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Gene Munster: Apple would have the inside track on buying Tesla

“Apple would be the front runner amongst its fellow tech giants at making a successful bid to buy reeling automaker Tesla, according to Gene Munster, founder of Loup Ventures and longtime Apple analyst,” Jacob Sonenshine writes for TheStreet.

“The potential scenario of Tesla being acquired attracted renewed attention this week when news broke that Apple reportedly bid $240 a share for Tesla back in 2013. Tesla shares have tumbled now to roughly $197 a share, although taking into account the additional shares Tesla has issued and the debt it’s taken on means an acquisition now would still cost significantly more than it would have in 2013,” Sonenshine writes. “Munster told TheStreet that if Tesla were to be bought now, he thinks there’s a 50% chance that the buyer ends up being one of the deep-pocketed tech juggernauts with an interest in electric and autonomous vehicles — Apple, Alphabet, or Amazon. And among those three, ‘I think it’s probably 60% [it would be] Apple, 30% Google and 10% Amazon,’ Munster said.”

Munster’s case for Apple being the favorite to take out Tesla rests on three arguments:

  1. Apple Has a Good Fit With Transportation
  2. Apple Can Make Tesla Profitable
  3. Apple Has the Money

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: We’ll believe it when we see it.

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