Washington Times: Apple’s new Magic Mouse really is magic

“Even though a computer mouse rightly can be thought of as one of the more peripheral of peripherals, a new one just arrived that can honestly claim the adjective ‘transformative,'” Mark A. Kellner reports for The Washington Times. “Apple Inc.’s $69 Magic Mouse truly brings change this reviewer can believe in.”

MacDailyNews Take: Yeah, but can it make Oprah cry her eyelashes off?

Kellner continues, “Although it is a ‘normal’ computer mouse in the sense of being able to move the cursor around, its clicking, scrolling and “sweeping” actions make it more like the latest notebook touch pads than the older mice this new device has rendered obsolete.”

“The firm calls it ‘the world’s first Multi-Touch mouse’ and is including it with the new iMac computers, also introduced recently. The rest of us have to shell out the simoleons to buy one,” Kellner reports. “Believe me, it’s really, really worth it.”

“Scrolling is now supereasy and very fast: The software controls for the Magic Mouse let you control the scroll rate,” Kellner reports. “But it’s the very act of scrolling with the Magic Mouse that is, well, magical. Unlike using the scroll wheels on many (most?) of today’s mice, the simple move of gliding one’s fingers up and down the mouse feels more natural than I can describe in words. It just works better.”

Read the full review here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Jules” for the heads up.]


  1. I own one and I enjoy it. It looks cool , it doesn’t even look like a mice. You can scroll anywhere , but it doesn’t work below Apple logo.

    I dont recommend for shooter games because when you move a finger a bit it changes weapon, that’s very annoying.

  2. I’m going over to Politico.com and post my review of the Magic Mouse. Then I plan to renew the Mac Vs PC flame war, and bring computer discussions into every political debate to reflect the tendency of many here who seem to want to mix MAC Daily News with their politics. Makes sense doesn’t it!!!

  3. @ Change undefined

    Contrary to your ramblings, “change” was quite well defined by Obama throughout his election. He’s now following through on what he said he’d do, which is why the majority of this country approves of his job performance.

    Source: Gallup

    I know you don’t like to let “facts” and “reality” intrude into your wingnut fantasy world, but it’s really better for everyone if you at least try to face down your cognitive dissonance.

  4. Haven’t ried the mouse yet.

    Just had to the urge to say all you republicans are poo-poo heads. All you democrats too. And your president is also a poo-poo head. Finally my country is better than your country.

    There…that ought to get this thread to 3 pages at least hehehehe

  5. The Real Rob,

    Just so you know, Gallup only measures registered voters. It’s not as meaningful as likely voters, which is what Rasmussen measures:

    “Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14. Today’s results match the lowest Approval Index rating yet recorded for this President and it’s the third straight day at -14.”


    Republicans Maintain Steady Lead on Generic Congressional Ballot:

  6. Scrolling is nice and all that but I need to program my buttons for cut and pasting since I do a ton of writing (even political discussion comments).

    Is there only the two ‘buttons’, left and right? That would be useless to me.

  7. The Real Rob,

    I love my Magic Mouse. Extremely precise and intuitive.

    Obama’s broken promises (so far):
    – End income tax for seniors making less than $50,000
    – Allow five days of public comment before signing bills
    – Tougher rules against revolving door for lobbyists and former officials
    – Create a $3,000 tax credit for companies that add jobs
    – Allow penalty-free hardship withdrawals from retirement accounts in 2008 and 2009
    – Recognize the Armenian genocide
    – Negotiate health care reform in public sessions televised on C-SPAN


    We will take this country and put it back on the right track, despite the connivances of Rachel Maddow, Katie Couric, Chris Matthews et al.

  8. Zune tang would probably say something like:

    Why does MAC continue this silly effort to marginalize buttons, and what do they have against buttons anyway? Everyone knows we PC users, who work in the real world, need multiple buttons to get the really hard work done.

    That’s biggest reason why MAC will never sell computers in great numbers to enterprise; they still haven’t learned to make a decent mouse! ha ha ha

    MAC took away your four buttons and now you have none!

  9. i took the plunge and really like the Magic Mouse. I miss not having been middle button because I used it for Spaces. But, I really like the non-mechanical scrolling (my mighty mouse climbed up pretty routinely). I saw this yesterday that might help someone. It did not work for me. But, it is called Better Touch Tool and purports to give missing features to the Magic Mouse. Maybe Apple will do something similar in a future update.


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