Google imposes symbolic ‘ban’ on Google Glass facial recognition as developers persist

“Google will not allow apps that implement facial recognition on its Google Glass product, the company says, citing privacy concerns, after an American company said it would offer a commercial service to recognise celebrities and others,” Charles Arthur reports for The Guardian.

“Developers have pointed out though that it is possible to load apps – which Google calls ‘Glassware’ – onto the wearable system without needing Google’s permission,” Arthur reports. “Those could then communicate with any of a growing number of services which say they can connect a name with a face once given a photo.”

Arthur reports, “Equally, users could simply upload still pictures to other online services which would provide the facial recognition service. “A ‘ban’ is purely symbolic,” commented Martin Macdonald, a marketing director for Expedia EAN who has tried Google Glass. The developers behind Lambda Labs, which offers a paid-for facial recognition service, tweeted: ‘Don’t worry, we think it’s a core feature. Google will allow it or be replaced with something that does.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Spywear.™

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    1. Google blocked others from doing something. They didn’t say that they would not use the feed from the glasses, or the local WiFi at your GPS locations, or identifying your local friends and their personal information, or … Hello! We are talking about another “OPEN” device that Google and others will exploit!

    2. Oh wake up, Google is blocking third parties until they have their own facial recognition stuff in place.

      They would never let this opportunity go to others’ hands! Tagging everyone you talk to in real life is like an advertisers Alladin cave.

  1. To paraphrase Eric Schmidt: “if you don’t want to be physically and electronically stalked by a hoard of cybernetically-enhanced fandroids, maybe you shouldn’t show your face in public”.

    1. Um, Apple has privacy and security built into their devices, instead of releasing products that any Joe Schmo with some computer programming know-how can put an app on. I would much sooner trust Apple with a device like this than Google–but then again, I’d much rather devices like this didn’t exist.

      1. I’m with you. I’d just as soon not see anything that is more invasive into our lives than we have now. But it’s too late for that. Apple will be coming out with something wearable. I think that’s pretty much a given. As will other companies. I believe Apple will try to do it with style and not be so invasive. I don’t think we have long to wait.

  2. Google Glass should be required headgear for all politicians, 24/7/365. Then have the video/audio/location feed for the public so the citizens can keep an eye on them for a change.

  3. Google will not allow apps that implement facial recognition on its Google Glass product

    Excellent. I can take off my mask.
    Oops. I guess not:

    it is possible to load apps … onto the wearable system without needing Google’s permission

    Excellent. Here comes the malware.

    Google lunacy continues. 😛

  4. This issue existed well before Google Glass. It has been possible to do this for years using cell phones or concealed micro-cameras. Note, for example, the existence of Lambda Labs, which “offers a paid-for facial recognition service.” This business existed before even the prototypes of Google Glass. Web apps can perform this function if it is not embedded in the mobile device. As far as I know, there is no thing that prevents it. We have already entered a new age of highly capable mobile electronic devices. Just wait for the uproar when we develop highly capable AI. All heck will break loose.

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