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Women criticize Apple for designing iPhones that are too big for women’s small hands

“Apple has been criticised by feminists for designing iPhones which are ‘too big’ for the average female hand,” Helena Horton reports for The Telegraph.

“Campaigners have responded angrily to the news that the technology company will be discontinuing the iPhone SE, which has a smaller screen. They argue that as the average female hand is an inch shorter in width compared to the average male’s, women need the option to buy smaller devices,” Horton reports. “The screen width of the new iPhone X models ranges from 5.8in to 6.5in, compared to the smaller iPhone SE, which has a smaller screen at 4in.”

“Caroline Criado Perez, the feminist campaigner behind the Millicent Fawcett statue in Parliament Square and the Jane Austen ten pound note, said she developed repetitive strain injury from using a phone which was too big for her hand,” Horton reports. “‘We should be furious about this, we are paying just as much money for it as men for a product that doesn’t work as well for us. I have to make a choice between making an upgrade to the only phone that fits my hand before they discontinue it – soon there will be no iPhone that fits the average woman’s hand size – even though the technology is two years out of date. Or get a new one and deal with the fact that it’ll give me RSI. That’s not an acceptable choice in the 21st century, you need to have a smartphone.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: In response, an Apple spokesman criticized God for designing women’s hands that are too small for iPhones.

Apple discontinues low-end 4-inch iPhone SE, replaces it with a much better ‘budget’ iPhone – September 14, 2018

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