Rush Limbaugh giving away 80GB Apple iPods engraved with his signature

“We have started a new feature at called ‘Rush in a Hurry,’ and the ‘Rush in a Hurry’ is a little tease, a little tidbit, a little e-mail that you get from us detailing what’s coming up in detail as the website is updated around six p.m. Eastern Time to reflect the contents of the day’s program. What were doing is we are giving away at random eight, 80-gig video iPods engraved with my signature, one a week for eight weeks,” Rush Limbaugh explains.

Limbaugh explains, “Just go to, and halfway down the page the right side there’s a little red box that says ‘Rush in a Hurry.’ You sign up. It’s free. It’s a little added service to tide you over until the site is updated after the program concludes on a daily basis. So we have away five more signature iPods to go.”

The ‘Rush in a Hurry’ page states, “New from the EIB Network… “Rush in a Hurry” Daily Show Notes… a free email with a quick daily read of highlights from each and every excursion into broadcast excellence… Every Friday, for 8 weeks, we’re giving away a Video iPod with 80 gigabytes of storage. Each of these beauties is customized with a reproduction of Rush’s own signature on the case.”

More info and entry form here.

MacDailyNews Note: According to’s Rush Limbaugh bio, “As of 2005, Arbitron ratings indicate the show’s audience to average 13.5 million listeners weekly, making it the largest radio talk show audience in the United States… Limbaugh was the 1992, 1995, 2000 and 2005 recipient of the Marconi Radio Award for Syndicated Radio Personality of the Year (given by the National Association of Broadcasters)… He was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame in 1993. In 2002, industry’s Talkers magazine ranked him as the greatest radio talk show host of all time. Magazine’s “Top Talk Radio Host” list selected Limbaugh as the most influential host in the nation.”

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  1. Limbaugh reportedly doesn’t like Steve Jobs — not to mention a certain fella who used to be Vice President and is an Apple board member — but Rush has been a Mac user and enthusiast since Apple’s “beleagered” days, often praising it’s products on air. So, agree with his politics or not, I gotta say, th–, th–, cough, choke, th — anks, gasp, for promoting Apple, Rush. Cough

  2. A feces-brown Zune would be more apropos for Limbaugh’s “journalistic integrity.”

    Limbaugh is a grotesque and repugnant monument to hubris, arrogance, selective perception and a complete dearth of ethics.

    To have him even remotely associated with anything Apple taints the brand.

    Heh, I said “taint” in a sentence referring to Rush Limbaugh. Now that’s an artistic metaphor!

  3. Set up an email alias just for this, and if you win the iPod, take it to an engraver who will, for $20-$40, etch the back to replace the signature of the hypocritical, right wing, nut-ball (hmm… rather redundant, but still accurate) with a square pattern. Then disable that email alias, and life is happy.

    Seems worthwhile to me.

  4. I have never heard Rush say that he dislikes Jobs.

    What I have heard him say is that Steve Jobs probably gets ill every time Rush promotes Apple products ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”smile” style=”border:0;” />

  5. Very talented radio talk show host, with a huge following, who is not afraid to talk up Apple even tho Apple very clearly slants left and even has Gore on it’s board.

    I like the fact that Rush didn’t cheap out and offer to give away smaller iPods but rather the big daddy 80 GB ones.

    This is just more good news for Apple as it offers even more free advertising of its products to millions of people.

  6. “A feces-brown Zune would be more apropos for Limbaugh’s “journalistic integrity.”

    First of all, put away your thesaurus, and pay attention to the real world. Rush Limbaugh is not a journalist, and does not need to have “journalistic integrity”.

    He is a news commentator (like Hannity, Combs, Gallagher, Franken, O’Reilly, etc.). His show is (as he says) entertainment. When someone tunes into Rush, they are not doing so to get unbiased news. It is stated clearly that it is a conservative talk show.

  7. “A feces-brown Zune would be more apropos for Limbaugh’s ‘journalistic integrity’.”


    Uhh, Rush Limbaugh is not and does not claim to be a journalist. He is a commentator. There is a big difference. And I thought liberals were supposedly the ones that had cornered the market on nuance. Go figure!

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