Steve Jobs: These are 2 essential ingredients for success

“Steve Jobs is an entrepreneurial legend,” Catherine Clifford writes for CNBC. “Jobs, who died of pancreatic cancer in 2011 when he was 56 years old, was revered for his vision in making computer technology elegant and consumer friendly.”

“According to Jobs, two things are required to build a successful company: passion and people,” Clifford writes. “Jobs said so in an interview he did with Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates in 2007.”

“It takes ‘a lot of hard work,’ said Jobs, so if you don’t love what you’re doing, ‘you’re going to fail. So you’ve got to … have passion,'” Clifford writes. “For Jobs, the other component to building a successful business is your ability to attract and retain the best team members.”

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: We almost felt sorry for poor old Gates, the old thief. He’s as outmatched by Steve as his products were/are by the Mac, iPod, iTunes, iTunes Store, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, AirPods, HomePod…


  1. Hmm. I thought that if you provided the customer what they wanted the customer would pay for the product or service. Ultimately, the customer determines the success of a business unless the business is a monopoly.

    1. It is fairly simple to ask people and “focus groups” about their preferences, and it may be a perfectly good approach for many products. However, when you have a visionary leader in control, a company can produce groundbreaking products that people did not even know they wanted – like the iPhone. The iPhone concept was not the product of a focus group. Steve did not believe in focus groups – he believed in himself and his ability to envision the possibilities and choose the right path. When your leader is truly visionary, the results are incredible. When your leader is a faux visionary, the results can be disastrous. There is nothing worse than a misguided leader who believes himself to be infallible.

      Limiting yourself to only building what people think that they want is not necessarily a good long term plan. People wanted a faster horse before they wanted cars. People wanted 8-tracks before cassette tapes. People wanted CB radios before cell phones. And people wanted flip phones and Blackberry devices with tiny keyboards before they wanted iPhones.

      Sometimes people do not know what they want. Other times people think that they want one thing, but actually need/want another. And sometimes people just change their minds a lot, meaning that your product is always one or two fads behind the curve.

      1. Customer focus groups are great if you want to find out what you need to sell six months from now or maybe even a year from now.

        They are 100% useless if you are trying to find out what you should sell five years from now or if you are trying to figure out if they would want something completely different from what they are experiencing today. Virtually 100% of the common user has absolutely no idea what will really make his or her life better five years from now.

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