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Microsoft executive: Apple ‘doing their customers a disservice with old tech’

“It’s not easy when you’re 40. You can’t keep up with things the way you used to,” Chris Matyszczyk reports for CNET. “You start to peddle old ideas instead of new ones. This, perhaps, is at the core of criticisms leveled on occasion at Apple.”

“Oddly, the latest comes from Microsoft’s general manager of the Surface line, Brian Hall,” Matyszczyk reports. “In a tweet on Thursday that sounded in equal parts exasperated and bemused, he said: ‘I compete with Apple and respect them. but they ARE doing their customers a disservice at times with old tech…'”

“Perhaps that’s a symptom of the expectations that Apple has engendered across its whole product line,” Matyszczyk reports. “Perhaps we humans should just chill a little and let Apple do its thing. Or perhaps Apple is slowly weaning us off certain sorts of computers altogether.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take:

Microsoft’s Brian Hall
Microsoft’s recently completed quarterly Surface (Surface Pro, Surface Book, Surface Hub) revenue: $965 million versus Apple’s latest quarterly Macintosh revenue: $5.239 billion.

We used the Mac figures for Apple because we assume that even Hall, despite his place of employment, isn’t stupid enough to be calling iPad “old tech,” since Apple’s A-series mobile processors are unparalleled and he dreams that he had access to them after he closes his iPad Pro before retiring every night.

Hey, Brian, here’s an idea: Worry about your Surface’s crappy batteries instead.

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