Obama’s White House staff armed with Apple MacBooks (with photo)

White House staff and others use Apple MacBooks to monitor Barack Obama’s live interview on YouTube in the Library of the White House on February 1, 2010.

(Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton)

[Attribution: Fortune. Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Aussiebookguy” for the heads up.]


  1. Broadband speeds in Europe pale in comparison to averages clocked in Asia. South Korea leads the pack by quite some distance with average speeds of 14.6 Mbps, followed by Japan with 7.6 Mbps.

    How slow are we in the USA?

  2. @hmm….

    I work for the Feds, and we are seeing more and more Macs as time goes on. The old guard that hates Apple is retiring more very day, leaving room for folks with a more open mind set.

    Political parties don’t have squat to do with it – Rush Limbaugh is a BIG mac fan, and he’s no socialist!

  3. Don’t speak about “socialism” or “communism” when you’re completely ignorant of what it is! There are enough of these retrograd Mac Carthist around anyway to pray for a ggod thick pollution and a presbiterian lifestyle!

  4. Bob,

    You don’t know what you’re talking about. Obama is a Democrat, and they are NOT socialists.

    The Soviet Union was socialist. Look, it was right there in their name: “Union of SOCIALIST Soviet Republics”.

    Ask anybody in Europe, where they have REAL socialist parties, and they’ll tell you that our Democrats are really right wingers in disguise.

    Obama isn’t even close to socialist. Even our most rabid left wingers are almost right wing style for Europe!

    But thanks for playing.

  5. @TowerTone:

    What extended the Great Depression was FDR’s relaxing of governmental assistance in 1937 in the face of significant Republican opposition. Unemployment had been falling until a strong Republican faction forced him to back off some of his spending. Then unemployment went back up again, and FDR was able to get things back on track again.

    Just correcting the record. We now return you to MacDailyHitWhoring.

  6. OK, take away the word Socialism…it’s really future utter dependency upon a constantly growing government instead of standing accountable, getting busy, and innovating your own life. Let the government do your own elbow grease.
    Everybody is equal, but everybody is not equal in how hard they work and how much they invest in their own life goals. Fact is, the scale goes from those who built companies from the ground up down to the leaf blowers…it all truly trickles down and there is no real argument against that.
    Sure, there is alot of greed at the top and people who really need and deserve help at the bottom,
    but government dictation and control of those issues is not the solution to that. Obama gave a fabulous speech the other night, yet it was only talk. Talk is cheap and the whole of people are much less stupid than Obama realizes, so, come election time,
    many Dems are getting the boot. Problem is, the Repubs. aren’t in
    very good position to much either. Our kids are going to see the effect of both parties lack of a moral idealology and greed and staying in power. It’s really a bunch of competitive agenda school kids up there in Washington.

  7. TowerTone writes, “I was just going to say ‘Good’ but I would like to tell @hmm & ron that the New Deal has also been credited with extending The Great Depression.”

    I’d replace “has also been credited” with “should be blamed”. Unemployment even a year after the Crash was still well under 10%. It was only after the government “did something” – Smoot-Hawley, attempts to keep wages and prices steady rather than allowing them to fall, etc. – that unemployment shot up and remained over 20% until the war.

    As to those Macs, are we sure those weren’t personally owned? I find it hard to believe they could have been procured and in use just 11 days after the inauguration. (I used to work for the Feds.) And, as I’ve said in the past, it’ll be hard to push Apple large scale into the federal government as long as their stuff is marked “Made in China”.

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