Strange but true: Rick Santorum channels Steve Jobs

“Arguably the most influential TV commercial ever is the minute-long ‘1984’ video that introduced the Macintosh computer during the third quarter of the Raiders-Redskins Superbowl on January 22, 1984,” James Fallows writes for The Atlantic. “On the remote chance that you haven’t seen it, it’s the second video embedded below.”

“Through the years that ad has spawned countless imitations, parodies, homages, and adaptations,” Fallows writes. “I do have to wonder what Steve Jobs would have thought if he had lived long enough to see the latest of them: the video below, which is Rick Santorum’s application of the 1984 motif in his campaign.”

Fallows writes, “The creator of Santorum’s recent ads is John Brabender, whom the Atlantic‘s own Joshua Green (now of Bloomberg BusinessWeek) profiled for us eight years ago. Ben Jacobs has a new story about him here.”

Apple’s “1984” TV ad:

Rick Santorum Campaign video:

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Santorum’s Campaign video seems more like Apple’s “Lemmings” TV spot than “1984.”

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Ottawa Mark” for the heads up.]


    1. Republican, similar to Libertarians used to be fiscally conservative and socially liberal, yet pro government. Libertarians are fiscally nothing, anti government and socially liberal. Democrats are fiscally liberal, socially liberal and Big Government, a bit toned down socialists. Communists are fiscally conservative, socially conservative and big government.

      Republicans lately and maybe under Santorum and the host of other REPUB leaders today, are fiscally liberal (to their buddies), socially conservative, and edging towards fanatical, Santorum for sure… Hmmm what does that sound like? Not like Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, it seems. The video, pretty much describes the whole Republican lineup, except Ron Paul.

      Paul, really sounds refreshing. Wish he wasn’t so old. Too old… 🙁 But represents the nature our nation was founded on.

      1. You do realize that Jobs did not imagine ,direct or film the commercial don’t you? Steve paid for the damn thing. He ok’d the commercial. Geez! Be a little more accurate with your hero worshiping. Steve’s reputation has nothing to do with this commercial. If this commercial,and I love it, had never aired Steve’s reputation would be just as it is at this moment. Move on. Get a life. Buy some weekly AAPL calls. There’s still 2 days left and obscene amounts of money to be made!

    1. People vote their true economic interests = 4 more years of Obama. People vote to poke their noses into other peoples business = Rick Santorum. People vote to give every penny they ever hope to make to the rich = Mitt Romney. The choice is ours.

      1. People want to live in a police state: vote for either Democrat or Republican.

        The fact that totalitarian police state legislation are the only bills that get overwhelming bipartisan support is the most obvious indicator of just how corrupt and _bought_ the two major parties are by the wealthy and large corporations. U.S. government no longer represents the people.

  1. Guess they won’t be running mates then?

    I’m not a bipartisan jerk and prefer warm discourse to Rush and Glenn, but if I were an unwavering Democrat and a jerk it’d be too fun to cheer on the Republicans walking to their deaths before the Santorum pusher “saved” them. Just sayin’.

      1. Spare us you sycophantic twat. Beck is nutty as a fruitcake and a blubbering demagogue. Rush and Beck are prime examples of how broken US political discourse has become.

        1. His Shadow should thank you for making his point.

          Newsflash! this isn’t the fifties, the red scare is over. Despite GOP intentions to take worker wages & women’s rights back to the fifties, it isn’t trending so well.

        2. Where are you on Islam and Shiriah law, NON Truth. That’s the real creeping threat. Conservatives are only interested in freedom and government staying the hell out of our lives. You can go to hell. And you and HerShadow are the Lemming Commie Sycophants. And you make no point every time you type. Just pure garbage flowing off your disgusting fingers.

  2. I love how “moderate” is now a pejorative in the republican party.

    Also…could someone close to Santorum get me a recording of him saying, “Roger Roger”? I’ve been watching The Clone Wars with my son and he sounds just like the Battle Droids. It’s awesome.

      1. Islam, Christianity, Judaism – 6 of 1, half dozen of the other.


        WASHINGTON — Mosques are taking root across the United States “at a tremendous rate,” but there’s no proof that radicalism is brewing among young Muslim Americans, a report published Wednesday says.

        The US Mosque Survey 2011 counted 2,106 mosques in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia, up 74 percent from 2000 — the year before the September 11 attacks — when 1,209 mosques were counted.

        Some 192 mosques are in the greater New York City area, and 120 in southern California, but there are as many as 166 in Texas, 118 in Florida, and even two in Montana where fewer than one percent of the population is non-Christian.

        Let me guess: it’s Obama’s fault? all part of a conspiracy? Put your tinfoil hat back on.

  3. They ripped off 2 Apple Ads! 1984 and Lemmings! Meanwhile Santorum is just as bad as Romney Obamney in his ‘Big Brother’ ways. I’m voting for the best of the worst unless somebody better from any party anywhere shows up. Ron Paul 2012!

        1. Surely even conservatives cannot like this guy…he is an embarrassment spouting platitudes.

          I hate this concept of the only way to advance is not by promoting yourself and your vision/policies but by shitting on the other guy.

          Our conservative government here in Canada is bringing in this style of politics and it will bite them on the ass in the next election. We do not like that type of crap here no matter what your political stripe.

        2. Calling someone a commie…how quaint…how 50-60ish.

          Saying that you hate liberals underscores EXACTLY what the problem is in America today. Lack of dialogue (and in your case… intelligence)

      1. Since you are most likely white (as am I), oh how easy it is for you to say such a thing. White individuals do not have to consciously think about their race or anyone else’s due to the fact that they are in the privileged majority. If you were in any racial minority group, believe me race is something you would consciously think about on a daily basis.

        1. You liberal idiots claimed we all over the race thing now that comrade Maobama was mistakenly elected president. November will change that. Landslide loss for comrade Obaminidajad.

  4. In November the Republican Party strategists will be looking back and wondering how the Hell they blew this election so badly. It was theirs for the taking across the board, and yet with every passing week it’s looking like they’ve given up already.

      1. Stan, it’s not that you need not bother popping the champagne, more that you don’t need to buy it in the first place. It’s four more years of Obama for you my friend. Enjoy.

        1. LOL. Carry on Andrew. You and Rick Santorum can go out for nachos in December and discuss how someone as disappointing as Obama managed to get a landslide re-election victory.

          The sad thing for you both is that neither of you will realise that you’re the problem. Welcome to the margins boys. Hope you like it 😉

        2. As I’ve already posted Kendra there was a time when this election was the Republicans’ for the taking. Had SJ lived longer he’d have long realised that Obama is heading for a second term by default. And only because the Republicans have blown it so badly.

    1. You’re the extremist minority. Conservatives are the overwhelming majority as you will find out this November. The media will be doing everything in their power to make you commies think your a majority but that is pure propaganda. You libs love propaganda.

  5. I just want some administrator to do the job of government, like keep the pot holes filled, and quit trying to engineer a utopian, orderly life for everyone, or pass out favors to their friends. I hate this shit. Washington DC turns normal community-minded people into backstabbing, duplicitous, money-grubbing, idiot politicians with god-complexes. Nobody in their right mind will run for office, so this is what you get: extremists or the wealthy looking to trade cash for prestige This goes for Democrats and Republican, and every other wanna-be party.

  6. Join the Fight! To return America to traditional Conservative values like Racism and Bigotry and Misogyny! Cleanse the country of its filth! Keep your hands off my bible and put them BACK on women’s bodies! Return Jim Crow laws! Repeal the vote for women! And most of all, to hell with those nasty gay, lesbian and bisexual perverts! Together we shall become at last…

    A THEOCRACY! hurray hurray etc.


        1. Derek, all this crap that goes on in your head has no bearing on reality.

          I know it must feel good to throw that mess out like it means something, and it may to those that don’t care about the truth, but you’ll get no converts with your simplicity. It’s all a lie.

          The world is not as simple as you make it.

        2. No, he is DEAD ON.

          Sanatorium represents the new American Taliban.

          Keep your head in the sand all you want, try to dismiss it with talk of “complexity”. The modern GOP is not about personal liberty when it comes to anything other than themselves, their priest, and their bankers.

          They sure as hell are not concerned with the liberty of women, the poor, or minorities.

        3. You No-Truth, represent the American idiocy. You sure as hell don’t care about the good of man kind and the US you slimy little leach.

          Annoy a liberal: work hard, be happy, succeed.

        4. Satan did it!

          The devil and Rick Santorum

          …the former senator believes Satan is influencing his political opponents. It’s part of Santorum’s pattern of labeling those who disagree with him, and their ideas, as evil. What, one wonders, would someone with the powers of the presidency do if he believes the loyal opposition is marked by iniquity.

          ‘You Sir, Are Possessed Of Satan!’ 😯

        1. Hardly a war on women. Let that horny slut get her own freaking contraception. No one cares or wants to hear about her sex life or any of you liberals deviant’s sex lives. Keep it to yourselves and don’t ask us to pay for it you aholes. Rush shouldn’t have apologized.

    1. Like Maobama’s brownshirts. Nice try Peter you jack ass. The liberals are the ones trying to get everyone to spy on their neighbor and report them. You are clueless!!

  7. Well funny how people are so afraid of the Christian right especially the leftist but when the REAL THEOCRACY of Islam is knocking at the door, where is the calls off theocracy and women losing their rights, etc? Just stuff those arguments where the sun don’t shine.

    1. Excellent point. It’s crickets with these liberal lemmings when it comes to Islam. They secretly want the same kind of control over all of us that Islam has over it’s followers.

  8. Not Truth, you couldn’t be further from the truth. Christians aren’t running around the world blowing themselves up along with as manny innocent bystanders as possible. Islam, “the religion of peace”, yah right!

    Christians aren’t forcing woman to wear burkas and committing all of the endless atrocities in the name of religion. It’s muslims doing this daily. You non-truth are deranged.

  9. The MDN Take was spot on. It was the Lemmings ad, albeit with the colorful figure from the 1984 ad appearing to save the lemmings.I thought it was a good ad, just a little weird when you consider that the Republicans are known for walking in lock step and Santorum is trying to use that to his advantage by somehow casting Romney as the establishment candidate. Either way, it was well done but Santorum just couldn’t run it often enough to survive the tsunami of Romney TV money.

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