ComputerWorld: If IT could overcome Mac prejudice ‘they may never go back to Windows’

“If yours is like most IT departments, you probably aren’t deploying Macintosh systems in large numbers. And if you’re deploying them at all, you’re doing so in niche spaces such as graphic arts, multimedia and publishing,” writes Michael Gartenberg for ComputerWorld.

Gartenberg continues, “But the truth is that Mac OS has changed quite a bit in the past few years, and today’s Apple systems offer a reasonable alternative to Wintel systems for many mainstream uses and are often best-of-breed tools for tasks such as desktop publishing, multimedia and other content creation. OS X, code-named Jaguar, and the recently announced successor called Panther are rock-solid Unix at the core, with Apple’s elegant user interface on top. But if you plan on deploying them, you’ll need to overcome your preconceptions regarding three myths about the Mac that still linger.”

Gartenberg then shatters the myths, “Macs are more expensive than Wintel PC’s,” “There is no software for the Mac,” and “Macs architecture is proprietary and incompatible with Wintel.”

“Most IT departments lament the lack of choice among desktop operating systems. The truth is that there are choices out there, and viable ones at that. IT departments that can overcome their traditional prejudices against Apple may well discover that there’s a new PowerBook or G5 in their future, and once they do, they may never go back to Windows,” writes Gartenberg.

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: We’re too verklempt…


  1. What the dillio? Did IT mags across the nation wake up this morning with an apple scented epiphany? Not that I’m complaining, but wow! Hopefully people will take notice.

  2. Totally agree. This is now getting scary. Has Steve Jobs purchased all the IT magazines, or did the powercut remove the “Stepford Microsoft Purchasers” brainwashing?

  3. The biggest epiphany will be when the corporate execs discover what information and options (Macs/Xserve) )their own prejudiced IT departments have been withholding from them.

    Having several PeeCee programers as friends and family in major companies and government offices, I can say that there is still a very huge misconception that none of them want to really look at. I think they believe that Apples are an alien language that they do not want to learn. They think that it is so foreign, that they will have to go through all of the similar years of training on Microsoft systems. They do not want these alien systems under their care, perhaps out of a fear that others will view them as not really “IT” or “Computer” experts, but merely Microsoft debuggers.

    I brought a PeeCee friend to see Steve’s key note at an Apple store. He didn’t even want to hear what was being said, and just saw the superficial functions and said “Windows has always had that” and not noticing the ease and stability. It’s almost as if they don’t constantly wrestle with the computer, it can’t be a real computer.

    I’d love to see the “Kid & Dog vs PeeCee Expert” commercial come back Perhaps go from computer box to itunes/iTMS to new iPod, and have the PeeCee expert go from computer box to Media Player to new MP3 player.

  4. It’s not that weird, linux also took a couple of years before it was taken seriously on the server. It wasn’t because of some ultimate technological breakthrough, but because it had built up a track-record in stability and security.

    Track-record is IT’s way to avoid marketing bullshit and paid benchmarks. Ignore whatever Bill Gates, Linus Thorsvald or Steve Jobs say. Ignore what the advocates say. Just see if it works in the real world, during a certain amount of time, and see what kind of improvements several new versions get to see where it exactly is going.

  5. Until an exec who oversees an IT department actually sees another company doing it successfully (and then understands) the massive potential savings and improved productivity and (ultimately) happier employees he/she is likely to realize upon making the switch, it won’t happen (darn it). It’s going to take relatively large company making an incredible leap of faith and committing to it from the top to the bottom before anyone else in that or any other corporate arena looks up from their coffee and takes notice. Then again, maybe it will be some mom-n-pop operation growing from the ground-up using Macs that will help start the revolution. I can only hope it happens SOON…

  6. Some lemming sent me this…

    Could somebody rip this guy a new ass please? Where does he get his facts anyway!!

    Here is my take on him….
    Aw common dude, that list is so old, the MAC OS is brand new! One choice operating system, try 3, what choices do you have, hmmm, try every Window in the house, all from the same Manufacturer? Did somebody forget that Monopoly starts with an “M” as well, not “A”.

    Currently, over 50,000 developers available for the Mac. Yes, some are more cause they run better [BTW, how many do you have on your computer? Oh, Im sorry, why is it that you don’t have a gazzillion of them, what was that, spyware, oh yeah, thought so. 50 million Spyware programs does not count for a selection of software. Gimme a break.

    I can add internal drives (where did this guy get his information?)

    Why do you need a file extension when the OS automatically can tell you what program created the file and wether or not you have it. Instead of Windoze, going, oh shit, wtf is this thing, what the hell did you use to create, oh crap, ohmigod, I feel a blue screen coming on!

    Pre-emptive Multitasking my ass! I have 13 programs open right now. Up time for the whole system can be measured in months!

    Consideriing kids have their whole life to experience the headache of Windoze, why not enjoy something fun,

    Lemmings are hard to offend. They can’t think for themselves and will follow anything en masse, without question. So, yes, we do get offended, cause most of us have used PCs, and have a fair good amount of knowledge on how to operate them….you have owned how many Macs? Thought so!

    Geeeeeeezz! I could go on forever, but common man, give me some real shit here. This guy’s a joke, give me some real meat to bite into that might have some back bone instead of the unsubstantiated opinion of some published lame-O 3D copycat renderer who has nothing to do with his time except recreate Star Trek ships (…if that does not tell you something, nothing will)

  7. IT will catch on slowly but it’s clear that they are starting to. No need for Macs to suddenly supplant Windows or any such sci-fi… they will be considered, increasingly, as an option alongside others, for ALL types of businesses and home users alike. That trend will continue.

  8. (Getting money from your bank, calling your friends on the phone, checking into a hospital…)

    Given the correct software could Macs do any of those things?

    Then, why aren’t they?

  9. eaxit:

    first of all: it is a “humor page”. Nowadays PC weenies can only resort to sillyness if they want to trash talk Macs.

    Second: every single item is false, from 1 to 10. Even the hardware part and the software part. Lemmings do not know that many (and truly many) software titles are either ported for Mac (only the good ones, shitty crap titles usually are not: they do not sell for PC weenies imagine for classy Mac users) or are a hybrid CD but appear ONLY on the PC shelves. Hardware: maybe the only ones that are not compatibles are from Microsoft (and not even that is true: usually theu are all plug and play). Sure, an unknown brand, I’ll-break-if-you-install-me peripheral exist only for PC: as trainers to solve misterious crashes.

    price? : give me a brake
    one button? troll: get ANY multi-button-scrool-wheel-bluetooth-USB and stop BSing.
    Drive additions? Has the troll ever opened a G4?
    File extensions invisible: since are not needed are not seen. Wanna see them? it is just an option. Make them visible if you like them and shut the f*ck up.
    Auto floppy drive? When does this guy has left his cave the last time? Even PC now have floppy as options. True: takes time to realize that for stupid people but c’mon. FLOPPY?!?!?! LOL. Can you spell S-T-O-O-O-P-I-D ?!
    Public Schools: always out of phase: Now that Macs are coming back they are coming off Macs. LOL, they’ll spend a fortune to go back again. LOL. Try the spelling above.
    PS: US public school featuresd better than Greece alone in a high school contest (35 countries). Oh yes, also Greece has a majority of PCs in public schools.
    multitasking and old OS: JEEZ. We are talking about OS X lemming troll. Looks like you cannot even read the news. Get out of your cave altogether and read any PC computer magazine about OS X.
    sheehs, some people.
    The philosophical reasons are almost all reversed (seen the *only bad guys have Macs*? It is actually the opposite) and from reading that it looks like a page put up at the time Mac OS was System 7 or 8.

    As I said: your lemming is a caveman. Must be an IT professional: usually their knowledge of Mac OS IS about System 7 level.

  10. MacBuddy

    ??? those task are so easy on Macs. Are you still on OS 9 maybe?
    Hey, I even have my Mac sending me an email, and calling my cellphone to remind me of appointments.

  11. Seahawk

    I was actually hoping to get a response from someone else from another thread, I thought they’d run off to this one. (read: Power Mac G5 throughput specs ‘scream by desktop PC standards’)

    I returned this morning to the other thread to find I eventually got an equally typical resistant IT response.

    And FWIW, I’m on 10.2.6 and lovin’ it. I wish ‘IT Wizards’ could too ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”wink” style=”border:0;” />

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