With Apple’s iOS 7, is there any reason to jailbreak anymore?

“Newer iOS users may not realize it, but video recording, multitasking, copy/paste and customizable notifications, among others, were initially only available to people who jailbroke their iOS devices to add unsanctioned features,” Adriana Lee writes for ReadWrite. “Then little by little, Apple integrated those functions into its mobile platform.”

Lee writes, “Now, with iOS 7, the company has done it again. This software version contains no ordinary features. In some cases, they’re among the most popular among jailbreakers today. That means when Apple launches the new software—on or around September 10—there will be fewer reasons to hack into that iDevice.”

Read more in the full article here.


    1. There was no reason to jail brake the iPhone, since the App Store came out. However I understand the very few reasons to do so, such as unlocking a phone, etc. But now that AT&T will unlock a 2 year old phone, off contract, then even jailbreaking for that is not reason enough.

      I have jailbroken my iPhone 1 (2g), for the apps. I also jb, my iPhone 3g and even installed Android, for a lark. But since iPhone 3GS and on, I won’t ever jb an iPhone. It feels like I am taking a step backwards, and compromising security at the same time.

      So stupid to do it any more.

      1. Being able to use your iPhone as a wifi hotspot using the data you are already paying for without allowing your greedy carrier to gouge you and double dip and charge you extra for that “privilege”.

    2. So you think iOS 7 is stupid and gimmicky compared to iOS 6? Because pretty much everything that differentiates the two (and more) can be done to iOS 6 with a jailbreak.

      We could’ve had this same conversation a year ago with iOS 5 versus iOS 6; and the year before that, and before that…

      1. This.

        All that is listed in the article, plus security fixes long before apple fixed them..

        OS X now restricts the color sidebar in finder.. Unless you install a hack to restore it.
        Same with the dock, you can sport any color dock you want.

        Customization is what most people jailbroke the iOS devices for.
        Pirating? Yeah it happened. But it wasn’t the reason people jailbroke.

        Sbsettings is the only thing I miss from my jailbreak days. And iOS 7 is getting “some” of it.

  1. would be great if we could tether free of charge… if you are paying for data, you’re paying for data twice with the current carrier solutions if you need/choose to tether on the go.

    1. I only pay once with Verizon. My phone is set up to use the nearest WiFi and only then connect to LTE if I don’t have a connection. I still haven’t gone over the 1GB, but I also don’t do anything stupid like try to watch a movie without pre-loading it.

      1. But that’s the point — no one is stealing any data. You’re paying for it, so why can’t you tether your laptop to your iPhone and use your data plan? Apple laptops don’t have cellular built in, so unless you have WiFi, you’re not able to add your laptop to a data plan anyway.

        1. @Bizlaw,

          Depending on the plan, jailbreak tethering apps is stealing stealing.

          If you have a plan that includes tethering, there’s nothing wrong with using a jailbreak tethering app.

          If you have a limited pay-per-MB data plan, then the carrier should include tethering, and I can kind of understand the argument that using a jailbreak tethering app isn’t stealing since you’re paying for the data.

          However, with the unlimited data plan without tethering, such as the grandfathered plan from AT&T, using a jailbreak tethering app is in fact theft of service from AT&T. At issue is that you signed a contract stating that you would pay $X in order to use your iPhone and only your iPhone for accessing data without being charged per MB. AT&T set up the unlimited data plan specifically excluding tethering since they knew that an iPhone without tethering could only consume so much data per month. By tethering, you’re going beyond what they set up the plan to be… thus theft of service.

          Think of it this way… when you fly on a plane with Wi-Fi and it’s $20 to connect your iPhone, would you consider it not stealing to have you iPhone connect and then open a hotspot providing free Wi-Fi to everyone else on the plane?

        2. The AT&T plan illegally throttles your data usage. There’s no legal justification that carriers which are using public airwaves which they license for commercial usage can double dip and recharge on top of the charge.

        3. Nothing that I wrote has anything to do with throttling, nor does the use of public airwaves.

          “There’s no legal justification that carriers which are using public airwaves which they license for commercial usage can double dip and recharge on top of the charge.”

          Sure there is. AT&T grandfathers a no-tethering unlimited data plan and a metered plan that includes tethering. Care to cite the law that makes these two plans illegal?

          And AT&T doesn’t have to grandfather anyone in the unlimited plan. They could cancel it at any time. They probably *should* cancel it because the last time I checked, most people with the plan are using less than what they would pay for in the less expensive metered plan.

          Look, I get it, it sucks. AT&T isn’t “nice”, but theft of service is theft of service. I don’t rob stores simply because I don’t like the owner or they don’t act nice.

          But from a practical standpoint, the idea of unlimited data, without throttling, and with tethering is totally unrealistic for a company like AT&T or Verizon. If they allowed it, I’d be using my iPhone, which gets 50mbps+, to provide Internet connectivity to everyone and easily hit 1TB of data per month. I’m not alone here on this, which is why AT&T has to have some restrictions and policies that make sense for them as a business. Their infrastructure couldn’t support it otherwise.

          Of course, if you don’t like it, spend your money elsewhere, or admit that yes, it’s theft of service but doing so is justified as civil disobedience against something you feel “entitled” to… but to claim that AT&T’s policies are illegal is just silly.

          Just because you don’t like it, it doesn’t make it illegal.

      2. @Tessellator

        You’re absolutely right! AT&T, and other providers, are stealing from their clients by charging a service fee for data, but then crippling a function of their client’s phones that would use that data unless they pay an extra fee, in other words, forcing a client to pay twice for one service. They somehow think they’re entitled to some sort of extra extortion fee if a user wants their phone uncrippled so that they can use the data that their already paying for as they want. Do you hear that AT&T! Tessellator and others think your stealing and that it’s wrong!

        And Tessellator, if that still doesn’t compute. Paying extra for tethering is the equivalent of if AT&T, or any provider, decided to charge you extra for viewing YouTube or Netflix on your phone. The phone isn’t theirs, and YouTube and Netflix isn’t theirs, but somehow they’d still feel that they’re entitled to an extra piece of the pie. So regarding your final question, it should go, “Why do THEY think THEY are entitled to take something (an extra fee) without paying (no extra service).” because, in essence, by charging extra, they are stealing from their clients who are already paying a service fee for data.

        1. You agreed to it (the service and the charges, with your provider)
          Why do you think it’s ok to steal.

          If you are’t getting what you want, you are free to move to another provider. (though I wonder why you agreed to a service plan that wasn’t what you wanted in the first place)
          Wow, just wow.

      3. Why does Apple have to pay for a patent license to Samsung, when Qualcomm paid for that license to design and build a chip, that Apple bought from Qualcomm?

        When I was in the UK, I had a temporary unlocked phone. For 10 Quid per month, I had unlimited 3G data on Virgin Mobil, and that included tethering. (Starting up the account, they gave the first 45 days for free, so I didn’t even have to spend the 10, but that was tide to buying a 39 pound phone.)

        So not only I, with the phone, could use the internet, so could my kids (iPods) and wife (laptop and iPad). For one week, we used up 3GB of data, of an unlimited plan, (mostly because my kid was downloading 1MB wallpapers. I put a stop to that.) But ultimately this was the fair price in London. I was able to travel to Liverpool, and Cardiff, no hitches no glitches, and the whole family had a good time.

        Why are we treaded so poorly with data in the US? Sure we have the speed, but we pay so much a simple service the rest of the world get’s a much better rate.

        Even in Ukraine, we were able to get unlimited data, paid per day, at about 20 cents per day, after conversion. So for $6/month, unlimited and including tethering, it leaves you with the perspective that AT&T and every single other service provider has been gouging the US market for data services for the better part of a decade.

        Even better, texting is the same issue.

        So, that’s why we get $199 iPhones, and they cost $600+ else where. But If I have an unlocked wholly paid for iPhone, I am still paying the subsidy prices for the data plans that come along with locked phones.

        Yeah we are getting cheated, to the Nth degree.

        1. There are numerous providers in the US that will give you discounted rates for a BYOF (unlocked)
          Problem is everyone in the US is used to getting $800 phones for $199 so actually paying for the phone has proved unpopular.
          But there are many MVNO’s (and some T-mobile) plans that will give you significantly discount rates for unlocked phones. (I got my daughter an unlimited text and data (limited talk) plan for $30/month with T_mobile)

          The “popular” plans by the major carriers in the US are admittedly designed for people who like to constantly have a new phone (annual or bi-anual basis.) Only then do they make sense, you are correct that if you don’t get the new phone (as soon you can) you are essentially paying the subsidy (about $20-30/month on the top of your service) but not getting the new phone.

      4. I am gobsmacked by the the mindset that steeling is OK because I have constructed a set of rationalizations for that theft (that I am entitled to something) in my mind.

        If a baker charges (what you feel is) too much for his bread it doesn’t make it ok steal from him (or to steal a couple croissants when you buy your bread because you feel he is charging too much).

        You (or perhaps you parents) signed up with whatever carrier plan you are on. You are supposed to live up to your end of that agreement. If that states you have to pay extra for multiple devices then that is what you have to do.

        Though I don’t know why this surprises me though. We have caught PA’s (essentially interns) downloading movies and music at work. Mind you we are a post production company that makes virtually all our income (indirectly) from the sale of movies (which is dependent on the intellectual asset (via copyright) being protected, ’cause if every just copied them for free, there would quickly be no (or almost no) movies made)

  2. This is what Apple has always done, even with OSX. They take the best tweaks out there and incorporate them into the OS. The tweak community for OSX and the jailbreak community for IOS always has more to offer, though. It’s basically free research for Apple. IOS 7 does take most of my favorite jailbreaks, but not all. And the jailbreak community will still exist even if it’s just for those that want to customize.

    1. Tethering on the go. Sorry, I rarely tether, but AT&T offers no reasonable solution for people who need to tether once per month and have an unlimited data plan.

      Voicemail forward. Hell, I’d prefer to get my voicemails as email attachments. But at least with Voicemail Forward I can send a someone else a Voicemail for action by a more appropriate party.

      1. You are free to move to T-mobile (or sprint or verizon or one of the MVNO’s like Walmart) if AT&T is not meeting your needs (unless they subsidized your phone in which case you would have to reimburse them for that, as per your agreement with them)
        But you are not entitled to anything they and you didn’t agree to, just because you now feel like it.

        The “flexible morality” of today is frightening. More like the morality of the entitlement age.

    1. iOS 7 was demoed with subfolders, but as of yet subfolders aren’t part of the latest iOS 7 beta. You can enable subfolders, but funny enough, you have to “failbreak” your iPhone first (kind of like a jailbreak-lite).

      The point being that Apple may not include subfolders in the final release.

    1. From the linked article, “The Galaxy Golden will launch soon in South Korea but no plans were shared regarding a more widespread launch.”

      Oh, they just ANNOUNCED it, once they saw what Apple was planning. And that is one butt-ugly humongous flip-phone. When Apple announces their gold phone, you’ll be able to buy it.

    2. Samsung is the me too company. This is not a real phone, but they are able to show some future product that may or may not actually come to market.

      The Apple rumors force Samsung to develop things that may never exist or plan to exist at Apple, and then for what? It just proves that Samsung is getting better at coping to the point that they can show us pictures of concepts before Apple shows us the real thing.

      B. S.

  3. Messages for SMS quick replying. Imperative. Loving it on Mavericks. So desperately needed on iOS. And activator. Home buttons wear out. Closing apps and locking the phone with status bar swipes is fantastic.

  4. @ Kim Shamed Shung
    Brilliant! Just love the cupboard hinge (will it need oiling?) and not just touch, but buttons too. Just so retro, like Star Trek. Does it have a Tricorder function? Will it beam me up? I’d be disappointed it it doesn’t come with a stylus and a SCSI port. Samsung obviously have innovation buttoned up. (This is sarcasm before BLN rants)

  5. If Apple would allow me to easily back up voicemail recordings in an automated fashion like I currently do using an rsync script with a jailbreak, I wouldn’t need to jailbreak. Sending all of my voicemail to some strange place/organization isn’t an acceptable alternative. The files are on my phone, and I should be able to copy them to my computer in an automated fashion. Alas, such is not the case. As long as power users such as myself need that kind of functionality, jailbreaks will continue exist.

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