Tony Fadell snips last thread with Apple Inc.

Apple Online Store“An era is formally ending at Apple. Tony Fadell, one of the creators of the iPod and iPhone, is breaking off his nine-year affiliation with Steve Jobs & Co.,” Brad Stone reports for The New York Times.

“Mr. Fadell’s exit from Apple, which he planned to announce online Monday night, has been gradual,” Stone reports. “In 2008, he stepped down as senior vice president of the iPod division, but has remained on Apple’s payroll as a special adviser to Mr. Jobs.”

Stone reports, “Reached by phone, Mr. Fadell declined to talk about Apple but said he was moving on to advise companies and pursue private investments with a focus on green technology. ‘My primary focus will be helping the environment by working with consumer green-tech companies,’ he said. ‘I’’m determined to tell my kids and grandkids amazing stories beyond my iPod and iPhone ones.'”

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Little Consumer Green-Tech Riding Hood? Better to attempt to summit Everest or something, Tony – unless you’re shooting for stories that “amaze” in their ability to induce instant narcolepsy. wink

UPDATE: 11:25am EDT: Good luck in your future endeavors, Tony! We’re sorry we left that out in our rush to catch up after a late start due to an illness in the family this morning. (We add this update in order to clear up any misunderstandings caused by our Take about the inherent excitement – or lack thereof – in children’s stories about “consumer green-tech companies.” It was meant to be humorous, not an attack on Mr. Fadell. Please try not to inject politics into our Takes where no political comment exists. We do take exception to that; we’ll be really clear when, and if, we make any political comments. If you really believe that “consumer green-tech” would make for “amazing” children’s literature, and hence turn an innocuous bit of attempted humor into some imagined political comment, you don’t have or spend any time with kids. We’ll also try to take an extra minute and not rush so much going forward. Again, we apologize for any misunderstandings our initial Take caused. We fully support companies that are environmentally responsible and iPod fathers who desire not only to work for them, but are also determined to attempt to collect amazing stories about such work. And now we’re even more behind; a stitch in time saves nine, proven true yet again.)

[Attribution: CNET. Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Edward W.” for the heads up.]


  1. @MDN – c’mon, be nice. Everyone has choices to make, and we can be charitable in our appreciation of past efforts as well as hopeful for future endeavors. Your “take” is uncharacteristically mean-spirited.

  2. I worked with Tony in grad school. He was a PITA sometimes (tho he was one of the only ones who would stand up to the ‘Bearded Cherub’), but he was (and still is, I’d imagine) sharp as a tack. He was responsible for some pre-web browser developments and also played a role in the development of the Newton’s handwriting recognition software (tho anyone who remembers “Tablespoons” might get a kick out of that — ‘oh fractious day! Cartoon! Cathay!’). I wish him nothing but the best, and he probably still has a lot of that inside him.

  3. MDN…regarding your comment in the “MacDailyNews Take” section, I’m not really sure what your point is, but it seems like a rather infantile comment about someone who would rather contribute to the betterment of the world than help Apple make more money.

    The environment needs all the help it can get. And I think Apple will be fine without him.

  4. Have to agree with other commentors… while most of the time the MDN take is spot on, this one was in poor taste. I admire the guy tryin to help the environment, and some trying to strike it out on his own, wanting to revolutionize an industry that’ll have a very positive effect for millions of end users in the face of naysayers?… sounds SJesque to me

  5. Tony, we wish you the best.

    Thanks for your contributions to Apple and to the tech industry.

    You will be missed. I wish you the best of luck in your new endeavours.

  6. The guy has gone as far as he can @ Apple and it seeking to develop things that have a kinder footprint on an increasingly crowded planet.
    If you agree with the sentiment or not, it is a noble and honest way to direct one’s life and skill set.
    Steve Jobs hired John Sculley with the line about selling surgar water or changing the world. TF has decided he can change the world via green technology rather than build another phone or media player. I think SJ understands.
    The least MDN could do would say thanks and wish him well. If he succeeds, we all win.

  7. Come on MDN. Stop being an obnoxious a-hole. People have phases in their lives. If the guy wants to move on to a new challenge wish him well and be grateful for outstanding past contributions. You belittle yourself.

  8. “@MDN – c’mon, be nice. Everyone has choices to make, and we can be charitable in our appreciation of past efforts as well as hopeful for future endeavors. Your “take” is uncharacteristically mean-spirited.”

    Yea, this guy’s reasons for stepping down are totally honorable. If he puts his money towards Green technologies and World Hunger, it’ll be a damn site better than ‘helping the world multitouch’

    I should hope that everyone on this board can take a page from guys like Richard Branson and Warren Buffett. I know I sure do, and put my money where my mouth is, giving to charity every month.

    Screw MDN’s snarky take. Give Fadell his due for making the iPod what it was (the saviour of Apple Computer) and let him ride off into the sunset with some dignity.

    It’s one thing to be a fan of a cool company, it’s another thing to mistake that for a MEANINGFUL LIFE PURSUIT. Instead of snickering about Fadell’s conscience, maybe take a look in the mirror, hrm?

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