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An in-depth look at iTunes 11; what’s new and what’s missing

“Alongside the launch of the iPhone 5, iPod Nano, and iPod Touch, Apple promised us an October release of iTunes 11; the biggest update to their all-in-one media management tool since the inclusion of a music store in 2003. As October came and went, Apple failed to deliver on time, instead pushing the release back to ‘November,’ and on the 29th the new iTunes finally shipped,” Alex Arena writes fro Mactuts+. “With this major release comes a new interface, seamless iCloud integration, and a major design overhaul.”

What’s new/improved:
Up Next
iTunes Store
Gift Card Redemption
Mini Player

What’s missing:
Cover Flow
The Sidebar [stil there, just hidden by default]
Multiple Windows
iTunes DJ
Duplicate Remover

Much more in the full article here.

Related articles:
CNET reviews iTunes 11: Complete makeover brings speed; Apple on the right path – November 30, 2012
Top 5 new features in iTunes 11: iCloud integration, new interface, Up Next, and more – November 29, 2012
Apple releases iTunes 11 – November 29, 2012

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