Apple debuts new iPhone ‘God Phone’ print ad (with image)

Apple has debuted a new iPhone print ad in a national (U.S.) campaign that seems to play off the “Jesus Phone” or “God Phone” sobriquet that some have used to refer to iPhone. The advertisement features an image that’s more than a little reminiscent of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel fresco, “The Creation of Adam,” along with the tagline, “Touching is believing.”

If we follow Michelangelo’s positioning of Adam on the left and God on the right, the iPhone was created directly by and/or is God’s phone (as if He needed a phone).

Here’s the back cover of the August 2007 issue of Details Magazine:

God Phone.


  1. The… uhh… Michaelangelo reference… yeah. About that.

    I’m not seeing it. I’m seeing someone flicking through a list on their iPhone in the most natural position possible.

    I’m normally in agreement with MDN, but this one is a stretch. A big, big, big stretch…

    MW: ENOUGH now

  2. “Telephone To Glory! Oh, The Joy Divine. You Can Feel The Current .. Movin’ On The Line”

    (Royal Telephone. Dorothy Love Coates and the Original Gospel Harmonettes. VeeJay Records)

    I believe! I do! I believe! Amen! Amen! AMEN!

  3. Today’s word is: subjective.

    Can you say, “subjective?”

    I knew you could, even though you spend most of your time arguing minutiae. And whether something suggestive is real.

    Ugh… dorks.

    MW “upon” as in “Grey po…”

  4. I don’t like it too much. I think the motion blur is distracting and why not see a head on view of the beautiful screen? Apple’s site has iPhone in better poses than this. I like the catch phrase, but I also very much like the tv ads and think that the print ad should relate.

  5. Father, Son, holy ghost. Same thing in Christian mythology.

    Um… yeah. No. Not the same thing. One substance, but three persons. Read the Nicene Creed for clarity. It separates out each of the three Persons, explaining their uniqueness. The Athanasian Creed does a good job in expressing their unity. They’re quaint in some of their language (remember that “catholic” means “universal”), but worthwhile.

    The Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed and a few others are found here.

  6. Normally, I appreciate what you guys have to say, but you are reading WAY too much into that. The ad expresses the experience of people, not deities. Mutlitouch, the iPhone: touching is believing. No more no less.

    For us to invoke God in an advertising campaign might not only offend to our customers of faith, but many would chafe at the notion that even the Lord Almighty must agree to a 2 year contract with AT&T. Another sore spot: since Heaven is not currently covered by EDGE, God would technically be roaming at home and have to place at least 50% of his calls in the continental U.S.

    While we usually don’t comment on unannounced products, on a bright note, I will say that God has been awfully gracious about allowing us to develop a special edition God iPod stocked with his favorite songs. The only problem: how to tell Bono it’s not about him.

  7. HoHo! I see, this “good” old judeochristian confusion of “god has created man at his image”… Hey! That doesn’t mean that “god” is looking alike our external apearence… Skin and bones deffinitely aren’t infinite!! ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”wink” style=”border:0;” />

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