The Ellen Show gets Siri-ous (with videos)

The Ellen Show got all Siri-ous today with Robin Williams doing a unique impression of Siri, the intelligent personal assistant that comes in the iPhone 4s.

In addition, Ellen did a spoof commercial for iPhone 4S focused on Siri.

Regardless of the level of hilarity or lack thereof – to each his own – it’s still some nice publicity. Apple can now check off the Ellen audience as Siri-educated, or at least Sis-intrigued.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews readers too numerous to mention individually for the heads up.]


  1. When there’s comedians (comediennes?) and TV hosts making jokes about something, it tells you that it is pervasive enough to be funny. Nobody would get a joke if they were talking about TellMe (from Microsoft), or some similarly obscure thing.

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