Woz: It’s up to people, not tech, to solve problems like racism and discrimination

Apple co-founder Steve “Woz” Wozniak told CNBC today that the problems of racism and discrimination cannot be solved by technology.

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak (photo: Jonathan Alcorn)
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak (photo: Jonathan Alcorn)
“There’s a limitation as to what tech can do. Tech is tools that humans use to get what they want and need, so it’s really humans in control,” Wozniak said. “The communication abilities of our modern devices helps us get some truth, but not very much,” Wozniak added.

“In many cases,” Wozniak said, “when police are overusing force, relevant body cam footage, security cam footage is there, but they’re under control of the police, so we don’t get to see them. I think that it’s like a business, the police work for us. We pay the police. We should have access to those videos very quickly.”

Kevin Stankiewicz for CNBC:

To be sure, Wozniak said technology plays a role in the process of addressing inequities by allowing people to access “facts and truth,” such as body cameras worn by police officers and cellphone footage from bystanders.

Wozniak said, “You need real action to change things,” he said, comparing it to the process of innovation. “Even if you’re making a new product… you might have 1,000 people around the world talking about an idea, and the one that actually makes it deserves the real credit for moving us forward.”

MacDailyNews Take: Woz is right. In America, everyone in government — from the police to mayors and governors to congresspeople, senators, and supreme court justices on up to the vice president and president — works for us (or, at least, they’re supposed to); government, as Abraham Lincoln said, “of the people, by the people, for the people.” A lot of people inside and outside U.S. local and federal government too often seem to forget that simple fact.

The tech can keep people honest and make them think twice, before they overstep. That’s why Woz is right to say we should have access to the body cam footage for which we are paying.

Check out this U.S. map which shows how access to police body-worn camera video varies from state to state and even among various locales within certain states.


  1. I thought Apple was WOKE. Now I read that Apple is bricking phones liberated by people struggling against racism. Shame on you Apple for depriving them of their righteous property.

  2. Who in the world actually thought “tech” was going to solve the current problems (whatever it is/they are)?

    Mr. Cook seemed to imply tech would play a part, but seriously…a material part in solving the issues? There’s no magic in a device.

    Speaking of Cook’s statement…the culture loves that kind of rah-rah that brings the warm and bubbly, but it’s w/o substance. There are simultaneous problems going on that need differentiation before any such words can be applied and accepted. For one, it’s not clear to me AT ALL, if violence is ok to achieve the needed means and it’s apparent to me it’s NOT JUST Antifa that’s “ok” with violence.

    That’s a problem, imo, with a movement wanting change for the better, imo.

  3. American cities burn because a drug addict counterfeiter (fentanyl, morphine, and methamphetamine in his system at the time of his death) with severe heart conditions (severe multifocal arteriosclerosis heart disease as well as hypertensive heart disease) couldn’t withstand typical restraint that the MINNEAPOLIS POLICE HANDBOOK expressly advises police officers to perform for 9 measly minutes.

    BTW: Let those cities, and their polling places, burn to ash.

    1. This is the problem – none of us are perfect. Whether George Floyd was a “saint” or a “sinner” has no bearing on this. He was cuffed and face down on the ground. He wasn’t a threat to ANYONE why did a three men sit on him for 9 minutes and kill him? The Police MUST be held to the highest standard. They were hired to protect EVERYONE including George Floyd. Whatever illegal things George Floyd did in the past or was doing at the time did not give the Police the right to execute him. They all need to go to prison and the Police MUST reform. Stop killing the folks you are hired and charged to protect.

      1. Same force that killed a Aussie woman for calling them for help, she had the nerve to think that she should talk to them when they showed up on the call….Keystone Cops.

    2. @Bottom line…Why isn’t your vote count at one star? Two is low but it should be 1 or none. You are either doing this for kicks (sick), or you some village is missing their idiot. Clearly you have one or more fellow idiots that think like you.
      Go away….none of us want to read your crap.

  4. Dear White People…

    On this matter of racism… WOULD YOU PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP. You sound like morons. You sound like duped idiots. There is no systemic racism problem in America. There is no systemic racism problem throughout America’s police departments. These are lies. Complete utter lies. There isn’t even another side to consider it’s all lies.

    Black people are not being hunted by cops. There is no mass killing of black people by cops. You dumbasses.

    [ https://on.wsj.com/3eYSWyJ – Wall Street Journal – Well known but ignored facts …
    In 2019 po­lice of­fi­cers fa­tally shot 1,004 peo­ple, most of whom were armed or oth­er­wise dan­ger-ous. African-Amer­i­cans were about a quar­ter of those killed by cops last year (235), a ra­tio that has re­mained sta­ble since 2015. That share of black vic­tims is less than what the black crime rate would pre­dict, since po­lice shoot­ings are a func­tion of how of­ten of­fi­cers en­counter armed and vi­o­lent sus­pects. In 2018, the lat­est year for which such data have been pub­lished, African-Amer­i­cans made up 53% of known homi­cide OFFENDERS in the U.S. and com­mit about 60% of rob­beries, though they are 13% of the pop­u­lation. ]

    That ought to be enough to tell you the party rhetoric and narrative is FALSE.

    Want More?
    2017 Harvard Study by Scholar Roland G. Fryer, Jr.
    A new study confirms that black men and women are treated differently in the hands of law enforcement. They are more likely to be touched, handcuffed, pushed to the ground or pepper-sprayed by a police officer, even after accounting for how, where and when they encounter the police.

    But when it comes to the most lethal form of force — police shootings — the study finds no racial bias.

    “It is the most surprising result of my career,” said Roland G. Fryer Jr., the author of the study and a professor of economics at Harvard. The study examined more than 1,000 shootings in 10 major police departments, in Texas, Florida and California.

    That Study not enough?

    Study from Michigan State University and University of Maryland found same thing as Fryer study.

    Click to access 1903856116.full.pdf

    In 2016 Mr. Fryer re­leased a study of racial dif­fer­ences in po­lice use of deadly force. To the sur­prise of the au­thor, as well as many in the me­dia and on the left who take racist law en­force­ment as a given, he found no ev­i­dence of bias in po­lice shoot­ings. His con­clu­sions have been echoed by re­searchers at the Uni­ver­sity of Mary­land and Mi­chigan State Uni­ver­sity, who in a pa­per re­leased last year wrote: “We didn’t find ev­i­dence for anti-Black or anti-His­panic dis­par­ity in po­lice use of force across all shoot­ings, and, if any­thing, found anti-White dis­par­i­ties when con­trol­ling for race-spe­cific crime.”

    The whole thing is lies, lies, and more lies.

    And when you believe it, and you echo it, and you talk about how we must do something about this and so no, all you are doing is making it worse.

    In fact, your guilt, is racist. You literally think something you do or don’t do makes a difference in my life just because my skin is black? GET THE HELL OVER YOURSELF. YOU ARE NO ONE! You assume your superiority again, and you assume black inferiority. YOU ARE THE RACIST HERE!

    The only systemic racism in America, is the system racist SCAM, FRAUD, AND CON being run by leftists and black nationalists and militant socialists against the good people of America. You are being fools!

    I have lived in Los Angeles most of my life. Reportedly one of the most racist police departments in the country and indeed historically like back in the 50s, they were. Yet somehow, throughout my entire life, I have driven and walked the streets with impunity. Never being hassled or treated poorly by a cop. I do not walk out of the building in the morning and start worrying about being shot by a cop. I never think about cops. I hardly ever see them. Except when the Mexicans have a parade. They have lots of Parades. The cops bring horses. The horses are cool. They are so big. I wonder if you think the horses are racist too?

    FOR GOD’S SAKE STOP BELIEVING THE BULLSHIT!!!! Do you know what you are accomplishing? You are making it ok for cities across this nation to DEFUND THEIR POLICE DEPARTMENTS.

    Stop believing the lies. You’re smarter than this.

    1. Pointing out single stupid videos is no argument. So you think that systemic racism doesn’t exist. Fine, that is your opinion. I do not think that people are saying that ALL cops are to be feared. There are bad apples in every group. However, since these bad apples have guns, we need to rethink things. Defunding is a stupid word and means rethinking how the money is spend. If more money is diverted into better training, especially in tense situations, who would NOT be for that?
      I have heard stories on both sides about finger pointing and each calling each other racist. You certainly went on a long rant then started the old finger pointing:

      “In fact, your guilt, is racist. You literally think something you do or don’t do makes a difference in my life just because my skin is black? GET THE HELL OVER YOURSELF. YOU ARE NO ONE! You assume your superiority again, and you assume black inferiority. YOU ARE THE RACIST HERE!”

      This statement just killed your argument. I have seen instances of unusual harrassment of people in power (Cops, securtity guards) on black/brown people…. so lucky you, you have avoided it. Go buy a lottery ticket and if you win, try a vacation back in the real world.

  5. Yes, that video is VERY alarming and it should be to those that want change. To acknowledge that “your group” is achieving change through force and, or intimidation, is to knowingly embrace pure Bolshevism.

    It points to the foolishness of embracing the wave of “change is needed” without differentiating the voices that are speaking. Ironically, “the Man” “The Establishment” and all that’s represented in such phrases is actually what’s being played out in the video…just a reversal of who’s the Authority.

    Leftist Hypocrosy.

  6. Thank God for our courageous Thelonious. I always respect your wise counsel and most especially today. This is a powerful message you have posted. Those who object will prove themselves to be fanatical die-hards who support killing innocents to take over.

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