Jim Dalrymple on Apple Music: ‘I’m damned impressed’

“Music is an important part of my life. I care about every aspect of music, from creating to mixing, playing to listening, and seeing bands live. I feel music in my soul. Music has the ability to make me sad, angry, happy and every emotion in between,” Jim Dalrymple writes for The Loop. “I’ll be honest, I didn’t expect much from Apple Music. I was not only pleasantly surprised when I started using it, I’m downright impressed.”

“Many of the problems I had before with iTunes Radio are completely gone. Selecting genres of music or even something like “70s Rock Hits” or “80s Metal” gives you exactly what you want—great music,” Dalrymple writes. “With the integration of Beats, you also get curated playlists and the ability to stream artists music, if you become a member of Apple Music. The selection went from not having much to choose from with iTunes Radio, to having so much great content from playlists and radio stations that I had to start saving them all so I could listen to them later.”

“As much as I love playlists, there is something special, exciting even, about not knowing what’s coming. I agree with Jimmy Iovine when he says, “the only song that’s as important as the one you’re listening to, is the one that comes next.” And Apple took care of that too,” Dalrymple writes. “I’m damned impressed. Apple Music is a quality service, with the right mix of human curation and algorithms to help users figure out exactly what they want to hear. I can only imagine that the service will only get better from here. The more I use it, like/dislike songs, the better it will know me.”

Much more, including nitpicks, in the full article – recommendedhere.

MacDailyNews Take: Another excellent review for Apple Music!

MacDailyNews Note: We expect Apple Music to arrive around 8am PDT / 11am EDT with the release of iOS 8.4 and the Beats 1 to go “on the air” an hour later at 9am PDT / 12 noon EDT.

Apple Music arrives on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch (via iOS 8.4 update), Mac or Windows PC (via iTunes update). Apple Music is coming to Apple TV and Android this fall.

Mossberg on Apple Music: ‘The most full-featured streaming music app; the first I’d consider paying for’ – June 30, 2015
SPIN takes first look at Apple Music: Usability is remarkably streamlined for such a complex product – June 30, 2015
Ed Baig first look: Apple Music visually appealing with creative playlists – June 30, 2015


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