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Why I just started caring about macOS: Mojave

“I converted from PCs to Macs in 2008 just after I started working for PCWorld,” Mark Sullivan writes for Fast Company. “The Macworld people worked in the same office with us, and I couldn’t help but notice how much fun they had using and talking about their gear.”

“A decade later I’m still a Mac user, but that’s not to say I’ve been terribly impressed with the way Apple has evolved the OS over the years,” Sullivan writes. “Major thematic changes seem to arrive slowly on the Mac. For instance, Siri was introduced in the iPhone back in 2011, and it took until 2016 to arrive on the Mac. Newly announced features tend to look cool in the demos but ultimately don’t help my day-to-day productivity very much… To me, macOS has lately offered precious little to get excited about.”

“I began to feel differently when I saw Apple software vice president Craig Federighi introduce the new macOS [Mojave] last week at the company’s annual developer conference,” Sullivan writes. “His demo was convincing: I got that ‘ooh I want that’ several times as I saw new productivity features I could imagine myself actually using. In terms of practical, useful new features, I would argue macOS Mojave even outshined iOS 12 during Apple’s WWDC demos… I sensed some envelope pushing going on around this year’s macOS, and that can only be good. Mojave may not have been the most important OS refresh – that was reserved for iOS – but it may have been the most ambitious.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: We want Mojave on all of our Macs for the Finder improvements alone!

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