Is Steve Jobs sick?

“I’m not going to beat around the bush here. Many of us are thinking the same thing. Nobody wants to say it, but I will: I’m worried that Steve Jobs is sick,” SteveJack writes over in our Opinion section today.

Full article with the opportunity to provide feedback here.


  1. He did look a little too thin. Let’s hope that it is on purpose and not because he is sick. I think that the presentation format did not demand 100% of SJ. It was just a very long demo and it was nice to see other people. Nothing wrong with a little bit o change to keep things fresh.

    The french guy however was plain awful. I know he is brilliant and all but too thick of an accent to having him in such a spotlight. Maybe for less formal and smaller tech discussions he would be a good guy to have.

  2. On there combined performances I thought Steve did a great job again, personally i think theyre holding ALOT back from the actual release build of what Leopard will actually be, and what they showed, theres not really a whole lot to be really excited about, is there? I mean you want the guy at 51 to be jumping around the stage about a thing called time machine??!! he was most focused when talking about market share, that was the biggest thing to come of the event in my opinion.

    they wont want to give MS any ideas on how to improve vista, think about what they showed, they showed core technologies, they showed core animation, time machine, things that are built in, and require alot of work to copy, 64 bit…you didnt really get any stuff you could get your teeth into.

    he seemed rather composed and i thought quite at ease with himself throughout.

    Phil Schiller on the other hand, no offence but hes not up to the mark, he looks like he works at apple for the paychecks, and Im sorry to be that high up at Apple you have to want to change the world through new technology, i dont see that vision and desire coming from schiller, i never have, the guy looks like he hangs out at drag racing meets and drinks bud by the 100.
    Thats fine but is that the kinda guy you want at an important position in Apple? the guy didnt know his lines, he didnt looked fired up, i mean half of us would have more passion about apple than that guy.

    Scott Forstall did a good job though and i thought he looked genuinley inspired by the products he was demoing.

    Youll see steve really excited when he talks about numbers and marketshare, and BIG developments.

    Apple still need to be relentless with advertising. They also need to release the absolute, hands down, best ever, most innovative combined pda/phone/musicplayer the world has yet to see, the market is calling out for it. I hope theres an apple event announcement shortly.

  3. Why is everyone freaked out about the tag team?

    ALL the keynotes that I have ever seen, for WWDC or macworld are tag-team efforts. (and I have seen plenty of them first hand)

    and yes, he does seem thin… but seeing him move and hearing him talk…. I am much less worried than after the pics from the “cube” opening.

  4. For anyone who is interested, he had a CUREABLE form of pancreatic cancer, and the doctors caught it so early on there was hardly anything to write home about.

    Looking further down this thread you’d think SJ was on his death bed. IMO he looks very healthy, being thin and watching what you eat makes you look like a European, not a fat American.

    SJ is fine, he’s 51 for goodness sake, of course he’s beginning to show his age. He’s been the Silicon Valley Golden Boy for 30 years, I think he deserves to look a little weathered.

  5. I don’t think anyone here mentioned that Steve consulted his notes A LOT more than in previous keynotes, specifically when he was sitting doing the demos. The other tag team members did more standing monologues and Steve did more sitting with his notes doing demos. This aspect of his performance does not point to illness, but to distraction during the rehearsals.

    I was thinking about the stock options scandal and how that must have taken away a lot of the time he would normally be eating and sleeping… and rehearsing. The recent accounting restatement is a really big deal, and you have to imagine how much running around and fast thinking Stevie had to do to contain it as much as he did, right at the same time he was supposed to be preparing for the WWDC.

    If the world knows of a big problem at secretive Apple, then Apple must have actually had a far bigger problem internally, which had to be massaged and spun for PR’s sake. Steve’s RDF must have been in overdrive, which would be really taxing, physically and mentally.

    This explanation fits all the facts, including the excessive use of notes, the tag-teaming, the lack of energy relative to past Stevenotes, and his gaunt and distracted appearance.

  6. Slow news day following the keynote? Geez…

    Your problem is that you are so used to the “fat American” look that anyone that is in their correct weight category looks thin. You hang around too much with programmers whose diet consists of Dr. Pepper, Twinkies and McDonalds. Get a grip SteveJack and MDN readers. Oh, and get some exercise while you are at it. Apple’s obvious hint to all of you fatties obviously didn’t register in your brains. “You are too freakin’ fat! All you do is sit around playing on your computers and listening to your iPods. Here – put this in your shoe and this in your iPod and go out and get some exercise for once in your miserable life!!!!!” Yes, they are talking to you!!!

  7. Do you Americans realise how stupid your accent sounds?
    If you really have something to say, please remove that potato from your mouth first, thanks.
    If I was the Queen, I would lock you in the Tower,
    for repeated language abuse and arrogance.

  8. A lot of non-americans on this thread.

    I am an american and I agree with a lot of them.

    We are too fat.

    I am too fat.

    Nonetheless, Jobs compared to a year ago, the difference is striking. His cheeks, his shoulders, his pics, his legs.

  9. Yes, a man’s health is between him and his family and doctor.

    But hell, we love the guy, and what he’s accomplished at Apple since he’s been back in charge.

    So all’s fair for respectful conjecture on the matter.

    I think there is little doubt that Steve’s health is not that great.

    The last time we saw the man, at the Cupertino council meeting thing, it was clear that he was a bit frail.

    I was hoping that we’d see him spring back with this WWDC, but when they announced weeks ago that he’d be hosting a group of Apple execs to preview Leopard, I’m sorry, but that immediately spelled some trouble. That said, I think he did a great job at MCing the event.

    I’m looking at it like this: Steve has brilliantly created a huge amount of buzz with his various keynotes, for pennies on the dollar of traditional marketing.

    But Apple’s marketing is going to have to attempt to fill his shoes, as much as they can, in a limited-Steve world.

    There may not be a charismatic figure to take over for some time, if ever.

    I’m sure he’ll be guiding the reins for years to come, but maybe the big Stevenote event is a thing of the past. I’m glad I got to see one in person years ago in NYC.

    Here’s hoping not.

    Buddha bless, Steve.

  10. ===
    Your problem is that you are so used to the “fat American” look that anyone that is in their correct weight category looks thin. You hang around too much with programmers whose diet consists of Dr. Pepper, Twinkies and McDonalds.

    BZZT wrong.

    I’m used to the “skinny Asian” look, thank you. I know what a healthy-but-thin, non-United-States-junkfood-diet body looks like.

    Steve is either presently ill or recovering from some illness not disclosed, or he is off the meds he was using from after his illness.

    But he is underweight for his frame. He is fumbling for words and walking gingerly.

    Get real and stop acting like only those that care about Steve Jobs are the ones that insist he is A-OK and tip top health.

    If anything, the snobbish vegans and Europeans are doing Steve a disservice for being so unconcerned, just for them to be able to get in a few digs at the typical fat American’s expense.

  11. Gee, thanks, Steve! What a great idea!!! Let’s start a rumor to help drive down Apple’s stock price!! What a great concept!!

    One of the dangers of the internet is that anyone can say just about anything, regardless of whether there is any factual basis for it. But hey, if you read it on the internet, then it MUST be true!

    Steve, consider well the impact of your words. Rather than spew up whatever is your first reaction, and instead of writing a ready-fire-aim piece like that which you did here, THINK. STOP AND THINK. Brushfire rumors get started this way. And the next thing you know, Wall Street and Microsoft PR will get ahold of what you wrote, and twist it in ways that you can scarcely imagine.

    Before you next write another blog, consider well the words of Mark Twain:

    “Never miss an opportunity to keep your mouth shut.”

  12. OK, Steve looks thinner. OK. But did anyone notice what is really important.
    I think Steve is LOSING his hair.!!! Really. It looks like he has less hair than last year. ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”grin” style=”border:0;” /> This could be serious folks.


  13. IMHO, Schiller is the guy who looks unhealthy…..

    so how tall is Steve?

    at 5’10”, the healthy range is 135 and 170…..

    the cracker-barrel crowd views 225 as average ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”wink” style=”border:0;” />

  14. He did look thinner but he doesn’t look ill. My guess for why he tag teamed the presentation is, there has been so much talk about what will happen when he eventually steps down, that he wants to make Apple less about Steve Jobs and put some other faces out there in the open.

    As for Bertrand Serlett, I thought he was hilarious! I’ve never thought much of Schiller’s public speaking, but I thought Scott Forstall was excellent, and I could definitely see him as a possible successor for the public face of Apple.

  15. I noticed the same thing while watching the last few keynotes. Last year’s WWDC, the Macworld Expo in January, and this year’s WWDC.

    Steve looks ill, weakly, sickly, and unfocused.

    The folks over at Mac360 and Wired News say the same thing as Steve Jack.

    Steve Jobs needs a heir apparent, a successor waiting in the wings. Either that, or a couple of good steaks.

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