Analyst expects new iMacs, possible ultra-portable MacBook Pro tomorrow

“A pair of new iMacs expected to be released by Apple Inc. on Tuesday should shift investor focus away from the early stages of iPhone sales and back onto the more significant story of the Mac market share growth, according to investment research firm Piper Jaffray,” Katie Marsal reports for AppleInsider.

“‘We believe Apple will introduce redesigned iMacs at a press event tomorrow,’ analyst Gene Munster wrote in a research note to clients on Monday morning,” Marsal reports.

“Munster also told clients that believes the new iMacs will shift investor focus away from the early stages of iPhone sales and back onto the more significant story of Mac market share growth,” Marsal reports. “‘A 13-inch MacBook Pro model featuring an ultra-portable, lightweight enclosure is also a possibility,’ he wrote.”

Full article here.

Larry Dignan blogs for ZDNet, “Munster and the stars are aligning in Apple’s favor for more share gains.”

“Munster adds two reasons why Mac sales are likely to remain strong: The industry is moving toward portables, which benefits Apple. OS X is being refreshed and introduced to users via the iPhone and most likely the iPod,” Dignan reports.

“I’d add a few more. Macs are speedier on the Intel platform and it’s easy to keep Windows running on a Mac if you’re so inclined. In many respects a Mac is a two-fer. And the biggest reason for Mac success: Design matters and Apple is the best at it,” Dignan writes.

Full article here.


  1. Predicting a new iMac is like predicting that your bottle of Aquafina will be contain water.

    This hope of an ultraportable Mac has been going on for many moons, and I doubt we’ll see one tomorrow. A 13″ MacBook Pro would eat into MacBook territory (there’s really not a huge difference that separates the models anyway) and the 12″ PowerBook G4 was not a big seller (although I own one and love it).

    I would look for a newly designed Mac Mini over an ultraportable Mac.

  2. One thing I’ve learned about Apple predictions is to never say never.

    I’ve gotten virtual egg on my face many times by saying that Apple would never do this, or that Apple would do that.

    I would never make my livelyhood making predictions.

    MDN word: can. Just because you can make a prediction, doesn’t mean you should.

  3. OK, about tuesday:

    Its a small, closed gathering. We will get the info shortly after, but with little Apple fanfare. So, why is everyone going bananas and thinking that “everything under the sun” is going to be announced.

    My guess is it will be more like policy announcements, joint venture issues, that sort of thing.

    We will see shortly. ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”grin” style=”border:0;” />

    MDN word
    “horse” as in trojan horse??????:-)

  4. I luuuv my 12″ powerbook.

    And on hols in Argentina at present and using this on wifi in hotel…great little device for travelling.

    Give the big PowerMac at home though any day.

    So I think an ultr portable is still needed, whether it will arrive is another question.

  5. M$ and their 3rd party cronies have already learned that a buildup of possibilities will lead to high expectation s and then disappointment if Apple doesn’t pull them out of the hat. The short-term sheep day traders will remain ignorant and the long-termers will just sit and wait for 200.

  6. The 12″ PowerBook would have sold better had it been a TRUE PowerBook and not a repackaged iBook. Compared to the iBook, it wasn’t a good value.

    I doubt there will be a new MacBook. A new iMac is more likely.

    I tend to think that because this is not going to be a big splashy media event, it’s unlikely to be anything earthshattering like a completely revamped iMac or ANYthing. Updates and speed bumps. Maybe an announcement for Leopard’s release?

    MDN Magic Word: nuclear.
    WTF? I always thought it was nucular

  7. Hey someone answer this for me:

    Why doesn’t Apple give away Mac OS X upgrades for free? Think about it. They make money on their computers right? Right now there are a number of people waiting to purchase a computer until 10.5 come out. Why not promise free upgrades to everyone so they can rest assured they can purchase now and still have the best experience in October?

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