A picture paints a thousand words: Some ‘wow’ for Microsoft’s Windows Vista

The New York Times is running a photo taken by Ramin Talaie of Bloomberg News. The photo shows Kevin B. Rollins of Dell, Sean Maloney of Intel, Steve Ballmer of Microsoft, Hisatsugu Nonaka of Toshiba, Hector Ruiz of Advanced Micro Devices and Todd Bradley of Hewlett-Packard at the big kick-off for Microsoft’s Windows Vista operating system on Monday in New York:

A picture paints a thousand words:

Larger image via The New York Times here.

MacDailyNews Take: Wow. Enthusiasm is contagious – and so is the lack of it.

See also: No huge crowds for midnight Vista launch – BusinessWeek, January 30, 2007

Related articles:
Microsoft’s Windows Vista: Five years for a chrome-plated turd – January 30, 2007
What’s the difference between Mac OS X and Vista? Microsoft employees are excited about Mac OS X – March 22, 2006


  1. Re Zune Tang,

    Don’t knock Zune Tang!

    Zune Tang is an Allegory.

    He stands for every computer user who was ever enthusiastic about any iteration of Microsoft Windows.

    He represents all three of those dedicated, adoring users.

  2. From one of the people who stayed up late to buy Vista, “Mike Johnson, 29, of nearby Rolesville, bought a laptop computer with the new software preinstalled.

    “The biggest reason for me is the new interface. It looks so much better than XP,” he said. “Apple computers have had nice graphical interfaces for some time. But it’s the first time Windows has even approached that level.”

    Yep, its exciting alright. 5 years and it is almost as good as last years Apple. I would be excited too. LOL ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”grin” style=”border:0;” />



    After years of develpoment, thousands of programmers, thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars, thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of man hours, this is the best they could come up with? Why do people keep falling for this garbage? I don’t get it.

  4. I got to play with Vista at a Best Buy and I’ll say that the interface is a decent upgrade to XP. Most notable are some improvements on the ability to do things easier in the My Computer/Explorer windows (including some obvious OS X rip offs). If I was still a Windows only user I’d welcome these (assuming I had the processor and RAM to handle it) but I wouldn’t rush out to upgrade. As an OS X user, the few improvements I noted in Vista still left it lagging behind OSX in ease of use and efficiency.

    I also got to play with the new Word & Excel and I have to give them credit for being brave enough to institute a radically different interface. Overall I think the MS Office crew is closer to emulating Apple’s combination of simplicity and ease of use than the OS crew is. Should be interesting to see what the Mac version looks like considering past versions of Office had a better interface on the Mac than on Windows.

  5. HAHAHAHA!! Notice how they are all cupping their nuts in anticipation of Leopard kicking them therein!!! The dude from Toshiba even brought his laptop to help out with the protective duties (so I guess Vista really does have better security, if you use it as nard armor ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”wink” style=”border:0;” /> ). He’ll probably slide it down his pants when Jobs shows up to give them all a good spanking for being bad copy cats! Ballmer is cupping especially close, too…guess he knows who’s gonna get it square in the jewels first, huh!! BWAHAHAHAAAA!!!

  6. Dear Kevin, Sean, Steve, Hisatsugu, Hector and Todd,

    Sorry, guys, that I couldn’t make it to your little launch thingie. I was out late with SJ last night. I hope he appreciated the reacharound, so I can finally start loading a superior O.S. on my POS (no, not point-of-sale) computers…

    At least I got an orange iPod Shuffle out of the deal…


    Michael Dell

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