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2019 iPhone could deliver big upgrades where it matters most

“This year’s iPhone refresh will bring big upgrades for some of the handset’s most important features, according to a new rumor,” Killian Bell writes for Cult of Mac. “One tipster claims that we can look forward to an even better camera with 3x optical zoom, a bigger battery, faster wireless charging, and a more responsive screen.”

iCTech claims an upgraded camera system, with three lenses that enable 3x optical zoom, is part of Apple’s plans. A larger 4,000 mAh battery and faster 15W wireless charging are also on its list,” Bell writes. “In comparison, the iPhone XS has a 2,658 mAh battery, while the iPhone XS Max has a 3,174 mAh battery. The iPhone XR, which offers the best battery life of any iPhone, has a 2,942 mAh cell.”

Bell writes, “The tipster also promises a more responsive display, with a 90Hz to 120Hz refresh rate like the iPad Pro. Finally, Apple is expected to reduce the size of the notch. Hoorah!”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: As Bell notes, iCTech has a mixed record and a battery increase like that isn’t possible unless Apple makes the 2019 iPhone lineup substantially thicker and you know that isn’t going to happen!

If Apple made an iPhone model that was the smartphone equivalent of the Panasonic Toughbook — thick, heavy, full of battery, and virtually indestructible — they’d never be able to make enough of them. — MacDailyNews, November 2, 2018

As we wrote back in December 2015:

What’d be wrong with slightly thicker iPhone with more battery life and a flush camera assembly?

Yes, we know Apple thinks thinness sets iPhone apart from all other so-called smartphones (actually, it’s the operating system, the software and the ecosystem), but the iPhone 6/Plus and iPhone 6s/Plus are simply too thin to house their camera assembly.

iPhone 6s is 0.28 inch (7.1 mm) thin. Samsung’s Galaxy S6 is 0.27 inch (6.8 mm). The “thicker” iPhone 6s easily outsells the thinner Galaxy S6. Obviously, at this point, the selling point of “thinness” is overrated.

iPhone 6 and 6s has battery life issues for heavy iPhone users (hint: get an Apple Watch. You’ll use your iPhone less and the battery will easily outlast even the longest day).

The law of diminishing returns can also be applied to industrial design. Apple’s eternal quest for thinness eventually runs into issues such as bulging camera assemblies, battery capacity, strength (breakability), etc. – is Apple’s quest for thinness now bordering on the quixotic?

So, is it “you can never be too thin” or is it “thin enough is thin enough?”

Can never be too thin? Battery-life of iPhones getting worse with each generation – November 2, 2018
What people want most from Apple’s next-gen iPhones: Longer battery life – September 5, 2018
Apple’s design decisions and iPhone batteries – January 8, 2018
Hey Apple, it’s time to give up thinness for bigger, longer-lasting batteries – January 6, 2017
Open thread: What’d be wrong with slightly thicker iPhone with more battery life and a flush camera assembly? – December 21, 2015

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