Samsung: Uh, someday our phones will have 64-bit processors, too

“Samsung has confirmed its next high-end smartphones will feature 64-bit processors,” Leo Kelion reports for BBC News. “The announcement follows the launch of the iPhone 5S, the first handset to include the technology.”

“The Android operating system would need to be updated before Samsung’s Galaxy devices could take advantage of a shift to 64-bit,” Kelion reports. “If a program has been written to take advantage of a 64-bit operating system, it should mean the processor can access data that is in this larger memory rather than retrieving it from, for example, the hard disk. This speeds up the whole processing chain.”

Kelion reports, “Samsung Electronic’s co-chief executive announced its plan to use 64-bit chips, in an interview with the Korea Times newspaper. ‘Not in the shortest time,’ said Shin Jong-kyun. ‘But yes, our next smartphones will have 64-bit processing functionality.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Poor Samsung. It’s difficult to be an effective fast follower when you’re stuck with off-the-shelf processors and someone else’s profitless, malware-infested iOS knockoff.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “tom599” for the heads up.]

Related articles:
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Apple reveals flagship iPhone 5s with Touch ID, the world’s first and only 64-bit smartphone – September 10, 2013
Apple unveils iPhone 5C; pre-order September 13th, on sale September 20th – September 10, 2013
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    1. Do you think they realize the iPad will also have the 64-bit A7, the M7 chip, the finger print scan and what ever else is tucked into the iOS 7 upgrade. The tablet gamers are going to want the 64-bit device.

      Samsung, you can’t sell a rowboat to someone looking for a speedboat.

  1. If android updated their software to 64 bit then all apps would have to be 64 bit too. I do not believe that it would run both 32 and 64 bit like Apple can. All the API would need to be rewritten as well. This will most likely take years. Android phones will need a fan in order for these chips to stay cool. That will mean even bigger phones. Then everyone will still complain that apple needs a bigger phone. Especially BLN.

        1. grammar nazi: historically speaking, that “rule” is just a fashion and ending a sentence with a preposition has an extensive and respectable history in English literature.

          Grammar changes, over time. I’m with you on changes that are stupid or that can obscure meaning or dilute the strength of words. But the “preposition at the end” structure does none of these things. And it sounds better in day-to-day conversation than, “Funny, those are the things for which I use my iPad” or “Funny. I use my iPad for those things.”

        2. Nein!

          Your sentence does not make a lot of sense in German.
          What you where trying to say is
          “Es heißt nicht ‘grammar nazi’, es heißt ‘Grammar Nazi’!”

          But I won’t call you a “Dummkopf”.

      1. Or on a 5″ scene, or 6, or 8, or even 15! Maybe we should have phones with 23″ screens?

        Logic and ergonomics seems to be hand in hand. Pun intended. Bigger screens are not better. Go ride your horse somewhere else.

    1. Not a problem, android apps are not native code until the JIT compiler compiles the bytecode to a processor specific architecture.

      64 bit android on ARM has been on the roadmap for awhile. The first 64 bit processors in an android device are slated for 2014.

      1. That is only true for java apps. True native apps will be built for the target CPU. And only people creating low level system extensions and high performance games would need to write native apps. Everyone else generally uses has as you suggest. And java will work cross platform and scale for architecture. Sure.

      2. Most 3D games use native code, and don’t forget about drivers and OS which are all native. Linux only managed the switch to 64 bit because (almost) all software was open source, which is not the case on Android. In my point of view this will take 4-5 years to complete on Android, with a lot of problems of incompatibilities in the mean time.

    2. It doesn’t matter. Samdung will release a 64-bit phone just to say they have it regardless of whether Android will be 64-bit ready (which it won’t be). Specs for the sake of specs. Mark my words.

  2. I vaguely remember a comment on one of the MDN postings several weeks ago where someone said Google was no longer putting a lot of effort into updating Android, in favor of developing its own hardware/software combo. Is this true? If it is, Samsung’s going to wait a lot longer than they think.

      1. I’m sorry.i didn’t pay attention to the emoticon and I have gotten far too sensitive to the irritating anonymous trolls on this forum. I should not have responded so reflexively.

        There is a detailed article available on the net explaining how Google is trying to mitigate the fragmentation of Android functionality across different handsets with different versions of the OS. Google cannot force handset vendors to issue upgrades, and vendors are often reluctant to do so because they have to customize the release and have very little to gain in terms of profit. So Google push updates its services app which has broad permissions and can grant itself new permissions as desired. All of this happens without requiring user approval, I believe. I consider this to be a scary tactic with potentially severe security issues. In addition, this is only a partial solution because some core services are tied to the OS release. This is yet another example of why iOS should be victorious in the long run. Android will eventually collapse on its own.

        Sorry again.

  3. Watch. All the iHaters on ZDNET, CNET, CNN, YAHOO will praise how cutting edge Samsung is to produce the POS clone with 64bit. Yet the same numbskulls ignore Apple iPhone 64 bit and Motion coprocessor addition.

  4. “But yes, our next smartphones will have 64-bit processing functionality.”

    I am not sure why this is news or reason to make fun of Samsung. Every hardware on the planet knew 64-bit coming to phones like it did for mainframes then PCs. But, congratulations to Apple for being first and more importantly for transitioning so smoothly.

    “Poor Samsung”. Um, “Rich Samsung” last time I checked.

    I like Apple way more than Samsung. I love iOS and have given little thought to trying Android. But Samsung is where it is because of engineering talent that goes deep down into individual components where Apple only goes selectively. It is not a coincidence that one of Apple’s big challenges recently has been to diversify its supplier chain away from Samsung. Samsung is a very smart company and have very different strengths than Apple.

  5. Even if Samsung got a 64bit version of Android from Google, it would be eons before it began to filter out to the world. Some carriers {cough}AT&T{cough} would drag their feet so long with distributing the update for even the newest of phones, that most people would just wait until some new phone from some vendor had the OS.

    The current version of Android has been out for months and I still can upgrade on my brand new HTC ONE, and most of the scuttle but is that I’ll get it if and when I want to go to the next phone.

    The devices are nice, but the whole of the Android experience sucks.

    1. Yep and that is the biggest issue with Android imho.

      My Droid DNA is the same way. Very nice device, gorgeous screen. Runs great. It has Jelly Bean but who knows if it will even get Kitkat when it ships.

      You can root your phone, but if its running HTC sense its a complete PITA is you want Sense on a 3rd party Rom.

      The one area where the iPhone kills all contenders is with updates and the consistency of the UI across generations of devices.

  6. Samsung should be innovative and install a organ scanning feature. Each Penis is different and the Samsung phone will scan it when you place it on the screen. There you go Samsung. I have you a great idea and now go build it. 😉

    1. that’s the problem, Samsung doesn’t have any good ideas, except use a free open-source OS they have no control over and to make phones larger. Wow, that innovation for sure.

      You would actually have to build a penis scanner so Samsung could reverse engineer to anything approaching an implementation that works on their phones.

      Samsung, other company’s IP is our R&D!!!

  7. Samescum does a Microsoft – now they are the copiers of ‘vapourware’.

    Good luck waiting for Andriod to be 64bit – gonna be a long wait as google is a search company not a software company.

  8. It would appear that Cook and company, with recent announcements, have boxed Samsung into a corner at the chip level, the OS level and the App Store level. His company is well positioned for future growth and innovation.

    My modest take is that Samsung will continue to sell a lot of phones but at ever-diminishing profit margins. Their smartphone infrastructure is not vertically integrated, thus condemning them to a steepening, downward spiral of mediocrity.

    1. “It’s only 64 bit”

      Haha! No one has a 64 bit phone fool.

      You’re only a troll!

      Add M7 processor, best camera, iOS 7, free iWork, best video recording, the colors, iTunes radio, Siri, Maps, etc. and what do your have?

      Proof that Apple has not lost its stride and is a quantum leap ahead of the pathetic, slavish copyists.

      iPhone 5s, ready to buy.

    2. What do you mean “only” 64 bit? We’re you expecting 128-bit or something? It is a mobile device and there is no need for more cores. Your 1995 mentality about computer specs is showing that you know little about technology. The ‘narrow’ display is the same aspect ratio as just about every other phone out there. The resolution doesn’t need to really go up cuz you couldn’t see it anyway. Why drive pixels that you can’t see? RAM isn’t an issue for ios. It is smarter that way. Etc, etc. Try supporting your argument next time. The Internet somehow makes people think they can just say anything and that it will mean something. News flash, the Internet doesn’t replace logic.

  9. The iPhone 5S 64-bit processor was the best kept secret Apple has managed in a long time. The right developers kept this one close to the vest. No one saw it coming. Maybe no one considered that Touch ID may require 64-bit code to perform without fail. Maybe everyone thought iOS was already 64-bit. That said, look at what it took for Apple to move its user base from 32-bit PPC to 64-bit Intel. It took YEARS and a plan that had to work right the first time. Apple followed the same process with iOS and the devices utilizing it. And the developers will HAPPILY help Apple make this 64-bit migration successful. It is highly unlikely Samsung will accomplish the same thing with a smartphone in one year with off the shelf technology and Android. Samsung might pull it off with the hardware. What about the software? Will Android suddenly go 64-bit? Will all those apps work seamlessly on an endlessly complicated choice of 32-bit and 64-bit devices? And if Samsung releases a new platform that runs 64-bit mobile apps, who will develop for it? This is one of the most brilliant moves Apple has done in the name of serving its CUSTOMERS. Apple just extended its lead in mobile computing by another 5 years.

    1. No doubt one day there will be a need to address more than 4GB RAM. At which point I am sure everyone will be running 64-bit. IOS devs now have to provide 2 versions of every app and there is now a compatibility overhead. +4GB RAM requires a significant battery improvement but battery development progresses at a snails pace for obvious reasons.
      As for who copying who, the 5C is identical to the plastic colourful Nokia 520/620s, IOS7 copied the ‘flat look’ MS Metro design language and the IOS command centre has been lifted straight from the Android notification system.
      A before you say ‘Troll’ don’t be a twat and say Apple is dumb enough to not take the best features the opposition come up with..

    2. The iPhone 5S 64-bit processor was the best kept secret Apple has managed in a long time. The right developers kept this one close to the vest. No one saw it coming.

      BANG F*CKING ON!!!

      Maybe, just maybe Tim Cooke is a helluva lot smarter than so-called analysts give him credit for. Ya think?!

  10. I wonder why no one notice this yet. ARM published its 64 bit architecture 11 months ago and it wasn’t expecting any 64 bits chips on the market before the end of 2014 – beginning of 2015 timeframe. Apple beat everyone by a year and a half, this is amazing.

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