Apple pulls plug on Elvis Presley biopic after Harvey Weinstein scandal

“I have learned that Apple has pulled the plug on an Elvis Presley biopic series from The Weinstein Company in light of the controversy that has engulfed TWC since last week’s explosive exposé about its co-founder Harvey Weinstein,” Nellie Andreeva reports for Deadline.

“I hear it had been set up at Apple Music a couple of months ago and predated the establishment of an Apple worldwide video division led by Jamie Erlicht and Zack Van Amburg,” Andreeva reports. “I hear the deal, which now has been terminated, was for an biopic series, but there was an idea to grow that into an anthology franchise with Prince and Michael Jackson eyed as subjects in subsequent installments.”

“In light of the devastating New York Times report Thursday that chronicled Weinstein’s alleged long history of sexual harassment, he was fired from TWC on Sunday evening,” Andreeva reports. “Weinstein Television had partnered with the Elvis Presley estate in 2016 to create an eight- to 10-part television biopic that gave the company all music rights and access to shoot in the singer’s Graceland home and to the King’s automobiles, clothes and jets.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: The Weinstein Company is going to need a new name, to say the very least.

The pinguid Weinstein did more than harass, according to a report resulting from a ten-month investigation just published by The New Yorker, thirteen women interviewed said that, between the nineteen-nineties and 2015, Weinstein sexually harassed or assaulted them:

Three women… told me that Weinstein raped them, allegations that include Weinstein forcibly performing or receiving oral sex and forcing vaginal sex.Ronan Farrow, The New Yorker, October 10, 2017


  1. A piece of tail as old as Producer casting couch time. This probably still goes on surreptitiously elsewhere too in the entertainment biz though the tolerance for these shenanigans from an older generation need enlightenment. But those in a position of power will always try to exploit it. It’s human nature and a decided lack of empathy.

        1. President Clinton’s conduct was reprehensible and inexcusable, but your observation about “is” is inaccurate. Words do have quite specific meanings. Those meanings have precise legal consequences.

          For example, “is” is the present tense of the verb “to be.” So, when asked under oath “Are you having sex with this woman?” when you currently aren’t, the truthful answer is “No.” You are under no obligation to add, “but I was,” because “was” and “is” are not the same thing.

          Similarly, when a deposition question quite specifically defines “sex” as vaginal intercourse and asks “Did you have sex with this woman?” and you never had vaginal intercourse with her, the truthful answer is “No.” You are under no obligation to add, “but I did have oral-genital contact with her,” because that question was not asked.

          If we are going to condemn one powerful man for his sexual misconduct, we should do so across the board. The following, used by a married man with a pregnant wife, is not acceptable language, much less behavior: “I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

        2. Reprehensibility seems to be going out of fashion, thanks to a media establishment caught napping by Trump’s ascendency and now struggling for understanding and relevance, in somewhat the same way that a bewildered Alice traversed Lewis Carroll’s metaphorical moral landscape.

        3. “I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

          Yes, Trump private citizen words caught on camera. True or false? Since no proof or accusers have surfaced, I suspect bravado alpha male locker room talk between old frat boys.

          You continue firing bullets EXCLUSIVELY at Republicans while DEFENDING and IGNORING the dirty deeds of a long line of Democrats.

          Since you rehashed a fantasy unproven quote from a Republican, I’ll rehash legal reality consequences for three top sexual predator Democrats since I don’t have the time to go through them all.

          A) Bill Clinton charged by dozens of women in the media and courts for sexual harassment and other nefarious acts. And let’s not forget sex in the workplace with an intern employee that he sternly red-faced LIED and DENIED on national TV. Result: Settled sexual harassment claim out of court for almost a million dollars, lost law license and was impeached by the U. S. House. No jail time.

          Let’s not forget his ENABLER wife who continues to this day with the PHONY gall and FAKE outrage saying all women should be taken seriously making claims of sexual harassment. Seriously? I repeat, SERIOUSLY Ms. champion of women’s right?

          In the 1990s Hillary ran the infamous “Bimbo Eruption Unit” out of the White House systematically hand in hand with minions in the media repeatedly attempting to discredit and destroy the reputations of her husbands women accusers. Today they are married even though clueless Hillary had no idea what her husband was up to day and night for decades, or did she. Think about that. At least I give all the credit in the world to Weinstein’s wife doing the right thing today announcing she will divorce her sexual predator husband.

          B) Anthony Weiner sending nude pictures to young girls while married and other tawdry acts. Result: Convicted, unlike Clinton, and scheduled to enter jail in November.

          C) Howard Weinstein one of the most powerful men in Hollywood and mega donor to the Democrat party including Obama, Clinton and many others out sexually harassing movie stars and workers for DECADES. And as long as his money flowed to Democrats and Hollywood, oh, that’s just Harvey, right?

          Defend the 1990s semantic Bill Clinton parsing of “is” language all day. Still despicable, immoral, intentionally misleading and in no way fooling anyone. That’s inside lawyer baseball and history back in the late 1990s.

          What sexual harassment has escalated to this DAY after Bill skated justice — is the greater societal ISSUE in 2017 …

        4. To say that I ignored or defended the actions of Democrats like Clinton, Weinstein, and Weiner is simply a lie. I specifically said that what they did was indefensible.

          I knew I could count on you to suggest that Donald Trump acting like a sexist pig is perfectly OK because Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, and Anthony Weiner were worse. Maybe you haven’t noticed, but none of those three guys are currently in public office. Its all about shouting “squirrel!” and creating a distraction, isn’t it? I guess if Clinton jumps off a bridge, or robs a bank, it’s OK for you and The Donald, too.

          You seem to be ignoring that the “fantasy unproven quote by a Republican” was a videotaped confession to sexual assault by the current President of the United States. Kind of hard for me to ignore that.

          Sure, he might have been lying, but is that much better? What if the “fantasy” was about lynching black people rather than molesting women? Would we just blow it off as locker room talk? No, because everybody knows that lynching is a crime, but a lot of men don’t seem to understand that sexual assault is a crime, too.

          You seem not to have noticed that there were quite a few Trump accusers who surfaced last October. They haven’t sued for the same reasons that the Weinstein victims haven’t, including (1) most of their claims are barred by the statute of limitations, (2) most assault survivors don’t want to get targeted for “slut-shaming” by coming out as a victim; (3) Trump demands non-disclosure and mediation agreements from everybody who works for him, so we don’t know how many claims and settlements might have been handled privately; (4) Trump has a history of using economic pressure and vexatious litigation to crush anybody who comes after him; and (5) it’s effectively impossible to sue a sitting President of the United States.

          Just because most of the victims didn’t go public doesn’t mean they don’t exist. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Look at what happened when the floodgates opened for Weinstein and Cosby; victims were coming out of the woodwork.

        5. “I knew I could count on you to suggest that Donald Trump acting like a sexist pig is perfectly OK because Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, and Anthony Weiner were worse.”

          I knew I could count on to LIE and attempt to put words in my mouth and misinterpret what I’m saying.

          You call him a sexist pig and I do not agree with liberal PC definitions present day. Every guy and gal reaching sexual maturity says such things and most of it is innocent growing up or throughout life. Some of it is made up to be accepted into peer groups or gangs and impress friends or associates younger, older, professional and unprofessional. From what my sister tells me men are tame by comparison to women.

          Bottom line: if I believe LIBERALS then the whole world is full of, no we all are sexist pigs, both men and women.

          “is perfectly OK because Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, and Anthony Weiner were worse.”

          Yes it’s perfectly OK because at this point devoid of facts it’s private fantasy guy frat talk.

          And yes those three clowns are much, much worse. Glad you FINALLY said it. It’s like comparing first degree murder to jaywalking.

          “I guess if Clinton jumps off a bridge, or robs a bank, it’s OK for you and The Donald, too.”

          That’s your ridiculous hypothetical with no bearing on what I said. Another LIE in your post and attempt to put words in my mouth.

          “You seem to be ignoring that the “fantasy unproven quote by a Republican” was a videotaped confession to sexual assault by the current President of the United States. Kind of hard for me to ignore that.”

          First I am hearing it. Hmmm, wonder why the media are not all over it full bore 24/7? They throw everything they have at President Trump everyday.

          “Sure, he might have been lying, but is that much better? Would we just blow it off as locker room talk?”

          You really have your panties in a twist over this. I don’t. Yes, just “blow it off” as bravado alpha male guy locker room talk. Most sensible, honest down to earth people see it EXACTLY THAT WAY. Liberals, like yourself well that’s another story entirely.

          You, your party and the media really need to lighten up. Fake sexual words compared with a conviction of sexual assault are nowhere same thing or in the same league. Got it?

          “The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”

          What?!? Tell that to journalists and historians writing history, the Smithsonian curators, judges prosecuting crimes or the IRS auditing your income. Absolutely ridiculous. I guess when the asked the hypothetical classic in college: if a tree falls in the forest, and no one was around to hear it does it make a sound? You most likely answered, NO …

        6. GoeB,

          It’s a shame that this thread is now so far down the page that nobody will read your latest comment. It would be excellent material for Trump’s Republican challengers in 2020 to use in their campaign materials to illustrate the moral decay at the core of the current Administration and its supporters.

          Do you actually think that anything approaching a plurality of decent citizens from the moral majority of our party—or of our nation—think that bragging about committing sexual assault (not about imagining or fantasizing about it, but actually doing it) can be “blown off” as “bravado alpha male guy locker room talk?”

          Even if he was lying, who but a complete degenerate would brag about committing a crime that can earn you serious jail time in 45 states? Who would go on a national radio program and boast about serial adultery? Who would try to outdo Howard Stern in sexually demeaning descriptions of women? Who would repeatedly enter the dressing rooms unannounced at a beauty pageant for underaged girls?

          And the best his supporters can come up with is “other people were worse.” Hint: they didn’t give Stalin a medal for killing a few less Jews than Hitler.

        7. All those numerous exhausting tedious hypotheticals which are meaningless, fake, MADE UP — aimed at someone who does not give a rat’s arse.

          Earth to user — the general public has moved on. And the real biggie that will further twist your self righteous panties in a bigger bunch — the average person, pay attention and say after me — DOES NOT CARE or think it a BIG DEAL like Libtards do. So sorry.

          You have a sickening obsession bordering on psychosis with this topic. As someone else posted recently, “stop puking your moral equivalencies” …

        8. “GoeB,
          It’s a shame that this thread is now so far down the page that nobody will read your latest comment.”

          How do you know? The WordPress subscribers will or will not read it, who cares? Right, YOU DO.

          “It would be excellent material for Trump’s Republican challengers in 2020 to use in their campaign materials to illustrate the moral decay at the core of the current Administration and its supporters.”

          LOL! THANK YOU because now I am 100% convinced you really are a PLANT working for the Democratic Party — FAKE self described straight white male CONSERVATIVE. And that’s fine, bring it on.

          FACTS WIN arguments. But in politics, sometimes a different story and you know that. That’s why you are here day after day posting anti-Trump posts. Again, that’s fine.

          I will be paying attention …

  2. Guess Weinstein’s getting some bad karma coming his way. Oh well. He played now he’s paying.

    Apple though, I’m going to ding here, since they didn’t drop, fire or even scolded Dr. (formerly woman beater “Beats”) Dre for his past. Guess Apple is saying it’s ok to beat women…just don’t rape them?

    True I am an Apple fan. But a woman first.

    1. I haven’t heard of Weinstein being accused of rape, only sexual harassment. I believe one woman said he pulled out his schlong and “pleasured” himself in front of her, so you could throw in indecent exposure.
      The guy is definitely a real asshole.

        1. let’s review together, The Plantation Party has lost:
          • The Presidency
          • The Senate
          • The House
          • The Supreme Court
          • The Governorships
          • The State Legislatures

          you have no power, you are impotent, except for Whoopi and Weinstein….it’s hilarious to watch.

        2. Goody for you, the pendulum of your bipolar society swung to your side. Is the Red team going to accomplish anything before the pendulum swings back? There is no indication they have any ability or cohesive vision to do so.

          As suicidal as brexit is going to be for us brits, you yanks have further to fall. Lots of tweets and hot air is all we see. Red states going bankrupt. The conservative supreme court invesigating the republican party’s gerrymandering. Every day more distraction, but zero progress. On the contrary, Trump is confused why everyone doesn’t want to undo all progress so we can return to the 19th century. Doesn’t everyone want to heat your home with coal and allow anyone to dump pollution and sewage into the municipal ditch without repurcussion? Executive floundering has never before been so pathetic and counterproductive. Trump reneges on his campaign promises one after another, the latest to stick American taxpayers with the bill for his cute little fence to keep brown skinned people away because you know all of them are rapists and murderers and there is no possible way Trump could use any humanitarian judgement to offer a path to citizenship to meet the labor needs of domestic companies. it’s just not possible because paranoia is the underlying Trump theme. The people who have been convinced the world is falling apart and only Trump can save the day are deluded. Exhibition #1: botvinnik.

    1. Ya know, it’s this silliness that keeps focus OFF of repatriating. There’s a lot of work that COULD have been done if folks would just focus on the big picture and do it.

      1. I don’t think you would regard it as “silliness” if Harvey Weinstein molested your wife or daughter. A man soliciting a prospective employee to massage his private parts, or exposing and pleasuring himself in front of her, or worse, might appear like “the big picture” then. Some men, however, don’t seem to think it’s disgusting when powerful men brag that they can abuse women and get away with it.

        1. So only pearl clutching liberals are opposed to rape? That’ll come as a big surprise to the thousands of law enforcement officers and prosecutors who thought that sexual assault was a crime.

          As Herself said, reprehensibility seems to be going out of fashion in a world where powerful men boast that they could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue and get away with it. I’m pleased to see that at least Mr. Weinstein has lost his Teflon coating.

  3. Hey MDN, where’s your outrage about President Donald Trump sexually harassing multiple women, walking in on naked teenage girls, and allegedly raping his wife?

    Or are you only pretending to be outraged because of the “D” by Weinstein’s name?

        1. Steve gets a good rating for stating what we can all see, retaining relevance to the story, and providing a good mental image. All well above botvinnik’s meager abilities.

        2. You may be right. The Republican Party, however, needs even more work before it represents the entire country. And Trump himself, not a dyed-in-the-wool Republican (or anything else but Himself, ahem), with his rock-solid base, could conceivably form a third political party. Call it the Trump Party. That has a certain ring to it. Or no party at all! Trump could run as a write-in candidate and win. As long as he’s running against a woman (one perceived to be corrupt) and also running against the despised media, he can’t lose, even without help from shadowy hackers.

        3. Nobody cares about either of your corrupt parties. They are both embarrassments to representative democracy. The fact that you come to a tech forum to incessantly cheerlead for the one is truly pathetic.

        4. I really liked your prior post, but a Parliamentary form of representation is downright offensive. Gerrymandering to the limit. Imagine that! Selling my vote by forming a coalition, with no recourse for the voter.

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