Woz: I hate the Apple v. Samsung verdict; I don’t think it will survive appeal

“Samsung, which uses Google’s Android mobile operating system and offers several different models, has emerged as Apple’s biggest competitor in smartphones. Samsung, also one of Apple’s biggest suppliers of components, accounted for 19.1 percent of global smartphone shipments last year, compared with Apple’s 18.8 percent, according to Bloomberg Industries data,” Bonnie Cao and Adam Satariano report for Bloomberg News.

“The two companies also are battling in court, with Apple being awarded more than $1 billion last month by a California jury that said Samsung copied the iPhone’s design. Samsung said it will appeal,” Cao and Satariano report. “‘I hate it,’ Wozniak said when asked about the patent fights between Apple and Samsung. ‘I don’t think the decision of California will hold. And I don’t agree with it — very small things I don’t really call that innovative. I wish everybody would just agree to exchange all the patents and everybody can build the best forms they want to use everybody’s technologies.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: It’s very “Woz” of Woz to say such things. After all, Steve Jobs had to persuade him to sell the Apple I instead of giving it away.

Woz lives in a utopian fantasyland; a likely result of being made fabulously rich at a young age and then losing touch with how the real world works. Banging his head really hard in a plane crash probably didn’t help matters, either. He likely still doesn’t realize that if he gave away the Apple I, some Bill Gates-type would be selling it the very next week.

Samsung has very clearly (to most people) dedicated themselves to knocking off Apple products for many years now (see related articles below).

Woz is a legendary engineer. He obviously does not fully comprehend Apple’s levels of innovation when it comes to operating system user interfaces and how the end user intrinsically interacts with devices like iPhones. Once you experience something or use an innovative product, familiarity tends to make invention seem obvious. Apple makes the very difficult seem easy, but their ideas – their patented ideas – are really the result of a lot of expense and hard work. Just look at the pre-iPhone phones. Look at the pre-iPad tablets. What Apple did and does is very, very, very valuable. It’s simply not free for all to take and profit from. Kumbaya.

Despite it all, we’ll always love Woz!

Reportedly Woz still gets a paycheck of approximately $120,000/year from Apple Inc. Before AAPL shareholders begin to question the wisdom of that, we wish somebody from Apple would sit him down and carefully explain things to him, like how much effort went into the patented ideas, why they deserve protection, and that he’ll always be Apple’s co-founder, so he should try to think before he speaks.

Related articles:
Welcome to South Korea, the ‘Republic of Forgery’ – September 11, 2012
Is Samsung copying Apple’s patented earphones? It sure looks like it – September 8, 2012
Samsung mimics Apple product videos in Galaxy S III promo (with video) – August 24, 2012
Now slavish copycat Samsung attempts to knockoff Apple’s retail stores (with video) – August 23, 2012
Samsung: Shameless slavish copiers – August 13, 2012
Apple attorney: Instead of innovating, Samsung chose to copy iPhone and iPad – July 31, 2012
Apple: Google warned Samsung against slavishly copying our products – July 25, 2012
Now Samsung slavishly copies Apple’s Mac mini – June 1, 2012
Samsung Mobile chief ‘designer’ denies that Samsung’s instinct is to slavishly copy Apple – March 23, 2012
Slavish copier Samsung shamelessly steals Apple’s iPhone 3G design – again – January 3, 2012
Slavish copier Samsung uses girl actress from iPhone 4S ad for Galaxy Tab 8.9 spot (with video) – January 2, 2012
Now Samsung’s slavishly copying Apple’s iPad television ads (with videos) – December 30, 2011
Judge: Can you tell me which is iPad and which is yours? Samsung lawyer: ‘Not at this distance your honor’ – October 14, 2011
Why are Apple’s icons on the wall of Samsung’s store? – September 24, 2011
Apple to Samsung: ‘Blatant copying is wrong’ – April 18, 2011
Apple sues Samsung for attempting to copy look and feel of iPhone, iPad – April 18, 2011
Samsung’s ‘Instinct’ is obviously to make Apple iPhone knockoffs – April 1, 2008


        1. Woz, shut the hell up. Is that better?

          “Android has far bigger patent infringement problems than any piece of computer software has ever had in the history of the industry, and this has many of Google’s hardware partners profoundly concerned.”

        2. Obviously very immature statements being made here. The other day, I watched an iTunes U video featuring Woz speaking at an electronics symposium. His mindset is still based back in the Homebrew Computer Club, where everyone shared everything. That type of interaction brought the Apple 1 and 2 to fruition. That was the real roots of Apple Computer, now Apple, Inc.

          Woz was never the business person at Apple, he was the engineering genius that created real micro computing. Jobs and Markkula were the business minds that made the corporation come to life.

          In essence, Woz’s opinion should be understood, even if one doesn’t agree with it. Calling one of the most innovative engineers of our time names is totally uncalled for, since this man has indirectly influenced the lives of everyone here.

        3. Woz says, “I wish everybody would just agree to exchange all the patents and everybody can build the best forms they want to use everybody’s technologies”.

          Best form? Form over Functionality? Is he mad?
          He is no longer thinking like an engineer;
          more like a Google-groupy, a flowery fart fandroid boy.

        1. Nicely said, auramac. twat, Woz-oo, flowery fart fandroid. Who are these petulant, vitriol spewers, with nothing to say except degrading name-calling? Really! How old are you lot?

    1. Woz, was and still is a dumb ass when it comes to business. Glad that bastard not part of apple board of directors because this guy would share sll the secrets. Without jobs, woz would not have made any royalty money and would have spent his time playing dungeons deagons behind a novelty store. No talk would ever help him.

    2. Woz is a product of the 1960s and 1970s. His viewpoint and statement is consistent with those times. You don’t have to agree with him, but I seriously doubt that any of his detractors are truly qualified to disparage him. Besides, ad hominem attacks are so weak.

      Get a life and let Woz live his as he sees fit. I am certain that he would be more than happy to reciprocate.

    3. I think Woz is finally off to see the Wizard! 😉
      Yeah – bohemian 70’s granola take on things…
      Which is why Apple was Steve Jobs’ idea!!
      (Not to mention Apple PC, Lisa, Macintosh, 3 1/2″ drive, Laser Printer, iPod, iPhone, iPad etc. etc.)
      To put it mildly these are the reasons the other Steve’s input was the one most people valued regarding these types of matters.

    4. Hold your horses regarding insulting and mis understanding Woz please. Without Woz we would not have apple as we know it, saying that Woz despite being the engineering genius is no businessman, not his fault and he sees things differently, but lets not please insult him, he is a great human being who has contributed enermously to the human race. he is also nice, kind and generous, and he was there for Steve Jobs when he needed a friend.

  1. Love Woz but he and Jobs have always been different. I think it’s important for Apple. And if they won’t a case they have support in the law. Then you can think its wrong or unfair but it’s the law and it has been ruled. I think it’s right of Apple to aggressively defend its IP. Apple can not afford to be the worlds inventor, especially when they don’t get any credit for it.

    1. I think you’ve read the wrong article. This isn’t about Apple defending their IP, this is about Samsung defending theirs. Apple has basically been given free reign to infringe anybodies patents in the US with those competitors being blocked from selling their products into the country.

      Woz isn’t the fruitloop utopian that some people here seem to think he is. He’s a free-thinker who believes that sharing ideas promotes cultural advancement for the betterment of us all. I mean, think about it, there’s people spewing vitriol here on the internet who are completely missing the point of what he’s trying to say. The fact that you’re here on the internet at all is exactly because of his kind of thinking, thanks to Tim Berners-Lee ‘giving’ his idea to us all freely. Imagine what the web would’ve been like had it been mired in this kind of patent squabbling crap – sites wouldn’t interoperate, there’d be conflicting protocols all over the place, it’d be a mess.

  2. Why do people care about Woz? He’s been out of the picture for so many years… When Jobs came back, Apple built a successful company based on their high standards of quality, their innovation, their ideas, and their inventions.
    I’m sick of Woz thinking he still can contribute since Jobs came came even though (again) – he left many years ago. Woz, go back to “Dancing With The Stars” you jack@$$.

  3. Woz is preaching technological socialism.

    He wants everyone to share everything for the good of the whole. Fsck that. Let’s have honest competition.

    Wozniak, your ignorance is showing. Either that, or you live in a fantasy world.

    In an ideal world, we all use the same model phone, drive the same make, model and color of car, because why have two different models of the same perfect product?

    In the real world no one is happy with anything. Everything sucks, but it’s good enough to pass for a shared experience and may be a bright spot in an otherwise bleak day in this world.

    Not only is he wrong about the outcome and on the wrong side of the issue, he’s way behind the power curve on this verdict.

  4. NOW do you all understand why Steve Jobs never let this bozo back into Apple?

    What WOZ forgets is every other company has very little to offer Apple. It’s like two guys, where one guy says, “I’ll let you use my hedge trimmer if I can use your Porsche”.

    Seems fair to me. NOT!!

  5. I get very tired of hearing people make excuses for this fool. Anything he did in the distant past doesn’t justify all the back stabbing he’s been doing to Apple. I’m sure Samsung and the rest of the opposition just love hearing this kind of crap.

  6. STFU MDN!!!!!!!! Finally we get to hear from the reasonable half of the Apple foundation and he doesn’t use svengali language like “magical” and “brilliant” to describe himself and his creations and you get entitled, hipster, wuss-&$$ feelings hurt.

  7. He does live in a fantasy world. He’d be a terrible motivational speaker. Imagine him at an inventors conference… “Just give all your inventions away for free”. Failing to realize anyone who took his advice would be working at McDonalds shortly after, while some mega corporation was pulling in millions.

    Woz must think he just miraculously received a ton of money back in the day out of the blue. He’d be a bum if people didn’t cover his ass for him.

    I remember an interview with Steve Jobs talking about how Woz wouldn’t write the Mac OS “floating point”. He looked flustered in the interview, saying its a “mystery of the world” or something like that. He then hired Microsoft to do it. Correct me if I’m wrong, but Woz’s fantasy world has had some major negative effects on Apple.

    I’ve always had a soft spot for Woz, and I always will. But looking at him from a strictly business point of view, he was a one hit wonder turned complete nightmare to have around.

    I can’t imagine the level of frustration Steve Jobs must have had at times.

    1. It was a floating point version of Basic that Steve was talking about.

      Woz wrote the Integer version, then never followed up with a floating point version so Steve called Bill Gates since MS had a floating point basic interpreter.

      Woz has always struck me as a bit of an absent minded professor type.

      for anyone who likes to spout hate on the Woz just remember if not for that man meeting Steve Jobs you might not be holding your iPhone/iPad in your hand or posting any of your batsh*t crazy replies on the interwebs using your Mac. LOL 😉

      1. Cool, thanks for the clarification!

        Without Woz, there would be no Apple. Without Jobs, there would be no Apple. They both did what they were good at. Jobs was obviously a little more motivated, that’s all.

  8. Woz was there at the start so we put a halo around him..

    yet we the facts are:

    1) he wasn’t involved in many of the current products that made apple great. He wasn’t involved in the Mac, OSX, iPod, iTunes, iPhone, iOS, iPad, App Store, Apple Retail etc etc.

    In fact he’s been out of Apple’s picture for DECADES
    many people using apple devices today weren’t even ALIVE when Woz was at apple.

    2) I wonder where Woz would be without Jobs. Things he’s been involved in after apple haven’t really made much of an impact. He’s product to change the future was the SEGWAY. He’s just been a clown.
    Jobs would still have been a big success without Woz (re: Pixar, second coming to apple etc)

    3) Woz has been PISSED off at Apple ever since he publicly said he wanted to go back and work at Apple and Apple management (rightly from his crazy behaviours) brushed him off. He’s taken every opportunity to HURT apple and all that work at apple and all the aapl Investors : by doing so he also hurts the customers (protecting the thieves like Google and Samsung and taking opportunities to pose at Android phone launches saying Android is so much better than iOS is designed to hurt apple).

    Woz even made a statement with liar Mike Daisy AFTER Daisey was exposed. Before exposure of daisey’s lies Woz went everywhere praising Daisy saying that he had ‘tears in his eyes’ listening to Daisy about the ‘horrible conditions at Foxconn’.

    As a founder of Apple negative stuff (nonsense that it is like here ‘apple isn’t innovative’ ) is picked up by the press and spread around.

    4) NOTE that when apple was sinking under amelio etc. it was Jobs who came back to save it, where was Woz? Woz did SQUAT to keep apple alive.

    For the things Woz has said and done denigrating Apple ANYBODY ELSE doing the same would be called a hater and worse but for Woz we give him a FREE PASS.

    Apple fans can flame me but as an aapl investor Woz has hurt me, so to me the WOZ FREE PASS IS OVER. x

    I think he hates apple and should shut the fuk up.

    1. pfft. Woz has not hurt you in the slightest. Grow the hell up and while your at it stop trying to re-write history.

      There would be no Apple as we know it without Woz. I know that is hard to swallow for some of the folks around here but it is true.

      yes he hates the company that made him a millionaire or better. lol.

      I think the guy is rich , happy and feels like he can say whatever is on his mind without caring about what others think.

      I find it hilarious that his comments burn your ass personally.

      1. so because he started it with Jobs years ago he’s got the right to hurt it now and the investors who OWN the company? 99% of the wealth apple has now has nothing to do with him.

        as an investor Woz stupid comments HAS hurt me . GET IT MORON WITHOUT INVESTORS THERE WOULD BE NO APPLE EITHER! investors are just as important as Woz. Investors OWN the company.

        and ..
        I got some justification as an investor that Woz is hurting me so I post , what is YOUR justification for attacking me? what did I do to YOU? so who isn’t grown up here?

        so like I said Woz gets a free pass from you because you’re in love with the history fine, but does that mean others can’t voice their opinions?

        seriously dude it’s ‘grown up’ to have no opinion? to give people free passes IN SPITE of their behavior.
        I’m not allowed to criticize Woz for supporting Mike Daisey????

        so according to you he’s a ” millionaire… the guy is rich , happy and feels like he can say whatever is on his mind” so because his rich he can say whatever and ‘ordinary people’ can’t voice their opinion? Surely a rich powerful dude who craves the lime light making outrageous statements doesn’t need a twerp like you to wipe his ass?

        man why don’t YOU grow the hell up?
        and which part did i re write history?

        1. Dude you are free to voice your opinion all day long just as I’m free to say whatever I want. I’m not telling you to shut up, I’m just saying I think you are deluded if you think Woz has hurt you and I find it ridiculous that current apple supporters try to discredit what he contributed to the success of Apple.

          How has Woz hurt you? All I hear on here is the guy has nothing to do with Apple’s current success so how could he possibly hurt you as an investor?

          Seriously either Woz has has some sway and clout or he is Irrelevant and nothing he says matter.

          I’m not in love with Woz or even the history of Apple. I find the history of technology interesting and Apple is but one piece of that history.

          Maybe “rewriting history” wasn’t the right term, more along the lines of brushing off what the guy contributed. The attempt to minimize it all. The whole “Steve would been fine without him, he’d be nothing without steve” – please. Without Woz+Jobs there would be no apple, there would be no pixar, no NeXT and no second coming. The original Apple I + Apple II funded the Mac and set the stage for everything.

        2. “Apple’s current success so how could he possibly hurt you as an investor?”

          he doesn’t hurt the investor ? (you stupid or what? ) when he:

          — supports Mike Daisey before and after his lies were exposed. that hurts apple sales : go read those many posts and articles about Boycott Apple over Foxconn. there were grannies against Apple marching in front of Apple stores. Millions of people haven’t heard of Daisey retractions but still think that Foxconn is a slave camp — I read their apple hate comments all the time and hear it on the street. When this things happen people don’t buy apple stuff or aapl stock — this hurts investors.

          — when he supports Samsung saying that the patents in the win weren’t innovative, that apple should lose the appeal. Lawyers on both sides have used comments by informed people , press reports etc in their submissions. If there are FURTHER trials like with Motorola, HtC or more Samsung don’t you think all this colors the judges and juries opinions? In the Samsung trial the jury said one of the key factors was the Samsung excecs ‘looked’ evasive … things like that are enough to tip the balance.

          — when Woz goes around touting Android is better and having photo shoots with new android phones and its reported in the press (which happened) that the ‘Apple co founder’ thinks Android is better don’t you think that hurts apple sales? Apple with the help of his investors and apple customers made him rich — it’s his privilege that now he’s rich to smear and criticize the company — it’s also my right to criticize him.

          so from those above examples “Woz is not hurting aapl investors”?

          aapl has a PE of 16 same as dead in the water msft and Amazon has 300. it’s really undervalued and rumors and bad publicity (right or wrong) has kept the price down for ever and Woz playing his status as ‘co-founder’ for publicity as repeatedly helped the negative rumor mill.

          depending on how much a person has invested (and you have no idea how much I have) a few percentage points (apple went up a chunk on the Samsung win) can mean big bucks. If samsung wins the appeal it might fall again.

          as for your without Woz there won’t be apple, Next , Pixar.. . really steve jobs, STEVE JOBS couldn’t find another engineer? I have absolutely no doubt Jobs would be a billionaire with or without Woz, and if he wanted to do tech he would have succeeded. He mastered the animation industry, the music retail industry etc. without Woz’s help and those weren’t his key strengths which was tech.

          I have given woz as a co-founder a lot of respect in the past and overlooked his comments but NOW to me his free pass is over since his android touting, Mike Daisey supporting, Samsung protecting etc. antics.

          moron if Woz has turned against apple (you know what is supporting Mike Daisey?) WHY SHOULD I GIVE HIM RESPECT?

        3. The thought that Woz has hurt Apple stock anytime in the past 20 years is laughable. Woz is a nice man with a pure heart, but the movers and shakers on Wall Street rightfully pay him no mind.

        1. it’s irresponsible as he’s hurting the company that made him rich, his friends that still work there, and the investors who put money in to support the business .

          as a ‘co founder’ he’s figure of influence – and as in the comic books: “with great power comes great responsibility”.

    2. One of the best decisions that Apple had made is not to give any critical function to Woz to perform in Apple after he voluntarily left the company. It would be a train wreck if Woz were to run the show.

  9. Now I understand Steve Jobs tension with Woz. Maybe Woz would like to share his money and toys with everyone. Really Woz, share all your money with us so we can play and travel too.

    Woz, really?

  10. What does he know? If it hadn’t been for Jobs he would be working for HP, retired from HP or fired from HP.

    When he and Jobs started, he wanted to give everything away for free. Great engineer but if he were born as as a women, he would have been a blond!

  11. Roflmfao

    It’s very “Woz” of Woz to say such things. After all, Steve Jobs had to persuade him to sell the Apple I instead of giving it away.

    You nailed it. He’s in lala land. To bad we can’t all live in rainbow sunshine world like woz!

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