Apple sued in China over showing of war film from the 1990s

“Apple is being sued by a subsidiary of China’s broadcasting regulator over a propaganda film more than 20 years old, in the latest legal wrangling for the tech giant in China in recent weeks,” Louise Watt reports for The Associated Press.

“A Beijing court says the case has been brought by a production center that alleges that Apple has infringed its exclusive online rights to broadcast a film that depicts Chinese fighting against Japanese soldiers in northern China in the early 1930s,” Watt reports. “The plaintiff is also suing the developer and operator of the Youku HD app available on Apple’s App Store that it says enabled users to watch the film and caused it ‘huge economic losses,’ according to the Beijing Haidian District People’s Court. The court says it has accepted the case brought by Movie Satellite Channel Program Production Center that comes under the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television.”

Watt reports, “The plaintiff alleges that Apple has infringed its exclusive online rights to broadcast ‘Xuebo dixiao,’ which loosely translates as “Bloody Fight with the Fierce Enemy” and was first shown in 1994.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: It seems like the infringement, if any, lies with the Youku HD app, not Apple. And, really, how “huge” could the “economic losses” have been?


    1. “huge human rights violations”
      “treat human beings as human beings”

      YEHH! China has waaaay more people in prison (per capita) than any other country on the planet. Oh wait, I’m getting confusued… that’s the US.

  1. The Chinese government is just harassing Apple every way they can until Apple starts providing them with all the user data on Chinese citizens they want.

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