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5 things Apple has to do to win with Macs this fall

“While it wasn’t a surprise, the lack of any Mac hardware updates at last week’s Apple WWDC conference still disappointed potential MacBook, iMac and Mac Pro shoppers, many of whom have been waiting patiently for the company to release radically updated versions of some systems and correct long-standing problems with others,” Dan Ackerman writes for CNET.

MacDailyNews Take: WWDC is a software developers’ conference.

“Mac Pro fans had already girded themselves for a long wait: Apple had previously confirmed that the replacement for the infamous, aging trashcan Mac wouldn’t arrive until sometime in 2019. But the desire for replacements for the more mainstream Mac lines is even more acute,” Ackerman writes. “The MacBook and MacBook Pro family is suffering from a surge of keyboard issues owing to its seemingly fragile butterfly keyboard design.”

“There’s still just over 6 months left in 2018, and plenty of time for Mac updates and new products to appear. Last year’s WWDC hosted a wide range of computer updates, mostly to internal components, but a fall launch for new MacBooks or Mac desktops would easily make up for the lack of hardware at WWDC 2018,” Ackerman writes. “But a straight-up “specs bump” with new Intel chips won’t cut it: Apple needs to address some key issues with the Mac.”

5 things Apple has to do to win with Macs this fall
• Hit reset on super-flat MacBook keyboards
• Make the Touch Bar truly optional
• Take care of true Pro desktop users
• Give us the MacBook Air update we’ve been asking for
• Just one more port

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: We very much like the idea of Apple giving a sneak peek at the next-gen Mac Pro, showing what’s inside it and how much it will cost so that pro Mac users can decide if they want to wait for the 2019 modular Mac Pro, go with the iMac Pro, or *gulp* leave the platform altogether.

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