Wallpapers and iOS 7: A big pain in the parallax

“Yesterday I released my first set of wallpapers, and the response has been quite gratifying,” Chuq Von Rospach writes. “I want to say thanks to those of you who’ve been downloading them and passing along the new images. But that said, the release of the images was about a week later than I’d originally hoped, and to be honest, I’m not entirely happy with the wallpapers for the IOS devices, especially the tablet. Apple’s made generating wallpapers for IOS 7 a fair pain in the parallax.”

“The way they implement the new parallax effect on their backgrounds is to scale an image to a larger size, and then as you swing your device up or down or side to side, shift the image around the screen a bit,” Von Rospach writes. “If you do what Apple’s done and build abstract backgrounds, that’s fine. There’s a long tradition of subject-oriented wallpapers, though, and the way Apple’s built things in IOS7 ignores that use case completely, and creates a big case of heartburn for people trying to build it.”

“If you are a photographer building wallpapers out of your images, and one that’s trying to take some care about image quality, just having your images stretched by some unknown algorithm before display is going to cause you to reach for the Maalox. But it gets worse,” Von Rospach writes. “Those lost edges can be significant to the image. If you look at this image on your computer screen, and then install it on the IOS device and look at it, suddenly a non-trivial part of the image is gone. The framing and composition that a photographer probably did in creating that image is damaged.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Chuq’s all worried about “framing and composition” of images that, he seems to forget, as wallpaper will have text and/or icons splattered all over them.


  1. Not to mention, parralax doesnt even work well! It is glitchy and not even smooth. I dont know if its cause Steve Jobs is gone or what, bit Apple products have just begun to start to suck and its the details why I went to apple and its the details that I will leave and not buy apple eventually. I also have had three ipad minis that all have screen retention issues, why should I pay a premium for apple again?

    On another note, I have a iMac from 2006 that Ive updated with more memory and the latest operating system and all updates and it is almost unusable it is so slow, opening say photo viewer is a big task now, it never used to be like that. Ive been to the Apple store at least 10 times over the years and they always give the runaround and there is no going back to the old version OS or anything. I have a PC thats 15 years old that runs faster, how sad is that. bout done with you apple.

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