Windows users’ nightmare Internet experiences driving move to Apple Mac?

“You know, I’ve heard one too many horror stories of people’s Windows PCs falling into what they would describe as a nearly unusable state due to the ad-ware, spy-ware, and mal-ware that had built up in their computer…but I never could have imagined that it was this bad. Of all the dozens of major reasons for Switching to the Mac, I’d really never quite understood why so many potential switchers ranked the security thing so far above seemingly more compelling reasons such as the interface, the consistency, iLife, Safari, all the innovation, and so on. But sitting there Saturday night in front of a one-year-old Windows PC that had been absolutely brought to its knees by security-related issues, I finally ‘got’ it. This really is a huge thing. The Windows platform really is literally being shredded as we speak,’ Bill Palmer writes for

“My friend and I both concluded that some kind of deeply buried crap-ware was replicating the infected stuff just as fast as Ad-aware could get rid of it. He asked me what the solution was, and I told him that I honestly wasn’t sure whether he would need to upgrade to the paid version of Ad-aware, or purchase some other, more powerful tool. So naturally, he asked me what I use on my computer to fight off this kind of nonsense. And before I could even manage to figure out how to answer that question, he answered it for me. It was time for him to finally ‘get’ something that I’d been trying to get him to understand for years,” Palmer writes.

“‘This doesn’t happen to Apples, does it?’ he asked out loud, not so much in the form of a question, but more along the lines of a lightbulb going off in his head. ‘No, never,’ I told him, explaining this that kind of crap just doesn’t happen to well-built, well-designed operating systems. And at that point, I pretty much knew what was coming next: ‘That’s it, I’m never buying another PC again,'” Palmer writes. “And there it was.”

Full article here.


  1. Firefox sux. well on the mac it does, for me anyway. Everyone’s forgotten about humble Netscape, the mother of them all, hell it even the same company isn’t, Mozilla. Sure it’s bloatware, full of crap you don’t need. But for me personally it works fine. If FF gives you greif for any reason give old Netty a try.

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