Comprehensive Ars Technica review awards Apple iPhone score of 8 out of 10

“Some think that the hype surrounding the Apple iPhone started in January of 2007, but that’s not true. The hype started many years ago, perhaps before creating such a device was even a twinkle in Steve Jobs’ eye. After so many years of rumors about the mythical iPhone, so many fake (or scrapped?) mockups, so many fake (or scrapped) names, and a brief experiment with the now-failed Motorola ROKR, Apple finally went ahead and launched the device that Apple fans have been craving since the beginning of time—or at least since Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997 and killed off the Newton,” Jacqui Cheng, Clint Ecker, and Ken Fisher report for Ars Technica.

“And of course, to do something simultaneously predictable and shocking, the company called the device by its long-rumored, but never-quite-accepted nickname, the ‘iPhone.’ The iPhone is now out and promises to revolutionize the way we use our phones forever. You don’t have to love it; you don’t even have to like it. You will, however, be witness to a great upheaval in the mobile communications business because of it,” Cheng, Ecker, and Fisher report.

Read Ars Technica’s massive, comprehensive review of Apple’s iPhone, which they award a score of “a big, juicy 8” out of 10, here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Jeff” for the heads up.]


  1. <<<<<<<<Since I am a Mac user, loading my contacts on to my Motorola was a one-way black hole, from which there was no escape. If I entered a new contact in it and pugged it in to my computer, there wasn’t any discernible way to get those new people back into Address Book.
    The SIM thing might have been a problem, but for the fact that, as we all know, Motorola sucks>>>>

    This makes it apparent you have Verizon? Because my RAZR via Cingular synced via bluetooth & iSync just fine, in both directions.

    Verizon sucks. Too.

  2. “This makes it apparent you have Verizon? Because my RAZR via Cingular synced via bluetooth & iSync just fine, in both directions.”

    Nope, had Cingular. But no BlueTooth on my old phone, so no syncings. =(

  3. Ars Technica are the three clueless stoogies… Curley, Larry, and Fuckup.

    These assclowns try to pass themselves off as knowledgeable. They read another website like a stupid ass monkey, and regurgitate it and think they are wise. They are complete and utter clueless asswipes.

  4. Hey, I’ve got an idea. If you think cut/copy/paste is so important, why don’t you tell Apple about it? I’ll bet that’s more useful than whining about it here to people who just don’t care. Then again, what do whiners care about actually fixing a problem, right? If they fixed things they wouldn’t be called whiners.

  5. Like the one blog said, MicroSoft has multi-touch and they came up with a $12,000 coffee table. Wow!

    Can I drink Camel’s Milk off this table?

    Can you drink Coffee off this table?

    Are aloud to actually this table like a normal table?

    If the answer is yes, then you have more money than common sense!

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