
    Everything is already in market by competition.
    Macs have been neglected for long time. AirPort Extreme gone, iPhone 8 OLED will also be following compilations, no 4K offering in iTunes, VUDU is ahead of apple in terms of video content quality.

    1. Except for the original Mac, Newton, and perhaps LaserWriter, Apple has always been the company who sat back and watched other products that people wanted to use flail around, study them, and develop solutions to create a product of their own that would be best in class. Apple has rarely been first to market. Microsoft tried out a watch connected to Windows in the early 2000s, and failed. It also tried to push tablets forward for years, and also failed. And who’s forgetting the Blackberry and regular flip phones trying to server up internet connectivity at ridiculous prices with screwy interfaces? Apple’s Newton failed because the technology wasn’t ready and it was too expensive, but Palm, and others jumped into that space for years afterwards, until Apple returned with the iPhone and killed off the Blackberry and Newton wannabe PDAs struggling to gain traction.

      Apple’s all about creating the best in class product, not the first. Sometimes it succeeds, sometimes not, but that’s always its focus.

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