Apple to hold iPhone special event on September 9th

“Apple has scheduled a big media event for Tuesday, Sept. 9 — a date to which Apple numerologists will strain to attribute significance,” John Paczkowski reports for Re/code.

“As with September events past, the focal point of this one is to be Apple’s next-generation iPhones, which are expected to feature larger displays of 4.7 and 5.5 inches and run speedy new A8 processors,” Paczkowski reports. “Apple declined comment.”

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: 9/9. Chisel it in stone! Just over one excruciating month to go!


    1. Working in an Apple retail environment , I need to separate fact from fiction, I count on MDN to help me do so. I’d very much appreciate if MDN could preface rumors with Rumor: in the title.

      1. Quit reading this site if you want to separate fact from fiction. Tell me, what will you do once you’ve separated the fact from fiction? Because the fiction is going to be much greater than the facts.

        1. This site would be pretty boring if I we talked about were the facts. It’s been MDN common practice for years to put Rumor: in the title if the article was a rumor.

          This article was presented as fact. Even if accurate it’s still a rumor. There’s a big difference.

          Oh… and what I do after I’ve “separated the fact from fiction” is consult my clients, so they can make educated purchase decisions. Even though I enjoy it, reading news and rumor sites isn’t fun and games for all of us.

  1. So, now we know when Samsung and Microsoft will make their product announcements – the week before Sept 9. Let the FUD begin!
    Alas, Cyber Monday sales fall on Dec 1 this year.

  2. So for the next month we will be extremely barraged with Samdung & Microsloth advertisements about “the next big thing” all the while showing & mentioning Apple products by name thereby giving free advertisement to Apple.

  3. During the reveal a cool one last thing would be, “And we will begin taking online orders on the count of three. READY?!? One, Two, Threeeee!!!!”

    It would be fun to see the shorts fry.

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