Analyst: Apple Watch to offer 4GB storage, possible 8GB version, and 512MB of RAM

“Apple was light on technical specifications in announcing its forthcoming Watch earlier this month, but one analyst has checked with the company’s supply chain to find component makers expect the final shipping product to include 512 megabytes of RAM, and a ‘mainstream version’ with 4 gigabytes of internal storage,” Neil Hughes reports for AppleInsider.

“The details were reported in a new research note to investors on Monday by Timothy Arcuri of Cowen and Company,” Hughes reports. “The note, which was provided to AppleInsider, claims that the 512 megabytes of mobile DRAM will likely be supplied by Samsung, Hynix and Micron.”

“As for the internal storage, Arcuri believes Apple may offer an 8-gigabyte version of the Watch in addition to the standard 4-gigabyte version,” Hughes reports, “but he said the larger-capacity option will not likely be the default configuration.”

Read more in the full article here.


  1. Apple did show they created a brand new Computer On A Chip and it will be unlike AAPL to create 2 different memory options chips.

    Also, this is version one of the products and most people will go for the lighter sports version. This is the start of wearable technology. It will really really pickup once we get wireless charging so you do not have to take it off your wrist. I think we will get wireless charging across the range in 2 years aka iPhone 7 timeline.

  2. As long as all that extra stuff doesn’t put a dent in battery life I can accept it. I just know I want the best battery life possible and if I have to pass on some bells and whistles, I’m OK with that.

    I’m practicing taking my watch off before I go to bed so when I get the AppleWatch I’ll be somewhat trained to automatically charge it. Normally, I would never take off my Casio G-Shock Solar because I’d forget it was on my wrist. That’s a real bummer to have one watch that never needs charging then get a watch I need to charge every night.

  3. They already have way too many to pick from (and none of which I really like all that much, but will have to settle for one I suppose). Adding more storage sizes is just going to create too many different options to keep on hand. They would have to double the back room shelve space to have this many damn watch options.

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