So, what’s wrong with Apple’s iOS 7?

“Some of my colleagues have been using iOS 7 since the first betas arrived from Apple in June, but I actually didn’t start until September 18, the very day it was released as a free download,” Gene Steinberg writes for The Tech Night Owl. “Since then, the number of users has reached the hundreds of millions, signaling the fastest upgrade of any mobile OS — ever!”

“While every iOS release has arrived with an assortment of bugs, they seem more numerous with iOS 7, since it’s, visually at least, a sea change from previous versions. The slim and elegant text puts off some, because it may not be quite as readable,” Steinberg writes. “Others are freaked over the parallax effect from the few dynamic backgrounds Apple provides, or the constant zooming effects.”

Steinberg writes, “On the whole, however, it appears that the largest number of iOS 7 users become accustomed to the changes fairly quickly. The few ragged edges are fixable, and I expect Apple will deal with some of the issues in ongoing maintenance fixes.”

Read more in the full article here.


  1. I couldn’t read the text in iOS 7 very well, because there was too much interference from the background picture. I made the text bold, and that improved it, but I still couldn’t read it at a glance. I imported the solid color background pictures from the Mac into iPhoto. Then I the iOS 7 lock screen to light gray and the home screen to dark gray. Now it is really readable, but the solid backgrounds made it starkly apparent that iOS is juvenile and cartoonish.

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