Apple iPhone: Steve Jobs’ Revenge

“A decade after Apple was pushed out of computing’s mainstream, it’s taking center stage in a host of other industries—with the iPhone,” Adrian J. Slywotzky reports for BusinessWeek.

Slywotzky continues, “In the ultra-competitive space where computers, entertainment, and consumer electronics meet, Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs must have hoped and prayed for at least a brief window of solitary dominance before powerful competitors attacked its lucrative iPod stronghold. Yet as of today, 69 months later and counting, not one has come up with an effective strategic response to the iPod. Except, of course, Apple. Now Apple has announced its next big strategic move: the iPhone. Will the competitive response to the iPhone be just as slow?”

Slywotzk reports, “iPhone is not just a phone. It’s also the world’s first really powerful sub-laptop computer, equipped with an optimized version of the user-friendly Mac OS X operating system. More important, it’s an 80/20 computer… iPhone will provide 80% of what you really use your computer for: e-mail, Web browsing, simple word processing, and access to music, pictures, and video when and where you want them… The iPhone will be Steve Jobs’s Revenge.”

Full article here.


  1. Revenge is a dish best served cold” – Khan Noonian Sing (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

    Star Trek 2 gave us one of the best lines in a movie ever. Uttered by Captain “Priceline” Kirk, “Khhhaaaaaaaaaaaaannnn!”

  2. I just realized that a tablet-like Mac with multi-touch, is not only a step away, but will have Mac OSX with the full iChat, camera, etc. If that baby has the cellphone chip, too, it’ll be killer.

  3. “u really think that saying comes from Star Trek ?

    it’s from dangerous liaisons, “la revanche est un plat qui ce mange froid”, a book written in the 18’th century”

    Man, we are talking Star Trek, you know… faster than light warp speed & time travel. Remember when Kirk, Spock & Sulu went back in time & visited the 60s? Several times!

    I bet you feel silly not realizing where that quote really comes from… Bones was thrown back to the 18th cent by the entabacron.

    Trek time travel is even the source for iPhone desire. Tricorders have been around since the mid 20th cent and its time we actually got one.

    Funny though how even Trek had separate devices for talking & data crunching.

  4. OS X is a critical key to Apple’s success. And the competition will not be able to match it for 5 to 10 years, but then only if they understand the real issues of OS X’s superiority.

    Moore’s law finally allowed the use of a full blown OS, as opposed to the limited capability embedded OSs of the past, to be used in electronic “gadgets”. Now Apple can leverage all of the OS X richness developed for and paid for by its Macintosh business. Windows Mobile is, BTW, one of those limited embedded systems that does not inherit the software stacks from the Windows products on PCs. Only the name and superficial look are the same or similar. And the Moore’s law dynamic keeps on going on. Apple will keep on upgrading — software most often, then hardware with new capabilities and updated software with somewhat less frequency. The competition does not have a prayer of keeping up without a competitive OS.

    Then there is Apple’s devotion to the user interface that comes from its culture. Its competitors have utterly different – might I say “bozo” — corporate cultures, that have not a chance of “getting it”, without firing the leadership and the bulk of the managers. Cultures rarely change for the better. They are overthrown.

    Only Apple can defeat Apple.

  5. Looked more like solid-state (flash) memory sticks. They called them “tapes” because the audience wouldn’t understand flash memory. They’d plug them in and unplug them at will. They did, however, look like painted blocks of wood, compared with our thinner cards of today.

  6. @ Martin

    Yes, I really think that comes from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan – I watched it the other day. It was in there. On my TV screen.

    I didn’t claim it was the original source of the quote though – your just trying to show how much of a smart ass you are!

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