iPhone-wielding Taliban beating Australian forces in Afghanistan

Apple Online Store“Department of Defence chief technology officer (CTO) Matt Yannopoilos today said Defence was being beaten in Afghanistan by enemies accessing information quickly via iPhones,” Ben Grubb reports for ZDNet Australia.

“At the Australian Computer Society (ACS) Canberra Branch conference this morning, Yannopoilos said ‘bad guys’ in the war-torn country were making better use of available data by ‘using iPhones and applications — and multiple SIM cards — and going much faster than we are,’ despite the fact that Defence had more intelligence at its fingertips,” Grubb reports.

“‘Defence is one almighty information collection machine. It generates more info than I’ve ever seen,’ he said. However, Defence’s information was stuck between ‘silos’ of data, with most of it going unused unless someone happened to be looking at it carefully, he said. In the future, Defence hopes to have data that is not separated into application silos so that it can be used by other applications when required,” Grubb reports.

Full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Readers “James W. and “Brawndo Drinker” for the heads up.]


  1. Those damn Taliban are savvy! I wonder what their ipad preorder numbers are?!? We know they won’t be buyin’ wifi enabled.

    The real question is, for sharing of terror plots, are they the mobile me types or drop box type?

    Oh the life of a talibanman!

  2. With the whole US Gov. including DOD and the Intel Community “standardized” on Windows what do you expect.
    Every Gov. CIO & CTO should be fired!

    I should know, I work in the IC and fight the “Mac” battle daily with these A-Holes!

  3. This needs repeating…

    With the whole US Gov. including DOD and the Intel Community “standardized” on Windows what do you expect.
    Every Gov. CIO & CTO should be fired!

    I should know, I work in the IC and fight the “Mac” battle daily with these A-Holes!

  4. I repeat:

    This needs repeating…

    With the whole US Gov. including DOD and the Intel Community “standardized” on Windows what do you expect.
    Every Gov. CIO & CTO should be fired!

    I should know, I work in the IC and fight the “Mac” battle daily with these A-Holes!

  5. ron:

    You’re full of shit.
    You’re quick to condemn based on your political beliefs.

    You have zero credibility because you are a one way sledgehammer.

    Figure it out or continue to be a buffoon.

  6. I find it utterly amazing that the Taliban can get cellular reception in the Afghan mountains while AT&T;users constanly complain about poor reception in major US cities. ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”ohh” style=”border:0;” />

  7. “You’re quick to condemn based on your political beliefs.”

    Exactly Mr. Ampar. We’re all condemned in the USA right now. To A degradation of our way of life. Roll on 2012.

  8. Ampar, it takes no significant “political” belief to argue that those who decided to standardize on Windows should be fired. Wholesale. And not just at the “C” level, either. They stayed in their comfort zone and condemned us to a great deal of vulnerability. Now they should find their DIScomfort zone – in the unemployment line.
    I believe our soldiers should be using the best tools for the task, and I don’t believe MS provides those. This is not a “political” belief, nor a “religious” one. It is mere practicality. The strange thing is, the Taliban were supposed to be a bunch of Luddites! How come it’s the DoD that’s the Luddites?

  9. Great…thanks for taking this non-political issue down the drain, Ampar.

    “With the whole US Gov. including DOD and the Intel Community “standardized” on Windows what do you expect.
    Every Gov. CIO & CTO should be fired!

    I should know, I work in the IT and fight the “Mac” battle daily with these A-Holes!”

  10. Shows how dumbass Hussein is. Worst president ever … even than that moron Carter. Listen, Hussein, you idiot, get out troops some iPhones … or are you too eat up with the dumbass to get it.

  11. Farlo,

    It wasn’t Ampar who took it political; it was Ron (…”Deo! de Deo-o-o. And all that lib crapola.“). And he very quickly thereafter elaborated, which have x guy above an excuse to go full throttle.

    It’s so funny how the absolute worst thing our x friend here can think of is the middle name… So funny how often it gets mentioned here by the right-leaning participants (obviously, unable to come up with anything more substantive and meaningful, you use the best you have…).

  12. I stand corrected. I missed the “lib” in ron’s post. My apologies, Ampar.

    ron, why? I mean really? There are too many political stories here as it is. Go bait the politicos on another thread.

  13. A small group with minimal infrastructure is always more flexible than a much larger one. The real failure is to dictate terms and assume the initative- making the enemy react. A phone is potentially also a homing beacon and a listening device so letting them have phone is not a bad idea. We just need to get an app on their iphone along the lines of ‘smart bomb target’. Perhaps we need to ask the israelis about this since they have used phone to kill bad guys.

  14. All you fools bringing Obama into this . . . it’s AUSTRALIA!!!

    I’m no fan of our President, but sheesh, the article has NOTHING to do with American forces!

    Man oh man, is THIS the level of discourse to which we can look forward to in America going forward, kicked off by an article that’s NOT EVEN ABOUT AMERICA?!?!?

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