Crave at CNET: ‘Microsoft Zune, all the excitement that brown can bring’

“The Zuni tribe of Native Americans live in western New Mexico. Ancient and peaceable, they are most notable for their language — which is unlike any other. They also do a nice line in fetishes, small objects that contain a spirit with a characteristic personality capable of influencing their owners’ futures,” Crave at CNET writes.

“The Zune tribe of native Americans, on the other hand, live up in Washington State on the Redmond reservation. Stuck in the past and rather aggressive, they are most notable for their ritual monkey dance and a language that may be related to English. They also have a fetish, a small brown object with its own characteristic spirit personality. Whether it’ll influence the future, though, is another matter,” Crave at CNET writes.

“There’s the spirit of sharing, which Zune encourages by letting Zunies swap music over a built-in wireless network. But all things must pass — in this case, within 72 hours. You’ll have three days in which to listen to each song three times, at which point it is summoned back to the great server in the sky. Doesn’t matter if you’re passing your parents a recording you made of your kid being cute — Zune will banish it. Unless Microsoft is willing to let other companies join in the fun, your chances of sharing anything will be limited by the number of other Zune owners within a 50m radius. Perhaps that’s the new digital rights management strategy — Zero Users, No Exchange,” Crave at CNET writes.

Crave at CNET writes, “There’s the spirit of all-encompassing capacity, which in Zune’s case is limited to 30GB. That may be just the first of many, but coming the day after Apple showed off product at 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, 30GB and 80GB, it looks like a one-horse town next to the city of plenty.’

Full article here.
Ouch. grin

Related articles:
Microsoft’s Zune underwhelms – September 15, 2006
Enderle: Microsoft Zune ‘a design mistake’ – September 15, 2006
Microsoft hypocrisy exposed with Zune: What ever happened to ‘choice?’ – September 14, 2006
Analyst: Microsoft Zune with fake scroll wheel ‘hardly an Apple iPod killer’ – September 14, 2006
Analyst: Microsoft Zune won’t spoil Apple’s biggest iPod Christmas ever – September 14, 2006
Microsoft unveils Zune 30GB player, Zune Marketplace; declines to disclose prices – September 14, 2006
Analyst: Microsoft’s Zune an ‘underwhelming’ repackaged Toshiba Gigabeat; no threat to Apple iPod – August 30, 2006
Microsoft confirms brick-like Zune to be made by Toshiba – August 25, 2006
Microsoft Zune is chunky brick made by Toshiba – August 25, 2006
Microsoft to spend hundreds of millions, several years on Zune trying to catch Apple iPod+iTunes – July 27, 2006
Zune: Apple cannot lose. Microsoft cannot win. – July 26, 2006


  1. “Perhaps that’s the new digital rights management strategy — Zero Users, No Exchange,” Crave at CNET writes.

    Ouch is right. That’s gonna leave a mark.

    Speaking of which, I wonder if the Zune QA testing involved checking for skidmarks?

  2. OK so I finally get a Zune reviewer unit and decide to give it the benefit of the doubt. After disabling the DRM through a python script and tweaking the installation to eliminate the Microsoft reading of my media files every time I log on to the Zune ether I finally see some benefits.

    Then again who in the consumer legion will have the ability to disable the DRM and keep the personal non-DRM tagged media shares sent to friends and family.

    The Zune itself is a sweet device with some cool features, however, the whole big brother is watching the clock and your HD leaves me wondering what they had in mind in the first place. If you are trying to create an iPod killer give it the features and philosophy that your users are seeking. Keeping track of downloads and shares only hurts the product and gives it a Patriot Act stamp of approval.

    It is back in the box and off to the Redmond tribe for my little black Zune.

    Remember the BOB OS? I think there is a little to much revenue behind the Zune for it to suffer the same fate.

    Bottom line rating 8 out of 10 for technology
    3 out of ten for knowing what the consumers want
    1 out of ten for marketing

    Unless you get one for a gift stick with the iPod…

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