Jim Cramer has his eye on Apple Inc.

Apple StoreJim Cramer said Friday on CNBC’s “Stop Trading!” segment that “the one tech stock he’s looking at right now is Apple (AAPL) ahead of Wednesday’s postclose earnings report.”

TheStreet.com reports, “Cramer said this is the last quarter before Apple’s release of its much-anticipated iPhone, and buying the stock at a recent $90 is a good move considering the weakness of the competition.”

“Cramer said Nokia has tacked on 6 points from its January lows largely because Motorola is sputtering and misfiring,” TheStreet.com reports.

Full article here.

Related articles:
Apple’s earnings report next week eagerly anticipated – April 19, 2007
Gartner: Apple Mac shipments up 30% in the first quarter of 2007 – April 18, 2007
iPhone looms like 800-pound specter over beleaguered Motorola – April 18, 2007
Apple announces Q2 07 financial results conference call webcast – April 17, 2007
Citigroup expects unit sales of 1.45 million Macs, 10.8 million iPods for Apple’s fiscal Q2 – April 11, 2007


  1. You may not like him, but morons have trouble being worth $60million. Unless, of course, you’re Forrest Gump. But even he made the bulk of his money investing in Apple. Hmmm.

    You won’t make that kind of money pulling in a weekly paycheck.

  2. I just don’t agree with his logic. I believe in a buy and hold investment practice. Mostly index funds to avoid high fees and capital gains taxes (actively traded mutual funds are the worst).

    He just gets on, blabs his mouth and runs around like an idiot. He encourages lots of trading, and if you believe that you’ll make good money following the advice of someone in CNBC, I’d tell you “your nuts.” He just a stock picker, and in the long run, research proves that stock pickers chances of beating market indexes are purely random. Period. There are many Nobel laureates in economics that will attest to that.

    Sorry if I offended any of you (if your a hard core believer in him), it’s just that of all the people on the financial news networks, he rubs me the worst.

  3. TO elaborate a little on one of my points (he encourages lots of trading):

    The fees and taxes involved with trading stocks frequently will quickly diminish your investment returns (particularly those of you that don’t a millions of $$ to invest). His encouraging you to trade for his new stock pick just feed the Wall Street profit machine. There’s a reason those financial advisers make tons of money. They get a chunk of all your transaction fees.

  4. If you ride a stock properly you can make a ton of money on it. The pass 4 months I made about between 5% to 10% per month casting bull put spreads or iron condors on both apple and google stock. Sure buy and hold is a good way to go but yo have to find the right stock and is that stock going to out perform the mark and inflation over the years. If you bought in when Jobs came bace to apple you’re a big winner. If you bought in at the peak before the big market sell off in 2000 and you had the cahones to hold on You made back what you lost and then some. But if you’re a student of market signals and bought at the appropriate times used stop losses and sold or shorted the stock at the appropriate times and say with the traditional volatility on apple options sold covered calls on apple stock you would have made from 1000 to 10000 times what the typical buy and hold person makes even though you’re paying out more commissions. For active traders who use prudent risk assessment strategies those extra commissions are a write off and they use different low cost broker and even if they don’t just about every trading firm even the Merrill Lynchs and the Goldman Sachs will give per unit breaks to more active traders because they can afford to their orders get preference over the buy and hold guy because the brokerages buy and hold guy doesn’t make any money for then. Buy and hold guy may pay $100 on 5000 share of apple and say it appreciates 200% over 1.5 years. Active trader guy may pay $1000 in commissions over that 1.5 year period but guaranteed that active trader guy has increased the value of his assets by 2000% if he’s doing his homework and is on the ball and this is without day trading. The difference between buy and hold and active trading is like the difference between putting one money in a standard saving account and earning 2% and investing in a high yield appreciation stock fund that pays dividends with a yields of say 0.

  5. @bobchr

    And you my friend, fall into the pit that everyone else does. I am not a full time trader, maybe you are. If you believe that you can pick which stocks will do good, and which ones won’t, then you too are crazy.

    This is a really glossed over summary:

    Stock markets are efficient. Stocks respond to news, and news is random. Therefore, the response of the stock market is random. The markets are efficient since there are so many experienced and well educated financial people looking for ways to exploit the market, news is worked into the stock price very quickly. Many times within min. Because of this fact, it’s impossible to continually exploit the system.

    Multiple studies have been done on mutual fund managers. The ones that beat the market indexes fell perfectly on a bell curve. The next year, only 2% of the managers that beat the market the year before beat the market again. There are thousands upon thousands of mutual funds. Good luck picking. The trick is, if full time mutual fund managers can’t consistently beat the market after taxes and fees, how are you going to? How is any “average Joe” going to? You can’t. That’s why passively managed index funds have historically been excellent investments and are highly regarded by economic Nobel laureates.

    Here are some decent articles about some of the things I’ve mentioned:


  6. He just a stock picker, and in the long run, research proves that stock pickers chances of beating market indexes are purely random. Period. There are many Nobel laureates in economics that will attest to that.

    He was a multimillon dollar fund manager for YEARS. If you think that’s anything close to luck (as opposed to painstaking research and experience) you are freakin nuts.

    You must go to the Casino alot if you believe that much in luck.

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