Next-gen iPhone glass thoroughly tested, found to be extremely scratch-proof (with video)

“ETrade posted a much more detailed comparison of an iPhone 4S today and what it called an ‘iPhone 5’ front panel,” Jordan Kahn reports for 9to5Mac.

“It reported the 4.065-inch panel is 0.1mm thinner, and it has a 0.3mm smaller home button, while the area surrounding the entire home button area shrinks from 18.00mm to 15.40mm,” Kahn reports. “The area surrounding the earpiece on the opposite end of the display also shrunk, allowing Apple to minimize the overall size of the iPhone while increasing the display size.”

Kahn reports, “Also noted in the analysis: ETrade reported improved light transmittance for the next-gen panel and improved scratch resistance.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Note: The ETrade article states that the “iPhone 5” glass measures 90.25mm long, 51.60mm wide vs. iPhone 4S at 76.65mm and 51.60mm.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Readers “Fred Mertz” and “Dan K.” for the heads up.]


    1. Too bad I had to wait 5½ minutes to get there.

      And frankly I could care less about the scratch resistance of the glass, I wanna know what happens when it’s dropped on concrete.

      1. It only took me seconds to get to the 5.5 minute mark 🙂

        Btw if you didn’t care about the scratch resistance, why did you bother watching a video that was clearly titled by MDN, iPhone glass found to be extremely scratch resistant (with video).

      2. And there is no issue with scratching in iPhones anyway.

        Also, new cover glass in not any harder than the current one. No reason for that to happen. Cornig released 20% thinner glass that would provide the same firmness as original thickness glass from current generation, but this new glass does not change how hard the glass is, there are not changes in how much it is scratch-resistant.

  1. Interesting…that would be a 4.09″ diagonal.

    iPhone screens have always been great at scratch resistance – the real problem is how easily the screen shatters, but I suppose glass can only be so strong.

    1. …but…but…the headline says “…extremely scratch-proof.” Scratch-proof is one of those absolute terms like “unique” and can’t be “sort of” or “extremely.” It’s either scratch-proof or it isn’t.

      1. Keys are soft metal. They shouldn’t scratch the harder iPhone glass anyway. A key will even deposit metal onto the glass..just like lead will mark on paper. To show this is harder than previous would have to have a material as hard as the previous iPhone glass..and run it across the new screen. Unless your keys are made of quartz..they aren’t scratching your iPhone.

    1. You are kidding right? This is the Communist country of China we are talking about. Factory worker offered $50.00 to shove it up his…. and walk of the Plant. 🙂

  2. We still do not know the exact screen resolution. The numbers shown tend to support my theory of +80 pixels, that is 560 px (35 x 16), rather than the +88 = 568 (71 x 8) with Retina resolution 1136. However, this would require more than 90.25 mm unless the pixel size is reduced. Any takers?

  3. Heh! I love the description in the title—”extremely scratch proof”. Well, it’s either scratch proof or not. It can’t be extremely scratch proof.

    Perhaps they meant extremely scratch resistant?

    I know, I know, I’m being too picky. But stuff like that annoys me.

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