Handful of protesters deliver Chinese factory petition to Apple Retail Store

“Activists hand-delivered petitions with a quarter of a million signatures to Apple’s Grand Central Terminal flagship store in Manhattan today, reiterating its plea for the company to adopt more ethical standards for the creation of its popular products,” Roger Cheng reports for CNET.

“Apple, for its part, says it already does a lot to help with working conditions abroad,” Cheng reports. “‘We care about every worker in our worldwide supply chain,’ said an Apple representative. ‘We insist that our suppliers provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, and use environmentally responsible manufacturing processes wherever Apple products are made. Our suppliers must live up to these requirements if they want to keep doing business with Apple.'”

Cheng reports, “Last year, the company conducted 229 audits at supplier facilities, and it has set up a site [apple.com/supplierresponsibility] to report on the working conditions of its suppliers.”

“The crowd of actual activists here was small, with a little more than a dozen supporters–far outstripped by the mass of media on the scene. The delivery, however, was part of a global effort that included petitions sent to stores in Bangalore, London, and Sydney,” Cheng reports. “Activists are scheduled to deliver petitions to the San Francisco flagship store later today, according to Sarah Ryan, an organizer for Change.org.”

MacDailyNews Take: Again, there is no Apple Retail Store in Bangalore, or in India, for that matter. This, along with the entire “protest” itself, is case of people with too much time on their hands who have failed to do their homework. We’d bet our Macs that this isn’t the first time their homework wasn’t done.

Cheng reports, “The groups aren’t seeking a boycott of Apple products, merely that the company change its views on its suppliers and working conditions overseas. But Ryan said the group would call for a boycott if Apple had the option to improve conditions and opted to focus on profitability instead.”

MacDailyNews Take: Empty words from vapid pawns instantly forgotten.

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Again, in case you missed it yesterday:

Gee, here’s a great idea: Let’s protest the very company that has done the most to improve worker conditions at their supplier companies’ factories in China while ignoring and buying products from other companies’ that do absolutely nothing at all. Ah, the “logic” of vapid pawns.

Hey, as long as you don’t impede our visits to buy many Apple products in counter-protest, feel free to waste your time however you like.

We assume, of course, that these will be a totally nude “protests” since your clothes and shoes were made by workers enduring far worse conditions than any of those assembling iPhones, iPods, Macs, or iPads.

(BTW: Shhh, don’t tell ’em, but Apple doesn’t even have a retail store in Bangalore, or anywhere in India for that matter. No matter, that particular “protest” will be at least as effective as all of the others combined.)

What we wrote last week:

Overheard at FUD, Inc.:

Well, boys, those were some $%&@!# earnings. WTF are we going to do now? Apple’s isn’t just taking a bigger slice, they’re taking the whole $%&@!# pie!

There’s no new iPhone yet, so we can’t take something like attenuation and blow it all the $%&@!# out of proportion. There’s no new iPad, yet, so we can’t say that it’s so thin it cut off a little old lady’s arm in Sheboygan. We need something to give the public a least a little pause or we’re $%&@!# dead.

Hey, what about the old “Chinese slave labor” angle? Make those $%&@!# Jobsian perfectionists look like greedy $%&@!# evil overlords. Use their money and success against them. Ooh, I like it. I really like it.

Yeah, yeah, dummy, I know we all use the same Chinese company for assembly. And, yes, my little $%&@!#, I know they’re the best paid factory workers in China, because of Apple, no less. Don’t ever say that aloud again, you $%&@!#. Nobody cares about the facts. This is $%&@!# FUD, Inc.! All of our $%&@!# phones attenuate, too, you $%&@!# moron!

Perception is everything. Repeat it enough times and the $%&@!# suckers of the world lap it up like candy and start repeating it like parrots.

Quick, call up our friends at the paper!

Yup, the $%&@!# suckers of the world have lapped it up like candy and will be repeating it like parrots at a handful of big city Apple Retail Stores – and some poor reseller’s store in Bangalore – this Thursday.

Much more information about Apple Supplier Responsibility here.

Related articles:
Apple shares hit new all-time intraday, closing highs – February 9, 2012
Protestors target Apple Retail Stores in push to fix conditions in Chinese factories – February 8, 2012
Apple in China: Should we applaud instead of condemn? – February 3, 2012
Rush Limbaugh: The New York Times has turned on Apple; they wouldn’t do this if Steve Jobs was alive – February 1, 2012
Most of your Apple iPhone and iPad was Made in the U.S.A. – February 1, 2012
Trump to Tim Cook: Make Apple products in the United States – February 1, 2012
Most of your Apple iPhone and iPad was Made in the U.S.A. – February 1, 2012
BSR: New York Times’ Apple-Foxconn article contains untruths, inaccuracies, and misleading info – January 29, 2012
Your iPhone has to be made In China, and Apple can’t absolve your guilt (if you have any) – January 28, 2012
Apple CEO Tim Cook calls New York Times supplier report ‘patently false and offensive’ – January 27, 2012
In China, human costs are built into iPads and tens of thousands of other non-Apple products – January 26, 2012


  1. Please protestants, go get a life (or a job) and don’t tray to boycott those companies that give us (the Mexican people) very great and good jobs.
    I have never been in chine, but it was the same shi-t they were saying about American factories in Latin America and it turn out, every single American company is WAYYYYY BETTER that any given Mexican company established in mexico. Having USA and German (top best) companies in mexico is the best it ever happen to us. So please don’t try to “help us” too, stay away please…..

  2. Protesters must hate it when companies are already doing a lot and the wind gets taken out of their gasbag lungs and everyone looks at them like the half-wits they are in disbelief. Thanks but you’re a day late and some IQ short a-holes! And start dealing honestly with your convictions and stop singling out the most popular company who is already dong the best job of managing their manufacturing employees overseas.

  3. get a life people… You will gain nothing from doing this to Apple or any other company. As long as there are people willing to work at the current pay rate (There are hundreds or even million Chinese willing to do anything to get a job at Foxconn), companies like Foxconn won’t increase wages or improve working condition.

    IMHO, these guys should deliver petitions to Chinese Embassy not Apple Store. It’s the govt job to protect workers not a foreign company like Apple.

  4. With all the real suffering in the world, these attention lovers are focusing their pretend “compassion” on a company who is truly creating sustainable jobs and valuable products while explicitly clarifying the humane work conditions. These workers want work and can/will quit if they so choose. Let’s not suppress the source of their opportunity.

  5. Outside of Change.org, and delivering a box of signed petitions to an Apple store, what exactly has Sarah Ryan and crew personally done to improve the “plight” of China’s peasant farmers looking for non repetitive factory work that pays great, is a secure career and has an exciting future all in 1.5 years? (sorry was typing this during one of those get your college degree TV commercials.

    I bet Sarah and crew think they’ve done their part so they can feel good about themselves and now it is time to move on to the next world injustice!

    Kind of like that idiot Sean Penn who went to an Iraqi children’s hospital, being trailed by the lap dog liberal media, panting in anticipation to show the loving care of Saddam Hussein and the inhumanity of Bush before “George’s” war… Penn’s trip didn’t do anything to improve their lot and I seriously doubt that moron has ever gone back!

    Me? I ain’t done a damn thing to help the children of Iraq or the peasant farmers in China, but then again, I’m not hounding for faux publicity pretending I care and that what I am doing makes a difference.

  6. “with a little more than a dozen supporters–far outstripped by the mass of media on the scene”

    Tells it all… staged media FUD campaign, sponsored by Goorgle, Samedung and dumbasses from Windblows fantards from cnet.

    What a bunch of asshats.

    1. yep,

      I expect CNN, NYT , 60 minutes etc to soon send their paparazzi goons to comb through the million workers at Foxconn and film a handful of disgruntled workers (of course offering to pay them $$$ for their exclusive) — ignoring the vast majority who want to work there – and blast it all over as ‘proof’ of Apple evilness.

  7. Anyone know where the proof of MDN’s statement is? Is there some article or third party that says Apple has done more for employee working conditions than the other Foxconn companies or than their competitors? I know Apple does a LOT. I just cannot myself corroborate that Apple’s doing more. Also is there proof that some of Apple’s competitors (and Foxconn clients) are doing nothing?

    Also does anyone know of any sources (articles, studies) that track or show that articles about Apple have a significantly higher hit or read rate than articles about other electronics companies? To me, that’s ALL the singling out of Apple is about. Press. But I cannot find articles on Google on the read rate or hits on Apple articles. Anyone have sources on this? I want to BURY this story about uncaring Apple. I know it’s BS, but I want more than MDN’s opinions. I want hard facts that any knucklehead with a PC cannot refute. No lame articles, strong ones that will help bring the blame back to ALL companies and eventually back to the consumer who won’t pay more for their fun stuff.

    Anyone have sources on any one of those three points? I already read the article on consumers not wanting to pay more. Anyone got proof/evidence/well-sourced articles on Apple’s relative angel status, other’s devil status and the press hits on Apple stories vs other electronics stories?

    Many thanks!

    1. there’s stuff around, here’s some:

      Well known Chinese Labour activist says Foxconn is hard but Apple/Foxconn is still better than the others:

      “Apple is doing a better job auditing its suppliers than it’s competitors, says a China labor activist.
      Labor activist Li Qiang says Apple is doing a much better job of monitoring factory conditions than Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Nokia and many others.

      “I compared Apple with other cell phone companies, such as Nokia. And the conditions in those factories are worse than the ones of Apple,” he said.” …. “Qiang praised Apple for disclosing the problems it has uncovered at it suppliers, especially because Apple’s reports are so serious and disturbing. He noted that competitors like HP and Dell haven’t been anywhere near as forthcoming.”


      And from Chinese Workers perspective:
      Commentators on Chinese Newspaper Blog in response to NYT article:
      “””If not to buy Apple, what’s the substitute – Samsung? Don’t you know that Samsung’s products are from its OEM factory in Tianjin? Samsung workers’ income and benefits are even worse than those at Foxconn. If not to buy iPad – (do you think) I will buy Android Pad? Have you ever been to the OEM factories for Lenovo and ASUS? Quanta, Compaq … factories of other companies are all worse than those for Apple. Not to buy iPod – (do you think) I will buy Aigo, Meizu? Do you know that Aigo’s Shenzhen factory will not pay their workers until the 19th of the second month? If you were to quit, fine, I’m sorry, your salary will be withdrawn. Foxconn never dares to do such things. First, their profit margin is higher than peers as they manufacture for Apple. Second, at least those foreign devils will regularly audit factories. Domestic brands will never care if workers live or die. I am not speaking for Foxconn. I am just speaking as an insider of this industry, and telling you some disturbing truth,” another users wrote a comment posted by Caixin.”

      (don’t have link — i have it on a post I kept – but I believe even Mdn carried the story)

      Foxconn’s own site pictures of their internet cafe, swimming pools (maybe it’s propoganda but you decide yourself)

  8. Hey MDN, what the fuck do you mean”there is no Apple store in Bangalore India”? I agree that the protesters are stupid, but why hate on India, the largest democracy in the world. You better recognize. Fuck you and the protestors too

  9. let’s try a comment that avoids denigrating the poor misguided protester/activists (other than they must all use 1″ meat thermometers).

    the whole idea of improving working conditions in china, or anywhere else for that matter can be debated until the cows come home with no measurable impact for either side. what is not discussed is the increase in real living cost (also, know as lowering the standard of living) that must result in the spending nation (that’s us folks) from any movement from the current lowest cost manufacturing model. there can be no debate on that. you buy things based on their value to you. whether that be a phone or toilet paper. as the price changes, you make systematic spending pattern changes to accommodate your finite resources. that may include finding a 2nd job, hocking your house, etc. the sum of paying more than the minimum cost lowers your standard of living if you must purchase the item.

    i’m waiting for some smart econ phd to do a study showing how bringing jobs back to the US without creating additional value somewhere along the line loses more jobs because of reduced aggregate disposable income in the whole economy will contract the economy. we can call it the jobs recovery bubble when it bursts.

    if you follow this argument, you don’t have to debate if we have the infrastructure, skills, motivation, to do these in-sourced jobs.

  10. Here’s a better way to spend your time, lazy protesters who don’t do their homework:

    Petition to get ALL US industries OUT of China. The Slave Wage Labor Movement is a fact of life in our current age. But the least we can do is give our business to countries that have an iota of ethics as well as respect for their citizens. China does NOT qualify. Feed this beast your money and watch it devour you in return. China = Criminal Nation.

  11. There’s so much media linkbaiting going on.

    Forbes.com “had ‘Boycott… And it’s not crazy talk” in its headline. Except that these petitioners are not boycotting, they’re asking. They know Apple is the company MOST likely to care about worker conditions.

    It’s a dialog.

    And the press outnumbers the actual people delivering the sigs.

    And lets face it, anyone buying something other than Apple because of worker conditions isn’t showing off that they care. They’re showing off that they’re an idiot. Even Chinese activists state that conditions are often worse in other places.

    But Apple has a lout of money and clout. So focus on Apple. It’ll work too. Apple has an opportunity to turn this to its advantage, challenging competitors to the live up to the same standards and transparency.

    But much of the media hype is just idiotic linkbaiting. EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT APPLE BOYCOTT.

    not clicking again.

  12. Apple in no longer an American Company. Apple is a Chinese Company that can build it cheaper, make engineering changes quicker, and assemble Chinese workers quickly, saving (short lived If China has it’s way) big time bucks! So, you jobless Americans keep buying our product.

    1. hey bigmouth:

      lets see YOU open a factory here in the U.S to make PCs, game consoles, tablets and phones and make a profit and hire americans. i will be the first to write to Obama and ask him to give you a medal if you succeed.

      Steve Jobs was the one who wanted to build in America, the original Apples and Macs were built in the U.S. After leaving Apple he even built the Next computers in Fremont California: the result an estimated $1000 extra per computer for labour. He was lambasted by the SAME PRESS and other haters for building expensive computers while PC makers who off shored to Asia were praised for bringing ‘affordable computing to the America’. Besides those american brand made in Asia PCs the public also loaded up on cheap Acers, Asus, Samsungs, Lenovos etc etc.

      Building in the U.S Apple PC market share went from 30% to 2%.

      Then apple hired Tim Cook who worked for Compaq and IBM to streamline production, NOW PC makers can’t undercut Apple iPad etc prices, NOW Bill Gates can’t make “Apples are expensive, PCs are Cheap ads”… AND APPLE IS THE EVIL ONE???

      why didn’t the doo gooders complain in the YEARS that cheap Dell PCs, acer netbooks (you think $250 netbooks were made in Paradise Factories?) etc flooded the market? why didn’t the activists, NYTs expose Dell, Compaq, Acer etc which were churning PCs out in the same or worse factories for YEARS : hey they have 90% PC market share as haters like to remind us?

  13. Profitability? Sure. Let’s go with that. Great idea. I’ll buy even more calls and we’ll all be good. I get a woody just waiting for the market to open! That’s stock market fanboys not the corner grocery store. Hey, get back down in your mom’s basement!

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