Interest in Microsoft’s Surface tablet plummeted 53% after product details, price revealed

“Consumer preferences in one of this holiday’s hottest categories — tablet computers — shifted pretty dramatically between the third and fourth quarters, according to a new survey of U.S. households with broadband access published Thursday by Parks Associates,” Philip Elmer-DeWitt reports for Fortune. “When presented with option of buying an iPad mini, 40% of those who had said planned to buy an iPad changed their minds and opted for the mini.”

“‘Apple continues to gain strength in key product categories,’ said Parks’ John Barrett,” P.E.D. reports. “The most dramatic shift, however, was the fall-off in potential Surface buyers. ‘Consumers initially expressed interest in the Microsoft Surface,’ Barett said, ‘but once pricing and product details were announced, holiday intentions to purchase a Microsoft Surface dropped to 21% in Q4 from 45% in Q3,'” P.E.D. reports.

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Certainly the reviews for Microsoft’s garbage with a kickstand (see below) didn’t help, either.

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    1. That’s exactly right and even from conceiving it. However, that’s exactly what these guys have not understood for so many years now. Hence the multiple crapy products out there, and many more which did not see the light.

  1. Great news for Apple. And if the market continues like this by Xmas you can have a choice. For $329 you can buy a Mini iPad, wifi version, or one share of AAPL. Your choice.

  2. If I were looking to buy a Windows device. Why would I choose the Surface (Intel) @ $899 over a laptop (running the same OS) @ $499. What would I be getting that would be worth the $400 price difference? Both have crappy screens, poor battery life, and (from the reviews) poor build quality.

    It’s just DOA.

  3. This is what they get for continuing to produce tablets that are keyboard, mouse, and desktop OS framed. If they continue to listen to Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer… They will have to dig up that casket they buried the iPhone in and lay Microsofts remain in it. Well, you know… what little will be left of it.

  4. The Surface & W8 was doomed right from the outset – its become an object lesson to what happens when you completely misunderstand a market and what is selling best, and why.

    I guess they hedged their bets a little by suggesting that the Surface has alternative uses apart from computing (you know – skateboarding, dancing prop, percussion instrument, child’s toy, furniture scratching device, paper-weight) but when it comes down to it the compromises, limitations, performance issues and difficulty of use make this probably the worst system design package in a generation.

    When you also factor in the relatively high price of a Surface against some of the OEM devices that actually permit greater usage at lower cost then you begin to wonder if M$ have any marbles left to lose.

    Not selling? Is there anyone out there who can possibly be surprised at this ??!

  5. Saw the Surface today. As an Apple fan, I liked the overall concept. Hated the keyboard – there seems little leeway in how precisely you press on the keyboard, causing many of my keystrokes to be ignored. Screen color seemed washed out and drab. Windows 8 is ok – I could learn to live with it. Has a filing structure, compared to Apple’s storage for dummies. I can’t even call Apple’s a dumbed down filing system since that would imply Apple does have a filing system. I am fully optimistic that Microsoft could have a viable iPad competitor in about 2-3 years time as the current model is refined by one or more cycles of improvement.

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