Samsung running out of time against Apple in court

“With a little more than a week to go in the month-long patent trial between Apple and Samsung, time is running out quickly. Both sides get 25 hours each to call up, and cross-examine one another’s witnesses — and Samsung’s running low.” Josh Lowensohn reports for The Verge.

“Samsung spent much of this week attempting to pick apart Apple’s argument it had copied features from iPhones, iPods, and iPads. That ultimately ended with Samsung’s chief attorney pleading (unsuccessfully) with the judge for more time to make its case,” Lowensohn reports. “…and even aided one of its witnesses in pulling up documents from an evidence binder.”

Lowensohn further adds, “The rush is not a new thing for Samsung, which ran into a similar time crunch in the 2012 trial against Apple. That case was far more complex, with more patents and more products in play. This time around, both companies have focused solely on user-facing features like Apple’s slide-to-unlock, and Samsung’s photo gallery feature.”

Read more in the full article here.

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      1. Of course every invention is obvious after it is shown and explained. Why didn’t Samsung put out a smart phone with all those features before Apple did? Did Apple steal Samsung’s future invention of a time machine and then go back in time to steal Samsung’s phone plans and then go further back in time to build the iPhone two years before Samsung could make the Galaxy stuff?

    1. Recently the South Korean ship cap-side with all high school students been trapped in it. The kids been told stay put instead of put on life vests and get on the boats, why?. Because they listened to elderly, Its culture believes elderly knows better.
      The kids’ obedience don’t think out-of-the-box. So Samsung infringed Apple, Dyson is not new, just follow the leaders and you will be safe.

      1. Was this an attempt at turning a national tragedy into a self-righteous rant about South Korea’s culture, and how we are somehow better? Because if it is, you have even less morals than those that buy Samsung products.

    1. I don’t think following rules is in Samsung’s rulebook. Whereas real innovators live outside ‘the box’ in order to create new things, scumbag parasites like Samsung live outside ‘the box’ so they can cheat and screw over those living ‘inside the box’.

      IOW: You can bet Samsung’s crybaby ‘we need more timeeeee!’ was written into their strategy outline before the trial.

      Bad biznizz at work.

      1. As I’ve said before on this site, twice I’ve been in trials where the other side was represented by lawyers from Quinn Emanuel. Both times those lawyers tried to get the presiding judge to change the pre trial rules in their favor after the trial had started. Once the QE lawyer just violated a rule outright hoping to get away with it. The judge was not amused. He sanctioned the lawyer personally to the tune of $5,000. I thought it wasn’t much as the case was about several tens of millions of dollars, and the firms on each side were getting a few million for their efforts, but the lawyers representing the side I was on claimed a lawyer *personally* getting sanctioned for $5,000 was HUGE.

        Seems Quinn Emanuel’s lawyers are coached to push for everything they can and to follow the rules only when the absolutely have to do so. (And sometimes not even then.)

        So, I agree. The “We need more time.” request was in their strategy minutes after the pre trial rule was made.

        1. Judge Koh should have severely sanctioned QE lawyers for disobeying Court Orders to maintain the privacy of Apple’s confidential commercial information from their client, Samsung. Instead, she let the QE lawyers off scot-free. But she goes out of her way to chastise Apple lawyers for evoking “xenophobia” when they chide the QE lawyers — who are American, by the way — for “missing something in translation” in the Court Order ! Justice is blind?

        2. First, it’s not a justice system no matter what it is called. It is a legal system. They fight over what is legal or not, it has nothing to do with justice.

          Second, yes, the QE lawyers (*and* the firm itself) should have been sanctioned for hundreds of thousands of dollars for the Apple-Nokia non disclosure breach. That not happening and a simple “Don’t do it again.” was a travesty in the extreme.

      1. Couldn’t agree more. Sure, it took a little getting used to. Some people just find change, any kind of change hard. At this stage, to me going back to iOS 6 would be going backwards. I’ve come to like and appreciate the enhancements of iOS 7. Is there room for improvement? Of course, show me anything that’s perfect. There is no such thing as a perfect something. If there was, nothing would ever change. How boring would that be? I look forward to iOS 8, and in the mean time, I’m enjoying iOS 7.

    1. iOS 6 was a mish-mash of UI elements. Maybe you don’t like the design style of iOS 7, but it is far more consistent between different apps, settings, and other UI elements than iOS 6 was.

      1. Bullcrap!

        While I appreciate your posts on other topics you are knowledgeable in, clearly, graphic design is not your vocation.

        The mishmash of graphic design styles is the train wreck of iOS7. By a conservative calculator I count 4 different styles. By a liberal count possibly 6-7 styles.

        Stay with what you know best.

        1. Forgot to mention.

          iOS6 was Steve at his apex of most excellent tight as a drum graphic design vision.

          The masses, seniors and kindergarten kids all understood.

          Not with 7 …

        2. I love Apple products. IT’S the Ugly Graphic Design of iOS 7 that has me runnng iOS 6.
          7 may have some nice useable features. I’ll never know til they either fix the UI or my software won’t run and I’ll have to hold my nose and “Kiss that Ugly Frog.”
          Most people aren’t into design. I ran a Pre-Press shop. Used to hate it when clients came in—not with ideas— but with their “design.” Told every employee who worked on their project: “Don’t tell ANYONE that we produced this thing!!!”

  1. Samsung seems to be having trouble refuting Apple’s 25 hours of evidence already given. As Apple argued, it would be unfair to grant Samsung more than their allotted 25 hours of refutation.

  2. I really don’t understand any of the hate that exists for iOS7. It was rushed, true, but it’s evolving and getting “better.” (like ANY operating system – every try OS10.1 or OS 10.2?) I truly like the look and feel, and the vastly better operation and experience of using it – man!

    Anyone who says they prefer iOS6 is probably being paid to do so. And an adoption rate that is sky-high don’t lie.

        1. First off, that’s nonsense. First off, what’s the point of having the best healthcare in the world if millions of people can’t afford it?

          And by the way, what does “most advanced” even mean?

          So what there are lots of gadgets. In the end of the day, the United States ranks relatively low in terms of healthcare, so what if R2D2 is examining you?

        2. Am I? You ever notice that people call names when they don’t have facts to back up their position.

          it’s a chicken-shite way to be, but what can you do?

          So, where does the United States rank in terms of healthcare, you may wonder? We rank 37th, according to the United Nations.

          So, I have to ask: Who’s the idiot, the person who attacks an attempt to provide healthcare to as many Americans as possible or the person who is lucid enough to understand that it doesn’t matter how good your healthcare is if people don’t have access to it.

          I put my money on the former.

        3. Have a look at where the USA is in the world rankings on infant mortality. Most of the developed world (at least) looks at delivering quality health care to ALL its citizens as a priority

        4. what does that have to do with infant mortality rates? You are such a dick!

          “Oct. 15, 2008 — The U.S. ranks 29th worldwide in infant mortality, tying Slovakia and Poland but lagging behind Cuba, the CDC reports.

          The CDC’s latest estimates for international rankings are based on 2004 data. But as of 2005, the numbers haven’t changed much since 2000.

          Nearly seven U.S. babies die out of every 1,000 live births. More than 28,000 American babies die before their first birthday.

          In Japan, ranked in third place behind Singapore and Hong Kong, the infant mortality rate is 2.8 per thousand live births — less than half the U.S. rate.

          In one way, the U.S. has improved since 1960. Back then, 26 in 1,000 infants died. That was good enough to land the U.S. in 12th place.”

        5. That doesn’t even mean anything. You know your problem, you’re an ideologue. You are less interested in results than towing some sort of party line.

          It’s OK for you for people not to be able to afford healthcare, which includes preventative care. This means that they get sicker, and cost more to take care of.

          That’s the weirdest thing: You let blind and silly ideology get in the way of providing millions of people with healthcare they can afford, all in the name of bs.

          That’s really sad.

        6. It’s good that we can talk civilly, though I honestly don’t get you. You talk about how great the American healthcare system is, and if you can afford it, it is.

          We rank 37th in terms of healthcare. Thirty-seventh! Spain is ranked 7th DESPITE, the last I heard, having a train wreck of an economy.

          We’re obviously doing something seriously wrong, and it’s about time we do something about it.

          President Obama, with the Affordable Care Act, has enabled million of people who couldn’t afford healthcare to get it at an affordable price.

          As far as I can tell, that’s a win-win.

          Though what anyone could have against another person receiving healthcare at a reasonable cost is so beyond the pale it boggles my mind.

          We need to move beyond propaganda and ideology and just look at facts. Does the ADA enable people who didn’t have healthcare, to get it?

          As far as I know, eight million people have signed up, so that’s a ‘Yes.’

          Are they saving money doing so? Again, as far as I know, ‘Yes.’

          That benefits us all in the long an short run, so how it becomes a bad thing is literally beyond my comprehension.

          And it’s not about ideology, it’s about helping people who need it.

          Seems really simple to me.

        7. my point exactly, it does not help people that need it. Its entire function if guarantee a market, at taxpayer’s expense, for the pharmaceutical and insurance industries. It is the product of a vile, purchased monopoly.

        8. I didn’t because there’s no point and I have no intention of playing whatever game you’re engaging in.

          If you have something to say, or a point to make, do it because I don’t know you well enough–or at all, for that matter–to indulge you.

          Play “gotcha” with someone else. As I said, if you have a point, make it or move on.

  3. I just looked at iOS7 for the first time. I take back every bad word I said about it. It is actually very good. How could I have been so blind? I think I was blinded by my head being stuck up my ass. Now that I pulled it out I can now see more clearly.

  4. I have a confession to make. Due to the fact that I finally looked at iOS 7, and had to admit that it’s pretty decent, I’ve quit my paid position with Samsung. I’ve decided to apply at Burger King and try to make a respectable living, instead of prostituting myself every day for money in order to blast iOS 7 and Samsung’s behest.

  5. through the trial so far Samsung’s main argument (as put out by a long line of their executives) seems to be that people buy Samsung phones not for the features (and the features they copied aren’t very good) but because samsung spends a lot on marketing (they spent lots of time trotting out their Superbowl ads etc)

    So what they’re saying is: our phones HAVE FEATURES WHICH WE DON’T CONSIDER VERY GOOD (but we implemented them anyways!) because we knew WE COULD B.S OUR IDIOT CUSTOMERS WITH LOTS OF ADVERTISING !

    Apple is saying we are asking a lot of damages because our features are GREAT and that’s why we have them in our phones.

    Samsung is so confident of the stupidity level of their customers i.e not understanding the above that they dared use this strategy in court… lol.

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